Parallel Processing of Linear Systems Using Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms
Kostas Blathras
Daniel B. Szyld
Yuan Shi
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122
April 1997
Iterative algorithms for solving systems of linear equations require data exchanges at each iteration step due to data dependencies. When processed in parallel, this requirement forces frequent data exchanges among parallel sub-tasks resulting in long execution. These dependencies also prohibit effective parallel program generation by existing parallel compilers.

Asynchronous iterative algorithms can reduce much of the data dependencies by using older data received earlier in time. This, however, can cause an increase in total iterations for the algorithm to converge. Considering that the total network capacity is typically far less than the overall computing capacities of multiple processors, the motivation of this study is to identify the possible time savings by reducing inter-processor communication at the expense of increased calculations.

In particular, we report a performance study on parallel implementations of a non-uniform magnetic field simulation program. We use a time complexity-based analysis method to understand the inherent interdependencies between computing and communication overheads for the parallel asynchronous algorithm. The results show not only that the computational experiments closely match the analytical results but also that the use of asynchronous iterative algorithms is beneficial for a vast number of parallel processing environments.

Keywords: Parallel Processing, Asynchronous Algorithms, Parallel Iterative Methods.

1. Introduction

In this paper we present several aspects of the parallel asynchronous solutions of linear algebraic systems of the form

,                                                                                                                 (1)
where is a large  matrix, and x and b are N-vectors. This problem lies at the core of many scientific and engineering applications. The computational test problem we use in this paper is that of the determination of the magnetic field in a region outside of a permanent magnet [10]; see further Sect. 3. Since full direct methods for the solution of (1) require  operations and usually sparse methods lack parallelism, we concentrate in this paper on iterative methods, which are used in practice due to their reduced time complexity.
When developing the parallel iterative algorithms for the solution of (1), the most difficult problem is the inherent data dependencies. For example, consider the classical (point) Jacobi iteration method

, l=1,2,…N; t=0,1, …;                             (2)
where t is the iteration index, starting from an initial vector  If each of p processors compute one of the components of x in (2), i.e., p=N, this implies a very large amount of data "shuffling" between processors at each iteration. Furthermore, all processors must synchronize at that point creating a time barrier.

In an asynchronous version of (2), each processor would compute xl using the most recent information available from the other processors, i.e., values of xl which may be older than xj(t), say possibly xj(t-k), where k would depend on l and j; see further Sect. 2, where we use an equivalent notation. In other words, asynchronous iterative algorithms do not require exchange of the most recent values. The convergence of (2) would naturally be delayed by the use of less recent values of xj, but since no idle time for synchronization is necessary, and less overall communication takes place, asynchronous algorithms have the potential of outperforming standard synchronous iterative methods. We should mention here that, under certain hypothesis, asynchronous iterative methods are guaranteed to converge to the solution of the linear system (1); see, e.g., [9,14].

One of the goals of this paper is to illustrate the applicability of asynchronous iterative methods. In particular, we want to point out how these methods can be implemented on inexpensive clusters of workstations, even personal computers, connected with 10 Mbps shared medium Ethernet. We use a passive object programming system named Synergy [8], which provides tuple spaces as communication and synchronization mechanisms. The choice of this programming tool is discussed in Sect. 4.1.

In practical block two-stage asynchronous iterative methods, each processor solves a small linear system, not just one equation, as in (2). Each processor uses an (inner) iterative method, e.g., Gauss-Seidel, for the approximate solution of the linear system. One of the critical questions about two-stage methods is what criteria to use to stop the inner iterations in each processor; see, e.g., [13, 18]. In this paper, we compare two widely used stopping criteria: one based on the size of the (inner) residuals, and the other on a fixed number of inner iterations. We report that a fixed number of inner iterations is a better choice for the architecture considered in this paper; see Sects. 4.3 and 6.
Another question which we address is load balancing. Should the partition of the domain be fixed by the number of available processors (static block allocation) or do we gain by dividing the computational domain dynamically to account for the different computational complexity of the tasks in each region? To answer this question we develop a timing model. Using the timing model, we conclude that when the communication network is slow, as is the case of the hardware considered in this paper, the static block allocation is preferred. It follows as well, that a dynamic block allocation would be preferable for faster networks; see Sects. 4.4 and 6.

We report on a systematic procedure for identifying the optimal data exchange for a given asynchronous iterative algorithm and parallel processing environment. Our experience showed that it is possible to gain speed using asynchronous algorithms and clusters of workstations on a slow Ethernet. Our scalability models also show that asynchronous algorithms are beneficial for all parallel environments in which the sum of multiple processors' capacity (in instructions per second) far exceeds the sum of networking capacities (in bytes per second).

