News! [July 2024] Our paper has been accepted by ECCV 2024: "Clean & Compact: Efficient Data-Free Backdoor Defense with Model Compactness".
News! [May 2024] Our paper has been accepted by ACM CCS 2024: "SAFARI: Speech-Associated Facial Authentication for AR/VR Settings via Robust VIbration Signatures".
News! [May 2024] Our paper has been accepted by IEEE ICCCN 2024: "CasePad: Privacy-preserving Finger Activity Sensing via Passive Acoustic Signals Enhanced by Mini-Structures in Smartphone Cases".
News! [March 2024] Our paper has been accepted by ACM MobiSys 2024: "TouchTone: Smartwatch Privacy Protection via Unobtrusive Finger Touch Gestures".
News! [March 2024] Dr. Wang is recognized as the 2024 Most Influential Scholar Award Honorable Mention for outstanding and vibrant contributions to the field of Computer Networking between 2014 and 2023. [Research Profile]
News! [January 2024] Our papers have been accepted by ACM MobiCom 2024: "Inaudible Backdoor Attack via Stealthy Frequency Trigger Injection in Audio Spectrogram" and "Practical Adversarial Attack on WiFi Sensing Through Unnoticeable Communication Packet Perturbation".
News! [January 2024] Dr. Wang serves as the Associate Editor, Transactions on Information Forensics & Security (T-IFS). Please consider submitting your papers to T-IFS.
News! [December 2023] Dr. Wang serves as the Track Co-Chair of Security, Privacy, and Trust in Distributed Systems, IEEE ICDCS 2024. Please consider submitting your papers to ICDCS 2024.
News! [Award] [September 2023] NSF awarded Dr. Wang's project on "Efficient and Robust Multi-model Data Analytics for Edge Computing".
News! [August 2023] Our paper has been accepted by ACM CCS 2023: "FaceReader: Unobtrusively Mining Vital Signs and Vital Sign Embedded Sensitive Info via AR/VR Motion Sensors".
News! [July 2023] Our paper has been accepted by ACM MobiHoc 2023: "EarCase: Sound Source Localization Leveraging Mini Acoustic Structure Equipped Phone Cases for Hearing-challenged People".
News! [June 2023] Dr. Wang serves as the Workshop Co-Chair of ACM MobiCom 2024. Please consider submitting your proposal of workshop or tutorial to MobiCom 2024!.
News! [May 2023] Dr. Wang serves as the Local Arrangement Co-Chair of IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2024. Please consider submitting your proposal of workshop or tutorial to MobiCom 2024!.
[April 2023] Our paper has been accepted by IEEE ICDCS 2023: "EmoLeak: Smartphone Motions Reveal Emotions".
[April 2023] Our paper has been accepted by IEEE ICCCN 2023: ""Stealthy Backdoor Attack on RF Signal Classification".
[March 2023] Our paper has been accepted by ACM ASIACCS 2023: "Secure and Efficient Mobile DNN Execution Using Trusted Execution Environments".
[February 2023] Our papers have been accepted by ACM MobiSys 2023: "BioCase: Privacy Protection via Acoustic Sensing of Finger Touches on Smartphone Case Mini-Structures" and "Passive Vital Sign Monitoring via Facial Vibrations Leveraging AR/VR Headsets".
[February 2023] Our website for the NSF funded project "Nation-wide Community-based Mobile Edge Sensing and Computing Testbeds" has been launched at: https://data-website.github.io.
[January 2023] Dr. Wang is now the Co-Chair for the Security and Privacy Track of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS 2023). Please consider submitting your paper to IEEE MASS 2023!
[January 2023] Our paper is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2023: "Universal Targeted Adversarial Attacks Against mmWave-based Human Activity Recognition".
[September 2022] Our paper "Solving the WiFi Sensing Dilemma in Reality Leveraging Conformal Prediction" is accepted by ACM SenSys 2022
[August 2022] Welcome Zijie Tang to our lab.
[July 2022] Our paper "BioTag: Robust RFID-based Continuous User Verification Using Physiological Features from Respiration" is accepted by ACM MobiHoc 2022.
[July 2022] Our paper "RIBAC: Towards Robust and Imperceptible Backdoor Attack against Compact DNN" is accepted by ECCV 2022.
[June 2022] Our paper "Audio-domain Position-independent Backdoor Attack via Subsecond Triggers" is accepted by ACM MobiCom 2022.
