I. Introduction
    A. Facade's home page: www.interactivestory.net
    B. Facade video review
II. Structure of Plots
    A. Current and Past Games
    B. Facade
            Beat System and Drama Manager
            Beat - a single unit of drama.
                                Small talk about furniture
                                Discussing about a picture
            Mix-In - A side topic the player can engage in
                               Refer to the view of the city
                               Mention the paintings in the apartment
III. Facade's Parser and Interpreter
    A. Natural Language Understanding by Pragmatic effect
            Phase 1: Transform input into Discourse Acts
            Phase 2: Picking the reaction
            Uses rules created by JESS
            General Deflections : "uhhh ohh what?", "so any ways...", etc.
    B. Handling of contradictions
    C. Problems
            Only likes strict yes or no answers (example)
            False Positives (example)
            Can only understand in the domain of discourse acts

IV. ABL and the link to the 3D World
    A. A Behavioral Language (ABL)
            Based on Hap which originated from the OZ project
            Goals and Behaviors
            List of Tasks

V. Conclusion
    A. Questions, comments?