The overall organization of this paper is as follows. In Sect. 2, we describe the applicable class of asynchronous iterative algorithms. In Sect. 3, we describe the computational test problem used in this study. In Sect. 4, we detail the asynchronous parallel program design and implementation. In Sect. 5, we present timing analysis for evaluation of various implementation alternatives. In Sect. 6, we present computational results. Conclusions are found in Sect. 7.

2. Block Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms

The asynchronous methods studied here for the solution of (1) are based on the Block Jacobi algorithm, see, e.g., Varga [22]. Let the matrix A to be partitioned into  blocks

with the diagonal blocks  being square nonsingular of order , and the vectors x and b are partitioned conformally.
ALGORITHM 1 (Block Jacobi). Given an initial approximation of the vector

For t=1,2,…,until convergence For l=1 to p, solve

.                                                             (4)

The entire linear system can be solved in parallel by p processors, and the iteration vector at each step is


The solution of the system (4) is the block counterpart to the iterations in (2). Thus as the discussion of Sect. 1 indicates, this algorithm exchanges data for each value of t, and has at that point a synchronization barrier. For the solution of each sub-system (4) one can chose to use a different iterative method, such as Gauss-Seidel, and this class of methods are called two-stage iterative methods; see e.g., [13,14], and the extensive references given therein.

For the asynchronous block Jacobi method, unlike in Algorithm 1, the processors are allowed to start the computation of the next iteration of the block without waiting for the simultaneous completion of the same iteration of other components. In other words, components of  are updated using a vector which is made of block components of previous, not necessarily the latest, iterations. As in the standard references for asynchronous algorithms, such as [6], the iteration subscript is increased every time any (block) component of the iteration vector is computed. Thus, one defines, the sets by  if the l-th block component of the iteration vector is computed at the t-th step. Thus the Asynchronous Block Jacobi method can be described as follows.

The term r(l,t) is used to denote the iteration number of the l-th block-component being used in the computation of any block-component in the t-th iteration, i.e., the iteration number of the j-th block-component available at the beginning of the computation of , if . We always assume that the terms r(l,t) of our asynchronous iterative algorithms satisfy the following minimal criteria as described in [14] and other references therein.

3. The Computational Test Problem

We use a magnetic field simulation problem as the test case for it represents typical physical simulation applications and it has a non-uniform geometry that requires load balancing when processed in parallel. The processing environment is a cluster of shared 10 mbps Ethernet connected DEC/Alpha workstations. Our simulation is to determine the magnetic field in a region outside a permanent magnet [10]; i.e., solve for  satisfying


where  is the volume magnetic charge density.

Figure 1: A Rectangular Magnet
For simplicity we chose to solve the two dimensional form of the problem; see Fig. 1. The magnet is assumed to be uniformly magnetized, i.e.,  is a constant vector. Thus equation (5) is reduced to the Laplacian everywhere except for the surface of the magnet

.                                                                                                 (6)

The rectangular domain in Fig. 1 is discretized using an uniform grid with h horizontal and vertical spaces. Thus, the grid points are labeled (i,j), i.j=1,2,3,...,n and we denote by i,j the value of the function  at the point of (i,j). The discretization of (6) using centered differences is then

.                                     (7)

Figure 2: Grid around point (i,j)

Therefore, the value of the magnetic field on each grid point  is a function of its four nearest neighbors, see Fig. 2.
The Gauss-Seidel iteration scheme on equation (7) is

.     (8)

This means that for the calculation of  in each iteration cycle t, we use the most recent computed values of that point's four first-neighbors. The boundaries of the rectangular magnet have the following variations of (8) in order to incorporate the discontinuities of .

(Vertical edges)

(Horizontal edges)


4. Parallel Algorithm Development

A parallel program is typically more complex than its sequential counterpart. In this section, we first discuss our programming tool choice. We then discuss our partitioning choices and introduce a number of parallel implementation alternatives. Finally, we present an analysis method that can be used to evaluate the parallel algorithms by capturing the inherent interdependencies between the computing and communication overheads.

4.1 Parallel Programming Tool

The choice of programming tool can have a large impact on parallel implementation complexity and processing efficiency. An ideal parallel processing environment for parallel asynchronous iterative algorithms should be totally asynchronous with information over-write capabilities. This is because for asynchronous parallel algorithms, the sender and receiver are running independent of each other, and the receiver must obtain the latest information or otherwise introduce artificial synchronization barriers; see [20].