[May 2022] Congratulations to Tianming Zhao on joining the Computer Science Department at the University of Dayton as a tenure track Assistant Professor.
[April 2022] Dr. Wang is recognized as the Most Influential Scholar Award Honorable Mention for outstanding and vibrant contributions to the field of Computer Networking in the past ten years (between 2020 and 2021). [Research Profile]
[March 2022] Dr. Wang serves as the Web Chair for the 19th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS 2022). Please consider submitting your work to MASS 2022!
[Award] [Feburary 2022] Dr. Wang receives the NSF CAREER Award on his project "Efficient Mobile Edge Oriented Deep Learning Framework".
[Feburary 2022] Dr. Wang is now the Technical Program Committee member for the 20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (ACM SenSys 2022). Please consider submitting your work to ACM SenSys 2022!
[January 2022] Dr. Wang is now the Technical Program Committee member for the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2022). Please consider submitting your work to IEEE ICDCS 2022!
[January 2022] Dr. Wang serves as the Poster Co-Chair for the 28th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking (ACM MobiCom 2022). Please consider submitting your work to ACM MobiCom 2022!
[2021] Dr. Wang serves as the TPC Vice Chair of IEEE INFOCOM 2022. Please submit your work and join us at IEEE INFOCOM 2022!
[Award] [2021] NSF awarded Yan's research project on "Nation-wide Community-based Mobile Edge Sensing and Computing Testbeds".
[August 2021] Welcome Zhengkun Ye to our lab.
[April 2021] Our paper on deep neural network optimization, "MIXP: Efficient Deep Neural Networks Pruning for Further FLOPs Compression via Neuron Bond" has been accepted to IJCNN 2021.
[April 2021] Yan is recognized as the Most Influential Scholar Award Honorable Mention for outstanding and vibrant contributions to the field of Computer Networking in the past ten years (between 2010 and 2020). [Research Profile] [Certificate]
Yan is the Guest Editors of the Special Issue "Authentication Mechanisms on Mobile and Wearable Devices" for the Journal of Surveillance, Security and Safety
[Feburary 2021] I am now the Technical Program Committee Co-Chair for the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (IEEE CNS 2021). Please submit your papers to CNS 2021 and join us virtually online.
[Feburary 2021] Yan joined the Topic Editorial Board of Sensors. Please submit your papers to Sensors.
[Feburary 2021] I am now the General Co-Chair for the 2nd International Workshop of Deep Learning for Wellbeing Applications Leveraging Mobile Devices and Edge Computing (HealthDL 2021). Please submit your papers to HealthDL 2021 and join us virtually online.
[September 2020] Our paper on voice command authentication using wearables, "WearID: Low-Effort Wearable-Assisted Authentication of Voice Commands via Cross-Domain Comparison without Training" has been accepted to ACSAC 2020 (Acceptance rate: 23.2%).
[Award] [2020] NSF awarded Yan's research project on "Hardware-accelerated Trustworthy Deep Neural Network".
[February, 2020] Our paper on user authentication using acoustic sensing, "EchoLock: Towards Low-effort Mobile User Identification Leveraging Structure-borne Echos" has been accepted to ACM AsiaCCS 2020 (Acceptance rate: 21.8%).
[February, 2020] I am now a designated reviewer on the editorial committee for the Inter Journal of Computing and Digital Systems'20 (IJCDS-2020).
[Janurary, 2020] I am now a reviewer for the the CISS symposium of IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2020).
[December, 2019] Our project on user authentication using wearable PPG sensors (TrueHeart) is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2020 (acceptance rate of 19.8%).
[December, 2019] Our project on video chat liveness detection leveraging skin reflection (LiveScreen) is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2020 (acceptance rate of 19.8%).
[December, 2019] Our project on user Verification via respiratory biometrics is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2020 (acceptance rate of 19.8%).
[October, 2019] Our demo of continuous user authentication using PPG in commodity wearable devices is presented at the 25th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 2019), Los Cabos, Mexico.
[Award] [2019] NSF awarded Yan's research project on "Software Hardware Architecture Co-design for Low-power Heterogeneous Edge Devices".
[May, 2019] Our paper "WristSpy: Snooping Passcodes in Mobile Payment Using Wrist-worn Wearables" has been accepted by IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2019), Paris, France.
