The CIS department maintains several computing systems that support students and faculty. These systems include servers and workstations for instruction, learning and research. In addition, there are numerous university computing resources available.
Student Computer Labs
The department has 4 dedicated student computing laboratories that are equipped to support laboratory sessions of CIS courses, as well as instructional demonstrations, software development practice, student research, and student projects. Labs are equipped with workstations that can accomodate a variety of computing tasks and include ample memory and storage, high-end graphics, and large screens. Labs are located on the 2nd floor of the Science Education and Research Center (SERC) and on the first floor of the BioLife building.

Owl’s Nest HPC Cluster
The College of Science and Technology (CST) at Temple provides computing resources for use by faculty and students in the College.
There are 3 clusters available:
- Owl’s Nest, which provides job scheduling and a variety of types of computing nodes
- Compute, which serves as a sandbox for interactive testing; and
- Machine Learning, which provides GPU computing, including access to an NVIDIA DGX system.
Temple University TECH Center
The TECH Center is Temple’s state-of-the-art computer facility with more than 700 workstations and specialty labs for graphics, audio and video processing, large scale and 3-D printing and more.
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