All message passing systems, such as MPI [19] and PVM [5], use bounded buffers. This implies a synchronous semantics, namely the sender should only send when the receiver is there to receive. Moreover, the messages do not over-write each other. If we were to use any message passing system, we had to implement the new messaging semantics on top of the provided messaging channels. This would introduce much programming complexity and processing overhead. Thus, we consider that these systems are not appropriate for programming parallel asynchronous algorithms.

The Synergy system uses passive objects for parallel program communication and synchronization. A passive object is coarse-grain data structure with a set of pre-defined operators. An example passive object is a tuple space with three operators: Read, Put and Get. The semantics of these operators is similar to rd, get and put operations in the Linda system [1] provided that tuples are uniquely named and First-In-First-Out (FIFO) ordered. Writing to the same named tuple means over-writing the existing tuple's content. This characteristic ideally meets the asynchronous iterative algorithm's requirement. The object passiveness restricts the operators from dynamically creating new objects at runtime. They can only create instances within an object thus leaving the outset communication topology fixed for each application. This feature was designed to facilitate automatic generation of efficient client/server programs from a fixed application configuration topology. For a more detailed description of Synergy, we refer the reader to [8].

Passive objects embed multithreaded controls under a simple asynchronous programming interface. Thus, there is no explicit process manipulation and synchronization statements in either the sender or the receiver programs. Unless specifically coded, each individual program has a single thread control within its programming space.

4.2 Data Partition Choice

A typical parallel implementation of a block iterative algorithm, such as Block Gauss-Seidel [6,16], assigns several mesh points to each processor such that each processor only communicates with its four nearest neighbors; see Fig. 3, where there are p=9 processors and n=36.

Figure 3: Typical parallel block-matrix operations

This intuitive parallel implementation, called tiles, has the following drawbacks:

A parallel implementation is more effective if we can increase the calculation amount per data exchange, reduce the synchronization frequency and decrease the communication sessions. Therefore, in this paper, we focus on developing striped block asynchronous algorithms; see Fig. 4.
Figure 4: Row block decomposition
We abuse the notation and say that  q implying that the grid point  is in the block of variables assigned to processor q .

Each grid point on the simulation mesh requires the values of its first neighbors during iteration t, as seen in (8). If we divide the rectangular grid of points into blocks of rows, with each block considered one work assignment and this block of rows corresponds to a diagonal block  of the matrix A in (1), as shown in (3). Therefore, in Fig. 4, only the top and bottom rows of each block needs to be exchanged between neighboring processors.

4.3 Stopping Criteria

One way to look at the block asynchronous algorithm is to think of it as a relaxation from the point algorithm (2). In other words, we reduce the inter-process communications by transmitting the most recent approximations only after each processor has performed a specified amount of calculations (inner iterations). We define this amount of calculations as the dataflow reduction criterion (DRC), i.e., stopping criteria in the approximation process. An inter-processor information exchange is called an outer iteration.
There are two distinct ways of defining DRC: one by measuring the size of the inner residuals; and another by setting a fixed number of inner iteration limit. For the first case, let us define the residual computed in the processor q as

This quantity is kept in the processor's memory between successive iterations, and it is checked if the residual is reduced by a specific amount. We use a threshold  and we say that the residual threshold criterion is met, when the residual is reduced by a factor of , i.e., when .

4.4 Load Balancing and Block Allocation Methods

The overall processing of the parallel program is as follows. A master process partitions the matrix into work assignments and distributes them to parallel workers. A worker process starts calculations after it receives a work assignment and some global information. It starts information exchange with its neighbors when the DRC is satisfied. Since multiple copies of the same worker code run simultaneously, it is easy to imagine that workers will exchange data with their neighbors at different times.

After a worker receives values of the border elements from its neighbors, it will resume the same calculation process until the next DRC is met. A block is considered solved locally when the residual of the block q falls below a prescribed e, i.e., when. The master process then collects all solved blocks and performs a Gauss-Seidel iteration across the reconstructed linear system to check if the local solutions are indeed globally convergent. The system terminates if a global convergence is reached. Otherwise the master re-partitions the system and re-transmits the blocks. The re-calculation cycles can generate very large communication volume. A system becomes unstable when the number of re-calculations is too large. An unstable system indicates that the processors are diverging into local solutions.
To further reduce the communication we can restrict the number of workers and put an exact amount of rows on each (static partition). This strategy can cause work load imbalance thus negatively impact our performance since our computational test problem is a magnet with non-uniform geometry. To ease the load imbalance, we can put many smaller blocks (dynamic partitioning) in an FIFO queue having the processors fetch the block assignments when they become idle. This way computing-intensive blocks will be automatically processed more often. The drawback is that it requires more network traffic.

