CIS2166 - Spring 2023 - Schedule

Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Section Topic Class date
3.1 Algorithm Jan. 17
3.2 Growth of Functions Jan. 19
3.3 Complexity of Algorithms Jan. 24
3.3 Complexity of Algorithms Jan. 26
5.1 Mathematical Induction Jan. 31
5.2 Strong Induction Feb. 2
5.3 Recursive Definition Feb. 7
5.4 Recursive Algorithms Feb. 9
10.1, 10.2 Intro to Graphs Feb. 14
10.3 Representing Graphs Feb. 16
10.4 Connectivity Feb. 21
10.6 Shortest Path Feb. 23
Review: Practice questions Feb. 28
  Review for Midterm Mar. 2
Midterm Exam (during recitation) Mar. 3
10.5 Euler and Hamilton Paths Mar. 14
Midterm Exam discussion Mar. 16
1.1-1.2 Systems of Linear Equations Mar. 21
1.3-1.4 Systems of Linear Equations Mar. 23
2.1-2.4 Matrix Arithmetic Mar. 28
2.4-2.7 Matrix Arithmetic Mar. 30
3.1-3.4 Operations on Matrices Apr. 4
4.1-4.2 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Apr. 6
4.2 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, EigenEx Apr. 11
5.1-5.2 Graphical Explorations of Vectors Apr. 13
PageRank notes, Google PageRank Apr. 18
PageRank notes, Google PageRank Apr. 20
Review: Practice questions Apr. 25
Review Apr. 27
Final Exam 10:30 - 12:30 May. 9