Prolog (2)
Examples of lists: [a, b, c], [biking, swimming], [X, a, mary], [], [1, [2, 3], Y].
Prolog uses a "bar operator" to indicate "the rest of the list". In list [X | Y], X indicates the first element of the list, and Y indicates the rest of the list (which is a list itself).
After defining the following facts in file "":
my_lists([a, b, c]). my_lists([biking, swimming]). my_lists([X, a, mary]). my_lists([]). my_lists([1, [2, 3], Y]).we get the following running log:
?- my_lists([X|Y]). X = a, Y = [b, c] ; X = biking, Y = [swimming] ; Y = [a, mary] ; X = 1, Y = [[2, 3], _G3068].An identifier proceeded by a "_" represents an internal variable. When a query variable is unified with an internal variable, some implementations (like the current SWI-Prolog) does not report it. Otherwise we may see a
X = _G1234before
Y = [a, mary]
The following is a typical Prolog program:
/* member(X, Y) is true iff X is an element of list Y. */ member(X, [X | _]). member(X, [_ | T]) :- member(X, T).In the program "_" is an anonymous variable.
A more powerful program:
/* append(X, Y, Z) is true iff list Z equals X and Y appended together */ append([ ], L, L). append([H | T], L, [H | R]) :- append(T, L, R).Both predicates are already implemented in SWI-Prolog, so they can be directly called from any Prolog program.
Different ways to use the predicates:
?- member(a, [b, c, a, d]). true ; false. ?- member(a, [a, b, a, c]). true ; true ; false. ?- member(X, [a, b, a, c]). X = a ; X = b ; X = a ; X = c. ?- append([a, b], [c, d], [a, b, c, d]). true. ?- append([a, b], [c, d], [a, b, c]). false. ?- append([a, b], [c, d, e], X). X = [a, b, c, d, e]. ?- append([b], X, [a, b, c, d]). false. ?- append(X, [c], [a, b, c]). X = [a, b] ; false. ?- append(X, Y, [a, b]). X = [], Y = [a, b] ; X = [a], Y = [b] ; X = [a, b], Y = [] ; false.Other implementations may be slightly different, such as in the first two queries usually a single answer is provided.
Compared with procedural programming language, a Prolog program often implements more than one functions, because it allows the input/output distinction among arguments to be determined at query time.