Journal Publications
J. Wu, E. B. Fernandez,
and R. Zhang, "Some Extensions to the Lattice Model in Multilevel Computer Security, Computers and Security, 11, (4), 1992, 357-369.
J. Wu and
E. B. Fernandez, "Comparison Connection Assignments for Diagnosis of Multiprocessor
Systems Under a Two-Fault Assumption,'' Computer Systems Science and
Engineering, 7, (3), July 1992, 199-201.
J. Wu and
M. Petrie, "Cube-Connected-Cubes Networks,'' Microprocessing and
33, (5), 1992, 299-310.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
K. Huang
and J. Wu, "Optimal Fault-Tolerant Ring Networks,'' Congressus Numerantium,
91, Nov. 1992, 43-54.
Z. Li and
J. Wu, "A Novel Method of Function Decomposition,'' Congressus Numerantium,
90, Nov. 1992, 161-179.
J. Wu and
E. B. Fernandez, "Reliable broadcasting in faulty hypercube computers,'' Proc. of the
11th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, IEEE, Oct. 1992,
J. Wu and
E. B. Fernandez, "Broadcasting in Faulty Cube-Connected Cycles with
Minimum Recovery Time,'' Proc. of Parallel Processing: CONPAR92,
Lecture Notes in Comp. Science 634, Springer Verlag, 1992, 833-834.
K. Huang
and J. Wu, "Balanced Hypercubes,'' Proc. of the 1992 International
Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), August 1992, I-80-I-84.
J. Wu,
"Efficient Fault-Tolerant Nonredundant Broadcasting in Hypercube Multicomputers,''
Proc. of the 1992 International Conference on Parallel Processing
(ICPP), August 1992, III-23-III-36.
R. Zhang,
E. B. Fernandez, and J. Wu, "Parallel Processing in Robotics,'' Proc.
of the 2nd International Conference on Automation Technology, Taipei,
Taiwan, Vol. 3, July 1992, 47-53.
K. Venkatesh,
O. Masory, and J. Wu, "Simulation and Robot Scheduling of a Just- in-Time
Flexible Automated System Using Timed Petri Nets,'' Proc. of the 2nd
International Conference on Automation Technology, Vol. 4, July 1992,
J. M. Krull,
J. Wu, and A. M. Molina, "Evaluation of a Fault-Tolerant Distributed Broadcast Algorithm in Hypercube Multicomputers,''
Proc. of the 20th ACM Annual Computer Science Conference, March
Non-Refereed Publications
H. Zhuang,
J. Wu, and R. Sudhakar, "A Parallel Algorithm for Stereo Motion Estimation,''
Proc. of the 5th Annual Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics,
June 1992, 816-818.
J. Wu and
X. -H. Sun, "Optimal Cube-Connected Cubes,'' Proc. of the 3rd Annual
Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, 23, (3), May 1992,
L. Brown,
J. Wu, and E. B. Fernandez, "Fault-Tolerant Task Scheduling for Hypercube
Multiprocessors,'' Proc. of the 23rd Annual Pittsburgh Conference on
Modeling and Simulation, 23, (3), May 1992.
K. Huang
and J. Wu, "Optimal Fault-Tolerant Ring Networks,'' Proc. of the 23rd
Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and
Computing, February 1992, (abstract only).
Z. Li and
J. Wu, "A Novel Method of Function Decomposition,'' Proc. of the 23rd
Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and
Computing, February 1992, (abstract only).
Department Technical Reports
J. Wu, "Efficient Fault-Tolerant Nonredundant Broadcasting in Hypercube
Multicomputers,'' January 1992.
E. B. Fernandez and J. Wu, "Concurrent Fault-Tolerant Software -- A Survey,''
January 1992.
K. Huang and J. Wu, "Balanced Hypercubes,'' February 1992.
Z. G. Li and J. Wu, "Function Decomposition for Test Set Generation,''
February 1992.
D. Dai, J. Wu and E. B. Fernandez, "Optimal Fault-Secure Scheduling Algorithms
for Multiprocessor Systems,'' May 1992.
H. More and J. Wu, "Load Balancing in Multiprocessor Systems,'' November
J. Wu, "Distributed Broadcasting in Injured Hypercubes Using Complete Spanning
Binomial Trees,'' November 1992.
J. Wu and E. B. Fernandez, "An Extended Bidding Scheme for Distributed
Consensus,'' December 1992.
M. H. Fernandez, E. B. Fernandez, and J. Wu, "Subject Groups for Object-Oriented
Database Authorization,'' December 1992.
L. Brown and J. Wu, "Snooping Fault-Tolerant Distributed Shared Memories,'' December 1992.
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