CMSC656/491D Symbolic and Algebraic Processing


Applications and foundations of Symbolic Algebra. Applications and examples are studied using the Maple symbolic algebra package. Symbolic algebra combines elements of AI, analysis of algorithms, and abstract algebra. Foundations include problems of representation, canonical and normal forms, polynomial simplification, Chinese remainder algorithms, g.c.d. in one and several variables, p-adic methods, Hensel construction, Newton's iteration, Buchberger's algorithm and formal methods for integration.

Course location (fall '95): Rm ACIV 150, Lab ECS 104

Meeting times (fall '95): TuTh 4:00-5:15pm

Instructor (fall '95): Dr. Samuel Lomonaco

Teaching Assistant (fall '95): Vasileios Megalooikonomou


Course activities with their relative weights and dates (fall '95):

Course grade = sum of highest 3 scores (from E1, E2, F, Prjs) divided by 3

Projects (fall '95):

    Project1 (due Th Sept. 28): (txt)

Homeworks (fall '95):

    HW1 (due Th. Sept. 14):   Heck, p.55, # 2,3,5,10,11,15,16