The Department of Computer and Information Sciences is committed to engaging and mentoring students to make their own contributions to computer science research. We offer several programs that provide opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in authentic research experiences that help to advance their technical skills beyond what is possible in a classroom and prepare them for future academic and career success.

NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduate Students (Summer)
Paid summer opportunities for undergraduates from across the U.S. to conduct research with CIS faculty in smart health, safety and well-being.

CST Undergraduate Research Program
Summer and academic year opportunities for CST students to conduct research with Temple faculty on the Main Campus and the Health Sciences Campus.

Temple University Diamond Research Scholars
Provides opportunities for Temple students to engage in a focused, mentored research or creative arts project during the summer and fall.

Independent Research Projects for Academic Credit
Provides CIS majors with opportunities to engage in a one-semester research experience with a CIS faculty member for academic credit.

Creative Arts, Research and Scholarship (CARAS)
Provides a funding opportunity to encourage and support undergraduate students engaged in scholarly, creative and research projects that contribute to advancing their field of study.