[April, 2019] I am now the Technical Program Committee member for the IEEE annual conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IEEE INFOCOM 2020). Please join us in Beijing, China.
[January, 2019] I am now the Publication Chair and Web Chair for IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (IEEE DySPAN 2019). Please join us in Newark, New Jersey.
[December, 2018] I am now the Publication Chair for 12th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (ACM WiSec 2019). Please join us in Miami, Florida.
[October, 2018] Our posters about continuous authentication using cardiac characteristics and signal-turn based driver identification are presented in the 24th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 2018), New Delhi, India.
[May, 2018] Our WiFi-based security scanner project (led by Rutgers University) is hot on BBC news.
[May, 2018] I am now the Publication Co-chair for the 24th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 2018). Please join us in New Delhi, India.
[May, 2018] Our paper "Towards In-baggage Suspicious Object Detection Using Commodity WiFi" has received the Best Paper Award in the IEEE International Communications and Network Security (CNS 2018)
[March, 2018] I am now the Technical Program Committee member for the 24th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 2018). Please consider submitting your paper to it and join us in New Delhi, India.
[March, 2018] I am now the Technical Program Committee member for the IEEE annual conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IEEE INFOCOM 2019). Please join us in Paris, France.
[November, 2017] Our work in PPG-based finger-level gesture recognition has been accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2018.
[November, 2017] I am now the Technical Program Committee member for the sixth IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (IEEE CNS 2018). Please consider submitting your paper to it and join us in Beijing, China.
[October, 2017] I am now the Technical Program Committee member for the 27th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2018). Please consider submitting your paper to it.
[October, 2017] I am now the Technical Program Committee member for the 7th IEEE Annual International Workshop on Mission-Oriented Wireless Sensor and Cyber-Physical System Networking (IEEE MiSeNet 2018). It will be co-located with IEEE INFOCOM'18 at Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Please consider submitting your paper toit.
[August 2017] Our work of PIN leakage in wearable devices has been accepted by IEEE TMC.
[June, 2017] Our paper "Sensing Touches on Ubiquitous Surfaces through Vibration" has won the Best Paper award in the IEEE SECON 2017.
[March, 2017] I am now the Technical Program Committee member for the IEEE annual conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IEEE INFOCOM 2018). Please join us in Honolulu, HI, USA!
[March, 2017] Congratulations to my student, Pradeep Sai Uppula, whose excellent work (HandWashMonitor) has amazingly seized FOUR prizes in the HackBU 2017.
[March, 2017] Our paper "Sensing Touches on Ubiquitous Surfaces through Vibration" has been accepted to IEEE SECON 2017.
[February, 2017] Our paper "BigRoad: Scaling Massive Road Data Acquisition for Dependable Self-Driving" has been accepted to ACM MobiSys 2017.
I am now the Technical Program Committee member for the 2017 the 7th International Conference on Communication and Network Security (ICCNS 2017). Please join us in Tokyo, Japan!
[December, 2016] I am now the website chair and Technical Program Committee member for IEEE CNS 2017. Please join us in Las Vegas, NV, USA!
Our IoT security project (led by Stevens Institute of Technology) is hot in the media: IEEE Spectrum, PHYS.ORG, FORTUNE, ScienceDaily, Yahoo Tech, Stevens News, Binghamton News, etc.
Our wearable device based PIN detection paper "Friend or Foe? Your Wearable Devices Reveal Your Personal PIN" has received the Best Paper award in ACM AsiaCCS 2016. (Prof. Yingying Chen from the Stevens Institute of Technology is the lead researcher and the corresponding author of this paper.)
[Award] NSF awarded Yan's research project on "Ubiquitous Sensing based Location-aware Driving Safety System".
I am now the Technical Program Committee member for the IEEE annual conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IEEE INFOCOM 2017). Please join us in Atlanta, GA, USA!
Our wearable device based driver tracking paper "Leveraging Wearables for Steering and Driver Tracking" has been accepted by the IEEE annual conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IEEE INFOCOM 2016).
I am now the student travel grant co-chairs for the ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 2016). Please join us in New York, NY, USA!
I am now the website co-chair and Technical Program Committee member for the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (IEEE CNS 2016). Please join us in Philadelphia, PA, USA!
I am now the Technical Program Committee member for the International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC-16). Please join us in Quebec, Canada!