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POFP Programming

Each POFP (Passive Object Flow Programming) program has an explicit input and output definition. The inter-program communication is via passive objects. A parallel application can consist of many POFP programs interconnected via many passive objects.

The development steps are as follows:

a) Build stateless binaries. This requires composing the source program and compiling the source program with the Synergy object library. The finished binaries must be copied to your $HOME/bin directory.

b) Parallel program synthesis. This requires a specification of program-to-program communication and synchronization graph. This specification links the stateles binaries together and instructs the Synergy runtime system to dynamically generate passive object agents.

c) Run. The program synthesis information is mapped on to the selected active processors. Dynamic IPC agents are generated. 

Parallel Program Development

Each POFP program can be coded in any convenient programming language provided each must use Synergy API for inter-process communication and synchronization.

Current Synergy API support three passive object types: tuple space, pipe and file. The detailed operations of for each of these object types are listed below.

a) Tuple Space object.

It inserts a tuple from "buffer" into "tsid" of "buffer_size" bytes. The tuple name is defined in "tuple_name". The execution status is returned in "status" (status < 0 means failure).

tsid=cnf_open ("name",0); It opens an object by given "name" and returns an integer handler "tsid" for subsequent operations.
length=cnf_tsread(tsid,tpname_var,buffer,switch); It reads a tuple with name filter in "tpname_var" into "buffer". The length of a read tuple is returned to "length" and the name of a read tuple is stored in "tpname_var". When "switch" = 0 it performs blocking read. A -1 switch value instructs a non-blocking read.
length=cnf_tsget(tsid, tpname_var,buffer,switch); It reads a tuple with name filer in "tpname_var" into "buffer" and deletes the read tuple from object "tsid". The length of the read tuple is returned to "length" and the name of the read tuple is stored in "tpname_var". When "switch" = 0 it performs blocking get. A -1 switch value instructs non-blocking get.
status=cnf_tsput(tsid, "tuple_name",buffer,buffer_size) ;
cnf_close(tsid); It closes an object "tsid".

b) Pipe objects.

ppid=cnf_open("name",0); It opens an object of a given "name". The type of the object is determined by the synthesis level. "ppid" is the integer handler for all subsequent operations.
status=cnf_read(ppid, buffer, size); It reads "size" bytes of the content in the pipe ("ppid") into "buffer". Status < 0 reports a failure. It blocks if pipe is empty.
cnf_write(ppid, buffer, size); It writes "size" bytes from "buffer" to "ppid". Status < 0 is a failure.
cnf_close(ppid); It closes the pipe object.

c) File objects(sequential).

fid=cnf_open("name",mode); It opens a file object with "name" and mode ("r", "w", "a", "r+", "w+"). The function returns an integer file handler for subsequent accesses. The rest of the file operations assume identical semantics as normal Unix file operations.
cnf_fgets(fid, buffer)
cnf_fputs(fid, buffer)
cnf_fgetc(fid, buffer)
cnf_fputc(fid, buffer)
cnf_fseek(fid, pos, offset)
cnf_fread(fid, buffer, size, nitems)
cnf_fwrite(fid, buffer, size, nitems)

d) Program termination

cnf_term(); This call closes all objects that are not closed at this point and exists the caller.

e) Load balancing

number=cnf_getf(); This call returns the f value (0<f<=100) for load balancing control (see later section) as defined in the factor=number clause in the CSL specification.
number=cnf_getP(); This call returns the number of parallel SIMD processors at runtime.
number=cnf_gett(); This call returns the threshold (cut-off) value as specified in the threhold=number clause in the CSL specification.

Note that all object calls become effective only after at least one cnf_open call. This is because that the first cnf_open initializes the caller's IPC pattern. This pattern is used in all subsequent operations throughout the caller's lifetime.

Notes on Tuple Space Programming

Although tuple space objects can be used for many other purposes, this section only illustrates its use for coarse grain SIMD programming. The Synergy tuple space object differs from Linda's [2] (and Piranha's [3]) tuple space in the following:

Unique tuples names. Synergy tuple space objects hold only unique tuples. Writing to the same named tuple implies erasing the previous content.
FIFO ordering. Synergy tuples are stored and retrieved in an implicit First-In-First-Out order. The FIFO ordering simplifies the SIMD termination control protocol (explained in the SIMD Termination Control section).
Local naming convention. Tuple space names and tuple names are all local to an application. Multiple parallel applications can use the same tuple space name or tuple names without interference.

Note that the cnf_tsread and cnf_tsget calls do not require a buffer length but a tuple name variable. The actual length of a retrieved tuple is returned after the call. The tuple name variable is over-written by the retrieved tuple's name.

A coarse grain SIMD normally consists of one master and one SIMD worker which will be running on many hosts employing two tuple space objects. Figure 2 illustrates its typical software configuration.






Figure 2. Coarse Grain SIMD Using Tuple Space Objects

Figure 2 is typically described by the following configuration file:

Configuration: Example;

m: Master
     ->f: TS1 (type = ts)
     ->m: Worker (type = slave)
     ->f: TS2 (type = ts)
     ->m: Master;

The above file will be used to dynamically configure available processors for the given application.

Note that the symbols used in the configuration file (with .csl extension) MUST match exactly with the parallel binaries (such as Master and Worker) and tuple space open statements (such as "TS1" and "TS2").

