[DBLP entry][Google Scholar]
Andrew Schneider, Lihong He, Zhijia Chen, Arjun Mukherjee and Eduard Dragut. COIN – An Inexpensive and Strong Baseline for Predicting Out of Vocabulary Word Embeddings. The 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'22). Oct. 2022. [acceptance rate: 33.4%]
Chen Shen, Chao Han, Lihong He, Arjun Mukherjee, Zoran Obradovic and Eduard Dragut. Session-based News Recommendation from Temporal User Commenting Dynamics. The international conference series on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM'22). Nov. 2022. [acceptance rate: NA]
Jumanah Alshehri, Marija Stanojevic, Parisa Khan, Benjamin Rapp, Eduard Dragut and Zoran Obradovic. MultiLayerET: A Unified Representation of Entites and Topics Using Multilayer Graphs. The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD'22). Sep. 2022. [acceptance rate: NA]
Jumanah Alshehri, Marija Stanojevic, Eduard Dragut and Zoran Obradovic. On Label Quality in Class Imbalance Setting - A Case Study. The 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'22). Sep. 2022. [acceptance rate: NA]
Satadisha Saha Bhowmick, Eduard Dragut, and Weiyi Meng. Boosting Entity Mention Detection for Targetted Twitter Streams with Global Contextual Embeddings. 38th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'22). May 2022. [acceptance rate: NA]
Satadisha Saha Bhowmick, Eduard Dragut, and Weiyi Meng. TwiCS: Lightweight Entity Mention Detection in Targeted Twitter Streams. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE'21). [acceptance rate: NA]
Fan Yang, Eduard Dragut, Arjun Mukherjee. Improving Evidence Retrieval with Claim-Evidence Entailment. The International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP'21). Sept. 2021. [acceptance rate: NA]
Marjan Hosseinia, Eduard Dragut, Dainis Boumber, Arjun Mukherjee. On the Usefulness of Personality Traits in Opinion-oriented Tasks. The International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP'21). Sept. 2021. [acceptance rate: NA]
Abdullah Aljebreen, Weiyi Meng, and Eduard Dragut. Segmentation of Tweets with URLs and its Applications to Sentiment Analysis. The 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'21). Feb. 2021. [acceptance rate: 21%]
Lihong He, Chen Shen, Arjun Mukherjee, Slobodan Vucetic, and Eduard Dragut. Cannot Predict Comment Volume of a News Article before (a few) Users Read It. International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM'21). Jan. 2021.
Jumanah Alshehri, Marija Stanojevic, Eduard Dragut and Zoran Obradovic. Stay on Topic, Please: Aligning User Comments to the Content of a News Article. The 43rd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR'21). March 2021.
Fan Yang, Eduard Dragut, and Arjun Mukherjee. Predicting Personal Opinion on Future Events with Fingerprints. International Conference on ComputationalLinguistics, (COLING'20). Dec. 2020. [acceptance rate: 33.4%]
Fan Yang, Eduard Dragut, and Arjun Mukherjee. Claim Verification under Positive Unlabeled Learning. The international conference series on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM'20). Dec. 2020.
Yigeng Zhang, Fan Yang, Yifan Zhang, Eduard Dragut and Arjun Mukherjee. Birds of a Feather Flock Together: Satirical News Detection via Language Model Differentiation. International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (SBP’20). Oct. 2020.
Marjan Hosseinia, Eduard Dragut and Arjun Mukherjee. Stance Prediction for Contemporary Issues: Data and Experiments. The 8th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (SocialNLP’20). July 9-10, 2020. [acceptance rate: NA].
Lihong He, Chao Han, Arjun Mukherjee, Zoran Obradovic, Eduard C. Dragut. On the dynamics of user engagement in news comment media. Wiley Interdiscip. Rev. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 10(1) (2020).
Shanshan Zhang, Lihong He, Slobodan Vucetic. and Eduard Dragut. How to Invest my Time: Lessons from Human-in-the-Loop Entity Extraction. The 25th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'19). Aug. 2019. [acceptance rate: 20.7%].
Marjan Hosseinia, Eduard Dragut and Arjun Mukherjee. Pro/Con: Neural Detection of Stance in Argumentative Opinion. International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (SBP-BRiMS'19). July 2019. [acceptance rate: NA].
