dog,alive,carnivore,natural,works,noisy,pet,swims,animal,mammal,home cat,alive,carnivore,natural,noisy,pet,fast,animal,mammal,home,enormous horse,alive,herbivore,heavy,sit,natural,works,noisy,fast,animal,mammal desk,not alive,heavy,sit,wood,home,business,storage rock,not alive,heavy,natural,enormous salmon,alive,swims,natural,carnivore,edible,animal,fish goldfish,alive,swims,natural,herbivore,pet,animal,fish,home apple,natural,edible,sweet,plant,home computer,not alive,smart,works,home,business,plastic,storage person,alive,natural,smart,works,carnivore,herbivore,swims,noisy,talks,animal,mammal,home,business tree,alive,natural,heavy,enormous,plant,wood chicken,alive,natural,edible,noisy,herbivore,animal,bird parrot,alive,natural,noisy,talks,herbivore,smart,animal,bird,pet,home wastebasket,not alive,home,business,plastic,storage,water,works questions Could you fill it up with water?,water Could it be used to store things?,storage Is it at least partially made of plastic?,plastic Are these often found inside a business?,business Are these often found inside a home?,home Is it usually made of wood?,wood Is is a member of the mammal family?,mammal Is it a member of the fish family?,fish Is it a member of the bird family?,bird Is it a member of the animal kingdom?,animal Is it a member of the plant kingdom?,plant Can many of them run very fast?,fast Would it be not uncommon to own this as a pet?,pet Is it capable of speaking English?,talks Does it often make noises?,noisy Are some of them enormous?,enormous Could it be considered intelligent?,smart Does it usually know how to swim?,swims Do people often eat it?,edible Does it taste sweet?,sweet Is it alive?,alive Does is eat meat?,carnivore Is it found in nature?,natural Does it do work?,works Does it eat plants?,herbivore Is it often heavy?,heavy Do you sit at/on it?,sit Is it not alive?,not alive