2005 Publications (Jie
Journal Publications
J. Wu, F. Gao, Z. Li, and Y. Min, "Optimal and Reliable
Communication in Hypercubes Using Extended Safety Vectors," IEEE
Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 54, No. 3, Sept. 2005,
J. Wu and F. Dai, "Efficient Broadcasting with
Guaranteed Coverage in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE
Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 4, No. 3, May/June 2005,
J. Wu and Z. Jiang, "On
Constructing the Minimum Orthogonal Convex Polygon for the Fault-Tolerant Routing in 2-D Faulty
Meshes," IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 54, No. 3,
September 2005, 449-458.
C. Yang, X. Li, and J. Wu, "Dominating-Set-Based
Searching in Peer-to-Peer Networks," International Journal
of High Performance Computing and Networking, Vol. 3, No. 4,
December 2005, 205-210.
M. Ye, C. Li, G. H. Chen, and J. Wu, "EECS: An Energy Efficient
Clustering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks," International
Journal of Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, April
2005, 535-540.
F. Dai, Q. Dai, and J. Wu, "Power Efficient Routing Trees
for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks using Directional Antenna," Ad
Hoc Networks (Elsevier), Vol. 3, No. 5, September 2005,
B. Wu, J. Wu, E. B. Fernandez, M. Ilyas, and S. Magliveras, "Secure and Efficient Key
Management in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Journal of Network and
Computer Applications, 2005.
I. Jawhar and J. Wu, "QoS
Support in TDMA-based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Journal of
Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 20, No. 6, November 2005,
J. Wu and D. Wang, "Fault-tolerant and Deadlock-free
Routing in 2-D Meshes Using Rectilinear-Monotone Polygonal Fault
Blocks," International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and
Distributed Systems, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 2005, 99-111.
Wu and S. Yang, "Energy-Efficient Node
Scheduling Models in Sensor Networks with Adjustable Ranges,"
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol.
16, No. 1, 2005 3-17.
I. Jawhar and J. Wu, "Race-Free Resource allocation
for QoS Support in Wireless Networks," Ad Hoc & Sensor
Wireless Networks: An International Journal, Vol.1, No. 3, May
2005, 179-206.
Dai and J. Wu, "Computation of
Minimal Uniform Transmission Range in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks,"
Cluster Computing, Vol. 8, No. 2-3, July 2005, 127-133.
Wu and L. Sheng, "Deadlock-Free Multicasting in
Irregular Networks Using Prefix Routing," Journal of
Supercomputing, Vo. 31, No. 1, January 2005, 63-78.
Cardei and J. Wu, "Energy-Efficient Coverage
Problems in Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Networks," Journal of
Computer Communications on Sensor Networks, Vol. 29, No. 4, February
2006, 413-420.
M. Agarwal, J. H. Cho, L. X. Gao, and J. Wu, "Energy Efficient Broadcast in
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Hitch-Hiking," ACM/Kluwer
MONET (special issue on Energy Constraints and Lifetime
Performance in Wireless Sensor Networks), Vol. 10, No. 6, December
2005, 897-910.
Dai and J. Wu, "A Highly
Reliable Multi-Path Routing Scheme for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks,"
International Journal of Parallel Algorithms and Applications,
Vol. 20, No. 3-4, September 2005, 205-219.
Books and Book
Simplot-Ryl, I. Stojmenovic, and J.
Wu, "Energy-Efficient Backbone Construction, Broadcasting, and Area Coverage in Sensor Networks," Handbook of
Sensor Networks: Algorithms and Architectures, I. Stojmenovic (ed.), Wiley, 2005, pp. 343-379
Yang and J. Wu, "New
Technologies of Multicasting in MANET," Design and Analysis
of Wireless Networks, Y. Pan and Y. Xiao (eds.), Nova Science
Publishers, 2005
I. Jawhar and J. Wu, "Quality of Service Routing in
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Resource Management in Wireless
Networking, M. Cardei, and D. -Z. Du (eds.), Springer,
W. Lou and J. Wu,
"Localized Broadcasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using Neighbor Designating,"
Handbook of Mobile Computing, I. Maghoub and M. Ilyas (eds.),
CRC Press, 2005, 663-686.
Special Issue
Wu and M. Cardei, "Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor, Ad Hoc
Wireless, and Peer-to-Peer Networks," Special issue for Journal
of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2005.
Conference Proceedings
J. Wu and S. Yang,
"SMART: A Scan-Based
Movement Assisted Sensor Deployment Method in Wireless Sensor
Networks," Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, March 2005.
Li, X. Lu, and J. Wu, "Fission E: A
Scalable Constant Degree and Low Congestion DHT Scheme Based on Kautz
Graph," Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, March 2005.
Dai and J. Wu, "Efficient Broadcasting
in Ad Hoc Networks Using Directional Antennas," Proc. of IFIP
Networking 2005, May 2005, 499-510.
Dai and J. Wu, "On
Constructing k-Connected k-Dominating Set in Wireless Networks,"
Proc. of IEEE IPDPS, April 2005.
