Clubs and organizations provide students an opportunity to engage with computing outside the classroom, whether to improve coding skills, form communities, or participate in outreach. We encourage you to get involved!

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Temple University's Student Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery brings computing to local students, develops CIS students' skills and links academia with the business world.

Association for Computing Machinery for Women (ACM-W)
ACM-W, the sister organization to ACM, focuses on empowering women in the IT/Computing industry through community, awareness, empowerment and mentorship.

STARS Computing Corps
STARS Computing Corps at Temple is a student-run organization with a mission to engage primary and secondary students throughout the Philadelphia School District in Computer Science related studies.

TU Dev
TU Dev is a community of designers, developers, hackers and makers. TU Dev attends multiple hackathons and hosts OwlHacks, Temple University's annual, student-organized hackathon.