Marija Stanojevic, Jumanah Alshehri, Eduard Dragut and Zoran Obradovic. Biased News Data Influence on Classifying Social Media Posts. The 3rd International Workshop on Recent Trends in News Information Retrieval (NewsIR'19) at SIGIR. July 2019. [acceptance rate: NA].
Anduo Wang, Seungwon Shin, and Eduard Dragut. Rethinking Network Policy Coordination: A Database Perspective. The 3rd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Networking (APNet'19) at SIGCOMM. Aug. 2019. [acceptance rate: unknown].
Shanshan Zhang, Lihong He, Slobodan Vucetic. and Eduard C. Dragut. Regular Expression Guided Entity Mention Mining from Noisy Web Data. The Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP'18). Nov., 2018. [acceptance rate: 25.8%].
Yongquan Dong, Eduard C. Dragut, and Weiyi Meng. Normalization of Duplicate Records from Multiple Sources. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. June, 2018. [acceptance rate: NA].
Andrew Schneider, John Male, Saroja Bhogadhi and Eduard Dragut. DebugSL: An Interactive Tool for Debugging Sentiment Lexicons. The 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT). New Orleans, June 1 - 6, 2018. [acceptance rate: TBA].
Andrew Schneider, Arjun Mukherjee, Eduard Dragut.
Leveraging Social Media Signals for Record Linkage. . The Web Conference (the 27th edition of the former WWW conference). Lyon, France, April 2018. [acceptance rate: 14.8%].
Fan Yang, Arjun Mukherjee, Eduard Dragut.
Satirical News Detection and Analysis using Attention Mechanism and Linguistic Features. . the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural
Language Processing EMNLP: 1979-1989. Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2017. [acceptance rate: 26%].
Shela Wu, John Male, Eduard Dragut.
Spatial-temporal campus crime pattern mining from historical alert messages. . The Third National Workshop for REU Research in Networking and Systems at ICNC: 778-782. Silicon Valley, CA, USA, January 2017. [acceptance rate: unknown].
Anduo Wang, Jason Croft, Eduard Dragut, Reflections on Data Integration for SDN. SDN-NFV Security, March 2017. [acceptance rate: unknown].
Jing Yuan, Lihong He, Eduard Dragut, Weiyi Meng, Clement Yu Result Merging for Structured Queries on the Deep Web with Active Relevance Weight Estimation. Information Systems, Volume 64, March 2017, Pages 93–103. [acceptance rate: unknown].
Joseph Jupin, Justing Shi, Eduard Dragut PSH: A Probabilistic Signature Hash Method with Hash Neighborhood Candidate Generation for Fast Edit-Distance String Comparison on Big Data. IEEE Big Data, December 2016. [acceptance rate: unknown].
E. Rezig, E. Dragut, M. Ouzzani, A. Elmagarmid and W. Aref ORLF: A Flexible Framework for Online Record Linkage and Fusion. The IEEE 32nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'16) [acceptance rate: around 20%].
Q. Liu, E. Dragut., A. Mukherjee, W. Meng FLORIN – A System to Support (Near) Real-Time Applications on User Generated Content on Daily News. The 41st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'15), Hawaii, August 2015 [acceptance rate: 33%].
A. Schneider, E. Dragut. Towards Debugging Sentiment Lexicons. The 53th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'15), Beijing, China, July 2015 [acceptance rate: 25%].
E. Rezig, E. Dragut, M. Ouzzani, and A. Elmagarmid. Query-Time Record Linkage and Fusion
over Web Databases. 31st International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'15), Seoul, Korea, April 2015 [acceptance rate: 25.2%].
- E. Dragut, H. Wang, C. Yu, P. Sistla, and W. Meng.
Polarity consistency checking for domain independent sentiment dictionaries. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., March, 2015.
E. Dragut, B. DasGupta, B. Beirne, A. Neyestani, B. Atassi, C. Yu, and W. Meng. Merging Query Results From Local Search Engines for Geo-referenced Objects. ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB), 2014.
- E. Dragut and C. Fellbaum.
The Role of Adverbs in Sentiment Analysis. Proceedings of Frame Semantics in NLP: A Workshop in Honor of Chuck Fillmore (1929-2014).
Association for Computational Linguistics. Baltimore, MD, USA. June 2014 [acceptance rate: unknown].
