Dynamic Programming
For example, Fibonacci numbers are defined by the following recurrence:
F(0) = 0 F(1) = 1 F(i) = F(i-1) + F(i-2)It is easy to directly write a recursive algorithm according to this definition:
Fibonacci-R(i) 1 if i == 0 2 return 0 3 if i == 1 4 return 1 5 return Fibonacci-R(i-1) + Fibonacci-R(i-2)This algorithm contains repeated calculations, so is not efficient. For example, to get F(4), it calculates F(3) and F(2) separately, though in calculating F(3), F(2) is already calculated. The complexity of this algorithm is O(2i).
It is easy to see that the algorithm can be rewritten in a "bottom-up" manner with the intermediate results saved in an array. This gives us a "dynamic programming" version of the algorithm:
Fibonacci-DP(i) 1 A[0] = 0 // assume 0 is a valid index 2 A[1] = 1 3 for j = 2 to i 4 A[j] = A[j-1] + A[j-2] 5 return A[i]Since each subsolution is only calculated once, the complexity is O(i).
From this simple example, we see the basic elements of dynamic programming, that is, though the solution is still defined in a "top-down" manner (from solution to subsolution), it is built in a "bottom-up" manner (from subsolution to solution) with the subsolutions remembered to avoid repeated calculations.
Memoization is variation of dynamic programming that keeps the efficiency, while maintaining a top-down structure.
Fibonacci-M(i) 1 A[0] = 0 // assume 0 is a valid index 2 A[1] = 1 3 for j = 2 to i 4 A[j] = -1 5 Fibonacci-M2(A, i) Fibonacci-M2(A, i) 1 if A[i] < 0 2 A[i] = Fibonacci-M2(A, i-1) + Fibonacci-M2(A, i-2) 3 return A[i]The complexity of this algorithm is also O(i).
Dynamic programming is often used in optimization where the optimal solution corresponds to a special way to divide the problem into subproblems. When different ways of division are compared, it is quite common that some subproblems are involved in multiple times, therefore dynamic programming provides a more efficient algorithm than (direct) recursion.
The complexity of dynamic programming comes from the need of keeping intermediate results, as well as remembering the structure of the optimal solution, i.e., where the solution comes from in each step.
The result C contains p*r elements, each calculated from q scalar multiplications and q − 1 additions. If we count the number of scalar multiplications and use it to represent running time, then for such an operation, it is p*q*r.
To calculate the product of a matrix-chain A1A2...An, n − 1 matrix multiplications are needed. Though in each step any pair of matrices can be multiplied, different choices have different costs. For matrix-chain A1A2A3, if the three have sizes 10-by-2, 2-by-20, and 20-by-5, respectively, then the cost of (A1A2)A3 is 10*2*20 + 10*20*5 = 1400, while the cost of A1(A2A3) is 2*20*5 + 10*2*5 = 300.
In general, for matrix-chain Ai...Aj where each Ak has dimensions Pk-1-by-Pk, then the minimum cost of the product m[i,j] can be obtained by looking for the best way to cut it into Ai...Ak and Ak+1...Aj. Therefore we have
m[i, j] = 0 if i = j min{ m[i,k] + m[k+1,j] + Pi-1PkPj } if i < jSince certain m[i,j] will be used again and again, we use dynamic programming to find the minimum number of operation by calculating this m value for sub-chains with increasing length, and using another matrix s to keep the cutting point k for each m[i,j].
Please note that this algorithm is used to determine the best order to carry out the matrix multiplications, without doing the multiplications themselves.
Example: Given the following matrix dimensions:
A1 is 30-by-35
A2 is 35-by-15
A3 is 15-by-5
A4 is 5-by-10
A5 is 10-by-20
A6 is 20-by-25
P: [30, 35, 15, 5, 10, 20, 25]
then the output of the program is
This problem can be solved by either a bottom-up dynamic programming algorithm or a top-down, memoized dynamic-programming algorithm. The running time of both algorithms is Θ(n3), and the algorithm needs Θ(n2) space.
Time cost: Θ(m*n). Space cost: Θ(m*n).