Dai and J. Wu, "Proactive Route
Maintenance in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," Proc. of IEEE
ICC, May 2005.
Yang, J. Wu, and J. Cao, "Connected k-Hop Clustering in Ad
Hoc Networks," International Conference on Parallel
Processing (ICPP), June 2005
Xiang, J. Sun, J. Wu, and K. Thulasiraman, "Fault-Tolerant Routing in
Meshes/Tori Using Planarly Constructed Fault Blocks,"
International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), June
2005, 373-380.
Li and J. Wu, "A Hybrid
Searching Scheme in Unstructured P2P Networks," International
Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), June 2005.
Jiang, J. Wu, and D. Wang, "A
New Fault Information Model for Fault-Tolerant Adaptive and Minimal
Routing in 3-D Meshes," Proc. of the Int'l. Conference on
Parallel Processing (ICPP), June 2005.
Lu, J. Wu, M. Cardei, and
M. Li, "Energy-Efficient Connected Coverage
of Discrete Targets in Wireless Sensor Networks," Proc. of
2005 International Conference on Computer Networks and Mobile
Computing (ICCNMC'05), 2005.
Jia, W. Tu, and J. Wu, "Hierarchical
MulticastTree Algorithms for Application
Layer Mesh Networks," Proc. of 2005 International Conference
on Computer Networks and Mobile Computing (ICCNMC'05), 2005.
(Received the best paper award.)
Huang and J. Wu, "A
Probabilistic Clustering Algorithm in Wireless Sensor
Networks," Proc.
of IEEE 62nd Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC),
Sept. 2005.
M. Cardei, J. Wu, M. Lu,
and M. O. Pervaiz, "Maximum Network Lifetime in Wireless
Sensor Networks with Adjustable Sensing Ranges," Proc. of
International Conference onWireless and Mobile
Computing, Networking and Communications(WiMob), Aug. 2005.
J. Wu, F. Dai, and S. Yang, "Iterative Local Solutions for
Connected Dominating Set in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks," Proc. of
the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor
Systems (MASS), Nov. 2005.
S. Yang, F. Dai, M. Cardei, and J. Wu, ''On Multiple Point Coverage in
Wireless Sensor Networks," Proc. of the 2nd IEEE
International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems
(MASS), Nov. 2005. (Received the best paper award.)
Li, M. Ye, G. Chen, J. Wu, "An
Energy-Efficient Unequal Clustering Mechanism for Wireless Sensor
Networks," Proc. of the 2nd IEEE International Conference
on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), Nov. 2005.
Dai and J. Wu, "View
Consistency for Reliable Topology Control in Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks," Proc. of IEEE Globecom, Nov. 2005.
Chen, Y. He, J. Cao, and J. Wu, "A Greedy Algorithm for
Capacity-Constrained Surrogate Placement in CDNs," Proc. of
IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing
(NPC'05), Dec. 2005.
Jawhar and J. Wu, "A Dynamic Range
Resource Reservation Protocol for QoS Support in Wireless
Networks," Proc. of the 3rd ACS/IEEE International Conference on
Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA-05), Jan. 2005.
X. Li and J. Wu, "Cluster-Based Intelligent Searching
in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks," Proc. of the 3rd
International Workshop on Mobile Distributed Computing (MDC'05)
(in conjunction with ICDCS 2005), June 2005, 642-645.
Fang, W. Jia, and J. Wu, "Available Bandwidth Detection with
Improved Transport Control Algorithm for Heterogeneous Networks,"
Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Mobile Distributed
Computing (MDC'05) (in conjunction with ICDCS 2005), June 2005,
Ye, C. F. Li, G. H. Chen, and J. Wu, "EECS: An Energy Efficient
Clustering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks," Proc. of the
IEEE International Workshop on Strategies for Energy Efficiency in Ad
Hoc and Sensor Networks(IWSEEASN'05), April 2004.
-J. Wang, J. Cao, L. F. Zhang, K. C. C. Chan, and J. Wu, "A Novel QoS Multicast Model in
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Proc. of the 7th Workshop on Advances
in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models (APDCM), (in
conjunction with IPDPS 2005), April 2005.
Wu, J. Wu, E. B. Fernandez, and S. Magliveras, "Secure and Efficient Key
Management in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Proc. of the 1st Int'l
Workshop on Systems and Network Security (SNS2005) (in conjunction
with IPDPS), April 2005.
Wu, M. Cardei, F. Dai, and S. Yang, "Extended Dominating Set
in Ad Hoc Networks Using Cooperative Communication," Proc. of
IFIP Networking 2005 (poster paper), June 2005.
Wang and J. Wu, "Label Routing
Protocol: A New Cross-Layer Protocol for Multi-Hop Wireless and Mobile
Networks," Prof. of the IEEE International Workshop on
Heterogeneous Multi-Hop Wireless and Mobile Networks (MHWMN'05),

Last update July 23, 2007