It is a Prolog program that implements all the inference rules in NAL 1-6 (version 1.1, 2013), without memory structure and control mechanism for multiple-step inference. The source code comes with a user's guide and examples. The examples are tested with SWI-Prolog.
The following two Prolog programs show the potential of NARS in natural language processing, as described in a simple example. The first program carries out grammar rule learning, and the second program applies the rules to novel sentences.
All the NAL truth-value functions (as specified in the 2013 book) are collected in a spreadsheet file NAL-TruthFunctions.xls.
The file contains three tables showing the relations among uncertainty measurements, the truth-value functions of the one-premise rules, and the truth-value functions of the two-premise rules, respectively. In each table, the input values can be modified, and the outputs of the functions change accordingly. The system parameters used in the functions can also be adjusted.