Following is a sample sequence of tuple space object "get" (or "read") operation:

tsd = cnf_open("TS1", 0); /* Open a tuple space object */
. . .
strcpy(tpname,"*"); /* Define a tuple name */
length = cnf_tsget( tsd, tpname, buffer, 0 );
/* Get a tuple. Block, if non-existent. Actual tuple name returned in "tpname".
Retrieved tuple size is recorded in "length". */
/* Unpacking */
. . .

A typical tuple insertion sequence is as follows.

tsd = cnf_open("TS1", 0);

/* Packing . . . */

/* Send to object */
sprintf(tpname,"result%d",x); /* Making a unique tuple name */
tplength = 8*XRES;
if ( ( status = cnf_tsput( tsd, tpname, column, tplength ) ) < 0 ) {
     printf(" Cnf_tsput ERROR at: %s ", tpname );

SIMD Termination Control

In a coarse grain SIMD cluster, the master normally distributes the work tuples to one tuple space object (TS1) then waits for results from another tuple space object (TS2, see program frclnt in the Examples section). The stateless workers are distributed to many computers to speed up the processing. They receive "anonymous" work tuples from TS1 and return the uniquely named results to TS2. They must be informed of the end of work tuples to avoid endless wait. Using FIFO tuples, we can use sentinel to represent the ending. Upon receiving the sentinel, the worker re-inserts the sentinel to the space and then exits itself (see program frwrk in Examples section). This way all other workers will exit gracefully leaving the sentinel the only tuple in the space.

In an un-ordered tuple space (such as Linda), one needs a counter to record how many working tuple are left. Reading the counter tuples and the working tuples effectively doubles the communication overhead since in most communication systems, creating a session has a larger overhead than pure data transmission.

Load Balancing

Graceful termination of parallel programs does not guarantee a synchronized ending. We found that synchronization penalty is far more significant than commonly feared communication overhead. In an Ethernet (at most 1 megabytes per second) environment, the communication costs per transaction is normally in seconds while the synchronization points can run into minutes.

Synchronizing the termination points of all components is the classic "load balancing problem". Load imbalance is caused by two factors: a) heterogeneous computing and communication powers; and b) varying amount of work load embedded in the distributed work tuples.

The "load balancing hypothesis" is that we can minimize the wait if we can somehow calculate and place the "right" amount work in each work tuple. The work tuple assignment for networked computers and loop scheduling for vector processors are technically the same problem.

Theoretically, ignoring the communication overhead, we can minimize the waiting time if we distribute the work in the smallest possible unit (say one loop instance per tuple). "Load balancing" should be achieved because the fast computers will automatically fetch more tuples than the slower ones. Considering the communication overhead, however, finding the optimal granularity becomes a non-linear optimization problem [10]. We looked for heuristics. Here we present the results of our studies with the following algorithms:

· Fixed chunking. Each tuple (work batch) contains the same work size measured by data items. Analysis and experiments showed that the optimal performance, assuming all data items carry the same work load, can be achieved if the work size is , where N is the total number of data items to be computed, Pi is the estimated processing power measured in relative index values[10] and P is the number of parallel workers.

For example, if N=1000, Pi=1 (all processors of equal power), P=10, the optimal tuple size is 100.

Since the measures of Pi's are never accurate, it is difficult to approach the optimal using this algorithm without practical experiments.

· Guided Self-Scheduling [7]. Assuming there are N data items to be computed and P parallel workers, GSS tuple sizes are calculated according to the following algorithm:
R0 = N. /* Ri: ith remaining size */
Gi = Ri/P = ((1-1/P)i * N/P). /* Gi: ith tuple size */
Ri+1 = Ri - Gi.
Until Ri = 1.

For example, if N=1000, P=2, we have tuples of the following sizes:


GSS puts too much work in the beginning. It performs poorly when employing processors with large capacity differences or computing problems with large computing density variances between repetitions [8,9].

· Factoring [8]. Assuming there are P parallel workers, a threshold t>0 and a real value (0<f<=1), the factored tuple sizes are calculated as follows:
R0 = N.
Gi = Ri * f / P
Ri+1 = Ri - (P*Gi)
until Ri < t.

For example, if N=1000, P=2, f=0.5, t=1, we have the following tuple sizes:


Since different program input can significantly change the work distribution using the same tuple size calculation algorithm, the presence of a "knob" (0<f<=1), gives the programs much latitude to adapt to both input and resource status changes [12].

From our experiences, it seems that fixed chunking can always beat others after careful tuning. This is especially true for fluctuating environments. Synergy V3.0 supports the specification of factor(f) and threshold(t) values at application configuration time. Thus one can tune a parallel application without re-compiling the entire system. Note that the number of processors in a run is calculated automatically by the system.

Synergy Application Programming Interface (API)

Tuple space:

cnf_open Each opened object has an integer handler as return.
cnf_tsput  Insert a tuple into an openned tuple space object.
cnf_tsget  Read a tuple and erase its presence in the object.
cnf_tsread  Read a tuple without erasing it.
cnf_close  Close an object.

Pipe(message queue):

cnf_read  Receive from a pipe. Block if empty.
cnf_write  Send to a pipe.


cnf_fread   (All operations are identical to normal Unix file operations).


Copyright @1995-2005 Temple University.
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Last updated: October 15, 2001.