Wireless Networking and Sensing Lab (Wang Lab)

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The Wireless Networking and Sensing Lab (Wang Lab) in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Temple University focuses on research that advances the way that people, devices and applications interact in emerging wireless networking, smart sensing, distributed computing, and artificial intelligence. Wang Lab was established in the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte) in 2004. Previously, it was part of the Networking Research Lab and then became the Wireless Networking and Sensing (WiNS) Lab at UNC Charlotte. In 2019, the lab was moved to Temple University and renamed as Wang Lab. Its research has been continuously funded by National Science Foundation, Department of Transportation, Microsoft, and Oak Ridge Associated Universities.


2024-12-5 Congratulations to Jiyao for winning the 2024 Award for Outstanding Research by a Graduate Student of the College of Science and Technology!
2024-4-1 Congratulations to Jiyao for for winning the CIS Outstanding Graduate Research Assistant Award!
2023-8-1 Congratulations to Xinliang for starting as an assistant professor at Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China!
2023-8-1 Congratulations to Jiyao for accepting an internship offer from the Toyato Info Tech Labs!
2023-4-20 Congratulations to Xinliang for successfully defensing his dissertation and winning the Scott Hibbs Future of Computing Award this year!
2022-12-2 Congratulations to Yetong, Zhiyuan and other co-authors for two InfoCom 2023 papers!
2022-11-7 Congratulations to Xinliang for winning the 2022 Award for Outstanding Research by a Graduate Student of the College of Science and Technology!
2022-7-15 Congratulations to Bivor for successfully passing his dissertation defense!
2021-12-3 Congratulations to Yadong and other co-authors for InfoCom 2022 paper!
2021-8-6 Congratulations to Yetong and other co-authors for Mobicom 2021 paper!
2021-7-5 Congratulations to Xinliang for publishing his research on data placement in IEEE TCC.
2021-6-1 Welcome Jiyao and Xuezhang join our lab!
2021-5-6 Congratulations to Xinliang for accepting a summer internship offer from the AT&T Labs Internship Program!
2021-3-28 Congratulations to Wei and other co-authors! Our paper on stream-based online deep learning was accepted by IEEE TPDS.
2020-12-28 Congratulations to Yue and Yadong and other co-authors! Two of our papers were accepted by IEEE TMC.
2020-12-4 Congratulations to Yetong, Yadong and other co-authors! Three of our papers were accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2021.
2020-08-31 Our collaborative research project "AirEdge: Robust Airborne Wireless Edge Computing Network using Swarming UAVs" with Tao and Pu has been selected for funding by NSF.
2020-08-26 Congratulations to Ting and other co-authors! Our paper was accepted by IEEE TNSE.
2020-07-06 Congratulations to Huijie, Matt and other co-authors! Our paper was accepted by ACM IMWUT and Ubicomp 2020.


Our research is broadly related to networking, sensing and computing.

