
IUI paper accepted

Our paper, "Evaluating the Impact of AI-Generated Visual Explanations on Decision-Making for Image Matching" has been accepted to the ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2025) in Cagliari, Italy. Marcus, a student at Swarthmore, was an REU student in the lab last summer, and this is his first publication! Congrats, Batool and Marcus!

Albatool Wazzan, Marcus Wright, Stephen MacNeil, Richard Souvenir. "Evaluating the Impact of AI-Generated Visual Explanations on Decision-Making for Image Matching". IUI 2025.

REU Summer 2024

Our lab hosted Daniel (UMBC), Marcus (Swarthmore), and Peter (U. Florida) as part of the Temple REU Site in Pervasive Computing for Smart Health, Safety, and Well-being. Congrats to Peter and Marcus for finishing 2nd and 3rd, respectively, in the REU Symposium. Thanks to Amir, Batool, and Sam for helping to introduce these students to computing research.


Program Chair for ICCV 2025

I will be a Program Chair for ICCV 2025 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

ICML paper accepted

Our paper, "A Federated Stochastic Multi-level Compositional Minimax Algorithm for Deep AUC Maximization" has been accepted to the Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024) in Vienna. Congrats, Xinwen!

Xinwen Zhang, Ali Payani, Myungjin Lee, Richard Souvenir, Hongchang Gao, "A Federated Stochastic Multi-level Compositional Minimax Algorithm for Deep AUC Maximization". ICML 2024.

ICMR paper accepted

Our paper, Context or Clutter? Efficiently Matching Objects Across Scenes, was accepted to the 14th International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ACM ICMR 2024) in Phuket, Thailand. Congrats Batool on both the paper and a nice conference destination!

Albatool Wazzan, Imtiaz Ahmad, Stephen Macneil, and Richard Souvenir. 2024. Context or Clutter? Efficiently Matching Objects Across Scenes. In Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR '24).

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