Source Code
based on
Qi Jia, Zheng Jun Li, Xin Fan, Haotian Zhao, Shiyu Teng,
Xinchen Ye, and Longin Jan Latecki. Leveraging Line-point
Consistence to Preserve Structures for Wide Parallax Image
Stitching. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR), Virtual, June 2021. (AR=23.4%)
Demo Video
Local Search for Maximum Weight Cliques
based on
Cong Rao, Yi Fan, Kaile Su and Longin Jan Latecki. Common Object
Discovery as Local Search for Maximum Weight Cliques in a Global Object Similarity Graph.
21st Int. Conf. on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI), March 2019.
Diffusion Process
based on
Song Bai, Xiang Bai, Qi Tian, and Longin Jan Latecki. Regularized
Diffusion Process on Bidirectional Context for Object Retrieval.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI),
Vol. 41, Issue 5, pp. 1213-1226, May 2019.
Ensemble Diffusion for Retrieval
based on
Song Bai, Zhichao Zhou, Jingdong Wang, Xiang Bai, Longin Jan Latecki,
and Qi Tian. Ensemble Diffusion for Retrieval. IEEE Int.
Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV), Venice, Italy, October 2017.
(oral presentation, AR=2.1%)
Affinity Learning
code for the experiments on Acute Inflammations data set
based on
Nan Li and Longin Jan Latecki.
Affinity Learning for Mixed Data Clustering. Int. Joint Conf. on
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Melbourne, August 2017.
GIFT: 3D Shape Retrieval
based on
Song Bai, Xiang Bai, Zhichao Zhou, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Qi Tian, Longin Jan Latecki.
GIFT: Towards Scalable 3D Shape Retrieval. IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Vol. 19, Issue 6, pp. 1257-1271, June 2017.
- Project Page for Amodal
Detection of 3D Objects in RGB-D Images
based on
Zhuo Deng and Longin Jan Latecki. Amodal Detection of 3D Objects:
Inferring 3D Bounding Boxes from 2D Ones in RGB-Depth Images.
IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Honolulu, July 2017.
Object Proposal Code
based on
Zhuo Dang, Sinisa Todorovic, and Longin Jan Latecki. Unsupervised Object Region
Proposals for RGB-D Indoor Scenes. Computer Vision and Image
Understanding, to appear.
Multi-view Diffusion
based on
Le Shu and Longin Jan Latecki. Integration of Single-view Graphs with Diffusion
of Tensor Product Graphs for Multi-view Spectral Clustering. Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML), Hong Kong, November 2015.
Domain Adaptation with Affinity Learning
based on
Le Shu and Longin Jan Latecki. Transductive Domain Adaptation with Affinity
Learning. 24th ACM Int. Conf. on Information and Knowledge
Management (CIKM), Melbourne, Australia, October 2015.
SMC for Maximum Weight Subgraphs
based on
Nagesh Adluru, Xingwei Yang, Longin Jan Latecki. Sequential Monte Carlo for
Maximum Weight Subgraphs with Application to Solving Image Jigsaw Puzzles.
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV),
Vol. 112, Issue 3, pp. 319-341, April 2015.
Dense Subgraph Partition
based on
Hairong Liu, Longin Jan Latecki, and Shuicheng Yan. Dense
Subgraph Partition of Positive Hypergraph. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Vol. 37, Issue 3, pp. 541-554, March 2015.
- Bag of Contour Fragments
based on
Xinggang Wang, Bin Feng, Xiang Bai, Wenyu Liu, and Longin Jan
Latecki. Bag of Contour Fragments for Robust Shape Classification.
Pattern Recognition, Vol. 47, Issue 6, June 2014.
Dense Subgraph Detection
based on
Hairong Liu, Longin Jan Latecki, and Shuicheng Yan. Fast Detection
of Dense Subgraphs with Iterative Shrinking and Expansion. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI),
vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 2131-2142, September 2013.
Tensor Graph Diffusion
based on
Xingwei Yang and Longin Jan Latecki. Affinity Learning on a
Tensor Product Graph with Applications to Shape and Image
Retrieval. CVPR 2011.
and on
Xingwei Yang, Lakshman Prasad, and Longin Jan Latecki. Affinity
Learning with Diffusion on Tensor Product Graph. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI),
Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 28-38, 2013.
Fan Shape
based on
Xinggang Wang, Xiang Bai, Tianyang Ma, Wenyu Liu and Longin Jan Latecki.
Fan Shape Model for Object Detection. CVPR 2012.
Feature Selection
based on
Le Shu, Tianyang Ma, and Longin Jan Latecki. Stable Feature Selection with
Minimal Independent Dominating Sets. ACM Conf. on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Informatics (ACM BCB),
September 2013.
Shape Matching with Height Functions
based on
Junwei Wang, Xiang Bai, Xinge You, Wenyu Liu, Longin Jan Latecki.
Shape Matching and Classification Using Height Functions. Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL), Vol. 33(2), pp. 134-143, January 2012.
Inserting Ghost Points
based on
Suzan Koknar-Tezel and Longin Jan Latecki. Improving SVM Classification on
Imbalanced Time Series Data Sets with Ghost Points. Knowledge and Information Systems. An International Journal,
Vol. 28, Issue 1, pp. 1-23, 2011.
- Active Skeleton
based on
Xiang Bai, Xinggang Wang, Longin Jan Latecki, Wenyu Liu, and Zhuowen Tu. Active Skeleton for Non-rigid Object Detection.
ICCV 2009.
Optimal Subsequence Bijection (OSB): Matlab and C functions for
matching two time series (sequences of real numbers)
based on
L. J. Latecki, Q. Wang, S. Koknar-Tezel, and V. Megalooikonomou.
Optimal Subsequence Bijection. IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Mining
(ICDM) 2007.
- Skelton Pruning
based on
X. Bai, L. J. Latecki, and W.-Y. Liu.
Skeleton Pruning by Contour Partitioning with Discrete Curve Evolution.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI)
29(3), pp. 449-462, 2007.
- Software for Image Retrieval
and Test Images
based on
L. J. Latecki, V. Rajagopal, and A. Gross. Image retrieval and reversible illumination normalization.
SPIE Conf. Internet Imaging VI 2005.
- Discrete Curve Evolution (the main
file is evo3.m)
based on
L. J. Latecki and R. Lakaemper: Convexity Rule for
Shape Decomposition Based on Discrete Contour Evolution. Computer
Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU) 73, 441-454, 1999.