NARS as an AGI

Basic Inference

Each basic inference rule of NAL-1 accepts two inheritance statements that share (at least) one common term as premises, and derives a conclusion according to the experience-grounded semantics.

1. Revision

The revision rule combines distinct bodies of evidence for the same statements. The truth-value function is based on the additivity of the amount of evidence. The frequency of the conclusion is a weighted avaerage of those of the premises, and the confidence of the conclusion is higher than those of the premises.

NAL tolerates inconsistency in knowledge, though it is different from the existing paraconsistent logic and belief revision.

2. Choice

The choice rule chooses among competing answers to a question.

For an evaluative question, the statement with a higher confidence value is preferred; for a selective question, the statement with a higher expectation value is preferred.

Given two competing answers, one with a confirmation record of 19 out of 20, and the other n out of n, when we should prefer the latter when n gets larger? It depends on the value of k.

3. Forward inference

A syllogistic rule requires the two premises to share exactly one term, and produces a conclusion between the other two terms.

For the inheritance copula, the two premises have four possible combinations, and only one of them corresponds to a valid rule in IL-1. In NAL-1, all can be valid when associated with a proper truth-value function.

Truth-value functions are determined according to the semantics, by treating the involved measurements as extended Boolean variable.

A variant of syllogistic rule is a rule for immediate inference, which only takes one premise.

An inference rule of NAL can be either "strong" or "weak", depending on whether it converges to an inference rule in IL. This distinction is similar to the traditional distinction between "deductive" and "inductive" inference, or between "explicative" and "ampliative" inference.

4. Backward inference

A question and a judgment can be used as premises to derive another question, if and only if the answer of the derived question and the judgment can be used as premises to derive an answer to the original question.
