2000 Publications
(Jie Wu)
Journal Publications
L. Sheng and J.
Wu, "A Note on 'A
Tight Lower Bound on the Number of Channels Required for Deadlock-Free Wormhole
Routing'," IEEE Transactions on Computers, 49, 9, Sept.
2000, 1005.
S. Cang and J. Wu,
"Time-Step Optimal
Broadcasting in 3-D Meshes with Minimum Total Communication Distance,"
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 60, 2000, 966-997.
S. Q. Zheng and J.
Wu, "Dual of a
Complete Graph as an Interconnection Network," Journal of Parallel
and Distributed Computing, 60, 2000, 1028-1046.
J. Wu and V. Rancov,
"An implementation of Context-Driven Parallel Computations," International
Journal of Computers and Applications, 22, (1), 2000, 29-37.
A. C. Wynn and J.
Wu, "The Effect of Compression on Performance in a Demand Paging System,"
Journal of Systems and Software, 30, 2000, 151-170.
J. Wu, "Fault-Tolerant
Adaptive and Minimal Routing in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Using Extended
Safety Levels," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
Systems, 11, (2), Feb. 2000, 149-159.
E. B. Fernandez,
J. Wu, and H. Qian, "A
Combined Functional and Object-Oriented Approach to Software Design,"
International Journal of Computers and Applications, 20, (2), 2000,
Refereed Conference Proceedings
D. Xiang and J.
Wu, "Reliable Unicasting in Faulty Hypercube Multicomputers Using Local
Safety Information," accepted to appear in Proc. of the 4th International
Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP),
Nov. 2000
J. Wu and H. Li,
"Domination and Its
Applications in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks with Unidirectional Links,"
Proc. of International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Aug.
2000, 189-200.
J. Wu. "A
Fault-Tolerant Adaptive and Minimal Routing Approach in n-D Meshes,"
Proc. of International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Aug.
2000, 431-438.
D. Xiang and J.
Wu, "Fault-Tolerant Multicasting in Hypercube Multicomputers Based on
Local Safety Information," Proc. of ISCA 13th International Conference
on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS), Aug. 2000, 529-534.
J. Wu, F. Gao,
Z. Li, and Y. Min, "Optimal
Fault-Tolerant Routing in Hypercubes Using Extended Safety Vectors,"
Proc. of 7th International Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems
(ICPADS), July 2000, 264-271.
J. Wu, "A
Fault-Tolerant Adaptive and Minimal Routing Approach in 3-D Meshes,"
Proc. of 7th International Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems
(ICPADS), July 2000, 256-263.
J. Wu, "On
Sorting an Intransitive Total Ordered Set Using Semi-Heap," Proc.
of IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS),
May 2000, 257-262.
J. Wu, “A Simple Fault-Tolerant Adaptive and Minimal Routing Approach in 3-D Meshes,” Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), July 2000, 256-263.
Non-Refereed Publications
J. Wu and L.
Sheng, "An Efficient
Sorting Algorithm for a Sequence of Kings in a Tournament," Technical
Report, DIMACS, 2000-12.
W. Lou, J. Wu,
and L. Sheng, "On the Existence of a Sorting Sequence of Kings in A Tournament,"
Proc. of the 31st Southeastern Int'l Conf. on Combinatorics, Graph
Theory, and Computing.
J. Wu, "Dominating
and Absorbent Set in Directed Graphs and Its Applications in Wireless
Networks," Proc. of the 31st Southeastern Int'l Conf. on Combinatorics,
Graph Theory, and Computing.
Department Technical Reports
TR-CSE-00-02 J.
Wu and H. Li, "Domination
and its Applications in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks with Unidirectional Links,"
January 2000.
TR-CSE-00-05 J.
Wu, "Binomial-Tree-Based Broadcasting in Injured Hypercubes Using Directed
Safety Levels," February 2000 .
TR-CSE-00-10 W.
Lou and J. Wu, "On the Existence of a Sorting Sequence of Kings in a
Tournament," March 2000.
TR-CSE-00-12 J.
Wu, "A Quicksort Algorithm for a Sequence of Kings in a Tournament,"
April 2000.
TR-CSE-00-14 D.
Xiang and J. Wu, "Reliable Multicasting in Faulty Hypercube Multicomputers
Based on Local Safety Information," April 2000.
TR-CSE-00-23 J.
Wu and L. Sheng, "Deadlock-Free Prefix Multicasting in Irregular Networks,"
August 2000.
Since July 2003