2006 Publications (Jie
Journal Publications
J. Wu, W. Lou, and F. Dai, "Extended Multipoint Relays to
Determine Connected Dominating Sets in MANETs," IEEE
Transactions on Computers, Vol. 55, No. 3, March 2006,
F. Dai and J. Wu, "Efficient Broadcasting in Ad Hoc
Networks Using Directional Antennas," IEEE Transactions on
Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 17, No. 4, April 2006,
M. Cardei, J. Wu, and S. Yang, "Topology Control in Ad
Hoc Wireless Networks using Cooperative Communication," IEEE
Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2006,
J. Wu and F. Dai, "Mobility-Sensitive
Topology Control in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and
Distributed Systems, Vol. 17, No. 6, June 2006, 522-535.
J. Wu, M. Cardei, F. Dai, and S. Yang, "Extended Dominating Set and Its
Applications in Ad Hoc Networks Using Cooperative
Communication," IEEE
Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 17, No. 8,
August 2006, 851-864.
J. Wu and F. Dai, "Virtual
Backbone Construction in MANETs using Adjustable Transmission
Ranges," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 5, No.
9, September 2006, 1188-1200.
F. Dai and J. Wu, "On
Constructing k-Connected k-Dominating Set in Wireless
Networks," Journal of Parallel and Distributed
Computing (JPDC), Vol. 66, No. 7, May 2006, 947-958.
Y. Wang and J. Wu, "Label Routing Protocol:
A New
Cross-layer Protocol for Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Wireless Networks,"
Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications. Vol.2,
No. 4, January 2006, 362-369.
Z. Jiang and J. Wu, "A
Limited-Global Information Model for Fault-Tolerant Routing in
Dual-Cubes," International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and
Distributed Systems, Vol. 21, No. 1, February 2006,
B. Roussev, J. Wu, and L. Liu, "Distributed Computing Using Java: A
Comparison of Two Server Designs," Journal of Systems
Architecture, Vol. 52, No. 7, July 2006,
S. Yang, F. Dai, M. Cardei, J. Wu, and F. Patterson, "On Connected
Multiple Point Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks,"
International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Vol. 13,
No. 4, October 2006, 289-301.
M. Cardei, J. Wu, and M. Lu, "Improving Network
Lifetime using Sensors with Adjustable Sensing Ranges,"
International Journal of Sensor Networks, Vol. 1, No. 1/2,
January 2006, 41-49.
Books and Book
Wu, Handbook of
Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects of Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Peer-to-Peer
Networks, Auerbach Publications, 2006. (Flyer) (Preface) (Part I: Ad Hoc Wireless
Networks) (Part II:
Sensor Networks) (Part III: Peer-to-Peer
Li and J. Wu, "Searching
Techniques in Peer-to-Peer Networks," Handbook of Theoretical
and Algorithmic Aspects of Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Peer-to-Peer
Networks, J. Wu (ed.), Auerbach Publications, 2006, 613 - 642.
Wu and F. Dai, "Mobility Control and
Its Applications in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Handbook of
Algorithms for Wireless Networking and Mobile Computing, A. Boukerche (ed.), Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006,
Conference Proceedings
Lu and J. Wu, "Social
Welfare-Based Routing in Ad Hoc Networks," Proc. of
International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP),
Cao, J. -L. Wang, and J. Wu, "Achieving Bounded Delay on
Message Delivery in Publish/Subscribe Systems," Proc. of the
2006 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP),
2006, 407-416.
Wu and S. Yang, "Optimal
Movement-Assisted Sensor Deployment and Its Extensions in Wireless
Sensor Networks," Proc. of 20th Int'l Conf. on Parallel and
Distributed Systems (ICPADS), 2006.
Zhang and J. Wu, "XYZ: A
Scalable, Partially Centralized Lookup Service for Large-Scale
Peer-to-Peer Systems," Proc. of 20th Int'l Conf. on Parallel and
Distributed Systems (ICPADS), 2006.
Lu, F. Li, and J. Wu, "Incentive Compatible Cost- and
Stability-Based Routing in Ad Hoc Networks," Proc. of 20th Int'l
Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), 2006,
Liu and J. Wu, "Position-based Routing using
Virtual Small World in MANETs," Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM, 2006.
Guo, J. Wu, H. Chen, and X. Luo, "Theory and Network
Applications of Dynamic Bloom Filters," Proc. of IEEE
INFOCOM, April 2006.
Wu and J. Wu, "k-Anycast
Routing Schemes for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Proc. of IEEE
IPDPS, April 2006.
Jawhar and J. Wu, "Resource
Allocation in Wireless Networks Using Directional Antennas,"
Proc. of IEEE PerCom, March 2006, 318-327.
Z. Shao, H. Jin, and J. Wu, "AR-TCP: Actively Replicated TCP Connections for Cluster of Workstations,"
Proc. of the 2006 Japan-China Joint Workshop on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology, 2006,
M. Ye, E. Chan, G.
Chen, and J. Wu, "Energy
Efficient Fractional Coverage Schemes for Low Cost Wireless Sensor
Networks," Proc. of WASN workshop, in conjunction with
IEEE ICDCS, 2006, 79.
Li, S. Zhong, and J. Wu, "Improve Searching by
Reinforcement Learning in Unstructured P2Ps," Proc. of
P2P/DAKS workshop, in conjunction with IEEE ICDCS, 2006,
Jiang, R. Kline, J. Wu, and F. Dai, "A Practical Method to Form Energy
Efficient Connected K-Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks,"
Proc. of WASN workshop, in conjunction with IEEE ICDCS,
Li and J. Wu, "A Probabilistic Voting-Based
Filtering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks," Proc. of IWCMC 2006 Computer and Network
Security Symposium, 2006, 27-32.
Jiang, J. Wu, and R. Kline, "Mobility Control with Local
Views of Neighborhood in Mobile Networks," Proc. of 2006
International Workshop on Networking, Architecture, and Storage,
2006, 9-14.
Li, J. Wu, and J. Xu, "Hint-Based Routing in WSNs Using
Scope Decay Bloom Filters," Proc. of 2006 International
Workshop on Networking, Architecture, and
Sum, K. Ho, and J. Wu, "Some
Analytical Results on a Localized Pruning Method for Connected
Dominating Sets in MANETs," Proc. of the 2nd International
Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks, 2006.
Srinivasan, J. Teitelbaum, and J. Wu, "DRBTS: Distributed Reputation-Based
Beacon Trust System," Proc. of the 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Dependable,
Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC'06), 2006.
Liu and J. Wu, "SWING: A Small
World Iterative Navigation Greedy Routing Protocol in MANETs,"
Proc. of IEEE ICCCN, 2006.
Yang, J. Wu, and F. Dai, "Localized Movement-Assisted Sensor
Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks," Proc. of the 1st Int'l
Workshop on Wireless Mesh Networks and Applications (WiMa) (in
conjunction with IEEE MASS'06), 2006.
Agarwal, R. Shankar, J. Wu, and M. Mustafa, "A
Deadlock Free Adaptive Routing Protocol for Network on Chip
Architecture Design Methodology," Proc. of the
4th IEEE Workshop on Embedded System and Real Time Multimedia,
October 2006.

Last update February 5th, 2009