Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: CSCI 3202


Course Instructor: Greg Grudic



Class Location:

TR 12:30-1:45  ECCR 105

My Office:

ECOT 525

Office Hours:

Wednesdays10:00 to 11:00. Thursdays 2:00 to 3:00.

And By Appointment.




Course URL:




This course will focus on developing a practical understanding of the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence. The main focus of the course will be a group project, which will involve putting together a complete Artificial Intelligent Robotic System. The students will work in groups of 4 or 5 and will implement the complete sensing, computation and action capabilities required for a state of the art Robotic system. The task of the robotic system will be to explore the environment using computer vision, and to build maps that allow it to get from any initial to final position in any environment. Therefore, Sensing will be implemented using Computer Vision, Computation will be implemented using Reasoning, Planning, Machine Learning, and Optimal Decision Theory, and Actuation will be implemented by taking the results of the Computations done and controlling the wheels of the robot in order to execute them.


There will be a robot competition between groups in the final two weeks of the course.


A video of the robot platform which will be used by the groups can be seen at





    Group Project                        60%

    Homework Assignments       30%

    Class Participation                10%

(There will be no final exam)


Mark Breakdown:

A   :    ≥ 90%

A-  :   ≥ 85%, < 90%

B+ :   ≥ 80%, < 85%

B   :   ≥ 75%, < 80%

B-  :   ≥ 70%, < 75%

C+ :   ≥ 65%, < 70%

C   :   ≥ 60%, < 65%

C-  :   ≥ 55%, < 60%

D   :   ≥ 50%, < 55%

F   :   < 50%





1.     Homework 1: Due Thursday September 20 (11:59PM). ( Worth 3% of final your mark.

2.     Homework 2: Due Thursday October 2 (11:50PM). ( Worth 9% of final your mark.

3.     Homework 3: Due Thursday December 6 (11:55PM). ( Worth 13% of final your mark.

4.     Homework 4: Due Friday December 14 (11:55PM). Hand in answers to all quizzes. Worth 5% of final your mark.



Project info:


1.     Test 1: Assigned Thursday October 4, 2007. Code due Tuesday October 23, 2007. Test week is October 24 to 26, 2007. (Project_Part_1.ppt) (Project_Part_1.pdf). ( (Project_Test1.pdf).

2.     Test 2: Real time traversable parts of image labeling. Image Feature Selection (Project_Test2.pdf). (code) Assigned Thursday November 8, 2007. Code due 9:00 AM, Monday, December 3. Test week is December 3 to 7, 2007.

3.     Test 3: Planning robot paths. Assigned Thursday November 15, 2007. Code due 9:00 AM, Monday December 10, 2007. Test week is December 10 to 14, 2007. (

4.     Interview with Instructor: In class during week of December 10 to 14, 2007.






1.     Quiz 2: (quiz2.pdf)

2.     Quiz 3: (quiz3.pdf)




Intro to AI (IntroAI.ppt).

Classification (Classification.ppt)

Nearest Neighbor (NearestNeighbor.pdf).

Decision Tress. (Trees.ppt)

Perceptron Algorithm (Perceptron.pdf).

Support Vector Classification (SMV.ppt).

Model Selection and Future Error Prediction (Model_Selection_Error_Prediction.pdf)

Ensemble Learning. (Ensemble_Learning.ppt)

Computer Vision 1. (VisOverView.pdf)

Computer Vision 2. (MultiView3D.pdf)