- D. Salt, M. Ouzzani, E. Dragut, P. Baker and S. Rangarajan.
iHUB – An Information and Collaborative Management Platform for Life Sciences. the 23rd World Wide Web Conference (WWW'14) (Demo Paper). Seoul, Korea. April 2014 [acceptance rate: 33%].
- L. Cen, E. Dragut, L. Si and M. Ouzzani.
Author Disambiguation by Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering with Adaptive Stopping Criterion. The 36th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'13) (Short Paper).
- E. Dragut, B. P. Beirne, A. Neyestani, B. Atassi, C. Yu, B. DasGupta, M. Weiyi.
YumiInt - A Deep Web Integrating System for Local Search Engines for Geo-referenced Objects.
The 29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’13), Brisbane, Australia 2013. [acceptance rate: about 30%]
- A. R. Mahmood, W. G. Aref, E. C. Dragut, S. Basalamah.
The Palm-tree Index: Indexing with the crowd. The 1st VLDB Workshop on Databases and Crowdsoursing (DBCrowd'13). Trento, Italy. August 2013.. [acceptance rate: unknown]
- E. Dragut, P. Baker, J. Xu, M. Sarfraz, E. Bertino, A. Madkour, R. Agarwal, A. Mahmood, S. Han. CRIS - Computational research infrastructure for science. IEEE 14th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI'13). August 2013. 301-308.
- Eduard Dragut, Weiyi Meng and Clement Yu.
Deep Web Query Interface Understanding and Integration.
Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2012.
- E. Dragut, M. Ouzzani, A. Madkour, N. Mohamed, P. Baker, D. E. Salt.
Ionomics Atlas - A Tool To Explore Interconnected Ionomic, Genomic and Environmental Data.
The 21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '12), Maui, USA, November 2012 [acceptance
rate: 40%]
- E. Dragut, H. Wang, C. Yu, P. Sistla, W. Meng,
Polarity Consistency Checking for Sentiment Dictionaries.
The 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'12), Jeju, South Korea, July 2012 [acceptance
rate: 19%]
- E. Dragut, C. Yu, P. Sistla, W. Meng,
Construction of a Sentimental Word Dictionary,
19th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'10), Toronto, Canada, October 2010 [acceptance
rate: 31.3%]
- T. Kabisch, E. Dragut, C. Yu, U. Leser,
Deep Web Integration with VisQI, 36th International Conference on Very
Large Data Bases (VLDB'10), Singapore, Sept 2010 (demo) [acceptance rate: 36%]
- E. Dragut, F. Fang, P. Sistla, C. Yu, W. Meng,
Stop Word and Related
Problems in Web Interface Integration, 35th International Conference on Very
Large Data Bases (VLDB'09), Lyon, France, August 2009 [acceptance rate: 17.9%]
- E. Dragut, T. Kabisch, C. Yu, U. Leser,
A Hierarchical Approach to Model Web
Query Interfaces for Web Source Integration, 35th International Conference on
Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'09), Lyon, France, August 2009 [acceptance rate: 17.9%]
- E. Dragut, F. Fang, C. Yu, W. Meng,
Deriving Customized Integrated Web
Query Interfaces, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence
(WI'09). Milan, Italy, September 2009 [acceptance rate: 34%]
- E. Dragut, C. Yu, W. Meng,
Meaningful Labeling of Integrated Query
Interfaces, 32nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'06),
Seoul, Korea, September 2006 [acceptance rate: 13.2%]
- E. Dragut, W. Wu, C. Yu, P. Sistla, W. Meng,
Merging Source Query
Interfaces on Web Databases, 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering
(ICDE'06), Atlanta, USA, April 2006 [19% acceptance rate]
- E. Dragut and R. Lawrence,
Reducing the Cost of Validating Mapping
Compositions by Exploiting Semantic Relationships, International Conference on
Ontologies, Databases and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE'06),
Montpellier, France, October 2006 [acceptance rate: 34.1%]
- Kruger, A., Lawrence, R. and Dragut, E.
Building a Terabyte NEXRAD Radar
Database for Hydrometeorology Research, Journal of Computers & Geosciences, Vol.
32, Issue 2, 2006. [unknown acceptance rate]
- E. Dragut and R. Lawrence,
Composing Mappings between Schemas using a
Reference Ontology. International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and
Applications of Semantics (ODBASE'04), Larnaca, Cyprus, 2004 [25%
acceptance rate]