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Stateless Parallel Processing
Synergy is a prototype implementation of a StateLess Machine (SLM). It uses a Passive Object-Flow Programming (POFP) method to offer programming ease, process fault Tolerance and high efficiency using cluster of networked computers.

In principle, a Stateless Parallel Processing (SPP) system requires total location transparency for all processes (running programs). This affords three important non-functional features: ease of programming, fault tolerance and load balancing. 

In programming, this means that location (host address and port) dependent IPC primitives are NOT allowed. Consequently, a special asynchronous IPC layer (of Passive Objects) is used for inter-process communication and synchronization. The SPP runtime system can automatically determine the optimal process-to-processor binding during the execution of a parallel application. This additional IPC layer does carry some overheads in comparison to direct IPC systems such as MPI/PVM. In return, it gives three critical benefits: programming ease, load balancing and fault tolerance support at the architecture level.

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Last updated: March 06, 2004.