4.4.1 Static Allocation Algorithm Details

A static parallel block iterative algorithm has a master and many workers. The master program is responsible for constructing the n n grid geometry, partitioning the grid into blocks of rows, assigning these blocks to the p worker modules residing on different processors, receiving results, and composing the solution matrix. Each row block that is assigned to a worker module is composed of n/p rows.

Figure 5: Static block allocation method
A worker module q performs Gauss-Seidel iterations on the grid points of the assigned block which is composed of rows with indexes between  and , until it meets the DRC. At this point it will transmit to their neighbors values of the grid points on their border rows, and receive from them the updated values from the neighbors. In particular, worker q will transmit After receiving all locally converged blocks from the workers, the master module checks if the global convergence criterion , where .

If not, then it reassigns the blocks to the p workers. This procedure is repeated until the global convergence criterion is met.

4.4.2 Dynamic Allocation Algorithm Details

In this variation of the block-asynchronous parallel algorithm, only the worker module is modified, so that it uses the tuple space as the working assignment queue. As in the static version, a working assignment (a row-block partition of the grid) is a tuple. The tuple space is used as a FIFO queue containing all non-convergent tuples that have met the given DRC.

A dynamic worker module first reads global data (problem geometry) from the tuple space. It then extracts a work assignment tuple to compute. After the DRC is met, it will insert its border rows to be used by neighboring partitions. If local convergence is reached, it inserts the result for the master to retrieve. Otherwise, it reinserts the work assignment into the working tuple space. Such reinsertion will place the tuple at the end of the FIFO queue (see Fig. 6). If the number of working tuples is greater than the number of processors, a slow converging region will be processed by multiple processors. This can reduce load imbalance.

5. Parallel Program Evaluation

In this section, we build timing models for the static and dynamic partitioning algorithms. The objective is to identify the relative merits of both algorithms judging from their inherent interdependencies between the parallel computation and communication times. Note that the performance difference between inner iteration limit control and residual threshold control cannot be modeled analytically but can be observed via computational results.

Timing models [21] are program time complexity-based models. Timing analysis requires timing models for the sequential algorithm and the corresponding parallel algorithm. Our scalability analysis requires calibrating the processing parameters by running once the sequential and parallel programs on a target environment.

We use the following symbols in the timing model analysis.N Number of grid points (= n n)Qc Number of floating point operations required per grid pointQN Number of bytes required per grid pointI Number of inner iterationsE Number of outer iterationsW Processor power in number of algorithmic steps per secondu Network capacity in number of bytes per secondNote that W=W'/c represents the delivered processing power in number of algorithmic steps (as related to their time complexity models) per second, where W' is the actual processor power in number of machine instructions per second and c is a constant reflecting the average number of machine instructions generated from each algorithmic step. For our computational test problem, Qc= 11.

Figure 6: Dynamic blockallocation - Worker module

5.1 Sequential Gauss-Seidel Model

The sequential processing time can be modeled as

.                                                                                             (9)

To calibrate W, we run the sequential algorithm on two different processors: Intel486/100 MHZ and DEC Alpha/120 MHz. Here is a summary of the statistics.
Resolution (n n) 
Iterations (I)
Intel 486 time (sec)
DEC Alpha time (sec)
Using (9) and the above table, we can derive the graph in Fig. 7 depicting W , in million steps per second (Msps), as a function of the problem size N (grid resolution).

Figure 7. W as a Function of N

From Fig. 7 we can readily observe that there are little swapping effects. All programs can fit into memory. We can also notice the presence of a large constant c for this algorithm in comparison to other well known algorithms such as matrix multiplication and Linpack (see table below).
Linpack Matrix Multiply (200200) 
Intel486/100MHz/8MB 2.4 Msps  4.3 Msps
Alpha/120MHz/32MB 6.4 Msps  29.4 Msps
5.2 Static Block Allocation Algorithm

Parallel iterative algorithms can be modeled as a compute-aggregate-broadcast system as shown in Fig. 8.

Figure 8. Compute-Aggregate-Broadcast (CAB)
Figure 9. CAB Timing Profile
This type systems have a typical timing profile as shown in Fig. 9, where T1 is the Master initialization time, T2 is the task (tuple) distribution time, T3 is the Worker tuple extraction time, T4 is the Worker local solution computing time, T5 is the Worker result submission time, T6 is the Master result tuple extraction time, and T7 is the Master sanity checking. The program may re-iterate T2-T7 if global convergence check fails. Otherwise, it terminates. Note that for parallel processors using shared-medium networks or buses, communication times T2 and T3 do not overlap, nor do T5 and T6.

To simplify the analysis, we express the total parallel processing time as

,                                                         (10)

where  which defines Master's total pure computation time,  which defines the maximum worker pure computation time (among p parallel workers), and

. (11)In (11),  which defines the master's total communication time including broadcast of global geometry, distribution of working tuples and extraction of result tuples, and  which defines the total worker's communication time including extraction of global information, extraction of working tuples, return of result tuples and intermediate exchange of data with neighboring processors. Lastly,  which defines the worst-case load imbalancing overhead assuming  times difference between the fastest and slowest processors and  times differences between the fastest converging block and the slowest converging block.
Finally, we can define the static block algorithm timing to be


5.3 Dynamic Block Allocation Algorithm

The dynamic block allocation algorithm has a similar model except that


Here, assuming the best load balancing (Tsync = 0), the only difference in the is in the tuple re-insertion overhead. Therefore, the total dynamic time model is

.                                                                         (13)

An important investigation is to quantitatively decide when to use static and when to use dynamic block allocation algorithm in terms of parallel processing environments and problem sizes. Figs. 10 and 11 are obtained with numerical calculations using (12) , (13) and the following assumptions:

N = 256 256
W = 2.5 Mflops (million algorithmic steps per second)
u = 100 K Bytes Per Second
c = 100 K bytes (Global broadcast data size)
Qc = 11 Operations per grid point
QN = 8 bytes per grid point
p = 5
(two times difference in load imbalance).

Fig. 10 illustrates that for the given parallel processing environment, only the static algorithm will out-perform the sequential one. However, static algorithm's convergence time will increase more rapidly than the dynamic algorithm as we increase local iterations to reduce communication. Fig. 11 indicates that when the network speed goes above a certain point (approximately sustained 600 KBPS), the dynamic algorithm will out-perform the static algorithm.

Figure 10. Static vs. Dynamic with Respect to Inner Iteration Control (I)
Figure 11. Static vs. Dynamic with Respect to Network Speed (u)

6. Computational Results

Our computational results validate the predictions of the timing models, e.g., the shape of the curve Tdpar in Fig. 10 is confirmed in Fig. 13(a), and that of Tspar in Fig. 10 is confirmed in Fig. 15(a). The experiments reveal the quantitative performance consequences of data exchange frequencies and compare residual and inner iteration control methods. We have produced four sets of experiments. These are dynamic block allocation with residual threshold control, dynamic block allocation with inner iteration control, static block allocation with residual threshold control, and static block allocation with inner iteration control. The parallel processing environment is a cluster of five (5) DEC/Alpha workstations running the OSF/1 operating system. The workstations use a shared 10 mbps Ethernet. The parallel programming environment is C and Synergy V3.0 system.

For each set of experiments, we report elapsed times, total outer iterations and the number of total iterations. Elapsed time measures the actual wall-clock time of the application. Total outer iteration records the changes in outer iteration by the respective iteration control methods. Total iteration records the changes in maximal number of inner iterations performed by a parallel worker process. The problem size is 256256 grid points (or N = 65,536 equations). Parallel processing will yield no advantage for problems of smaller sizes.

From the performance charts (Figs. 12-15), we observe the following:

Figure 12. Dynamic Block Allocation with Inner Iteration Control
Figure 13. Dynamic Block Allocation with Residual Threshold Control
Figure 14. Static Block Allocation with Residual Threshold Control

Figure 15. Static Block Allocation with Inner Iteration Control

7. Conclusions

In this paper we report our analysis and computational results of an investigation that trades the abundance of computing power for scarce network bandwidth using asynchronous iterative algorithms. We consider that message-passing parallel systems are inappropriate for asynchronous parallel programs.

Our results show that it is possible to gain overall processing speed by sacrificing some local convergence speed. We have also found that the convergence time increases linearly (see Sect. 6) as we reduce data exchange frequency. Since overall cumulative speed of multiple processors is typically many times of the interconnection network speed, for most practical applications asynchronous iterative algorithms are more advantageous than synchronous algorithms when processed in parallel.
Our experiences in applying the timing model method to parallel algorithm analysis showed that it is possible to analytically prototype a complex parallel system with little program instrumentation. The results can be used to predict the scalability of the system as well as optimal control points.


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