Section 001. Fall 2024
Dr. Pei Wang
Office: Room 347, Science Education and Research Center (SERC)
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 3:45 - 5:00 pm, and by appointment (in person or on Zoom)
Time and Location
Lecture time: Tuesday 5:30 - 8:00 PM
Classroom: Tuttleman Learning Center 302
A more formalized view of data structures. Stacks, trees, tables, lists, multilinked structures, strings and files are considered. These are viewed in terms of their general usefulness in the construction of algorithms and in their efficient implementation. Both theoretical results and programming techniques will be stressed.
CIS 2168 - Data Structures and CIS 3223 - Data Structures and Algorithms
Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein. Introduction to Algorithms, 4th Edition, MIT Press, 2022. [Available at the Bookstore at Temple University, as well as at Temple Library with a single-user license. The 3rd edition of the book is also acceptable.]
See course website at
- There will be around 10 homework assignments, announced and collected on Canvas.
- For each assignment, the results should include (1) a report, (2) source code files, (3) sample input/output, to be uploaded separately.
- It is highly recommended to prepare the reports in LaTeX, and to produce them in PDF. Other acceptable formats of reports are HTML, DOC, TXT, and JPG. For any other format, ask for permission in advance.
- The preferred programming language is Java, C++, and Python. For any other language, ask for permission in advance. The source code should have proper format and comments.
- Sample input/output can be in a plain text file or other proper format. Their analysis should be included in the report.
- There will be a 10% late penalty on each day after the due date until the problem is explained in the class.
- Exams: 70% (mid-term 30%, final 40%). Both exams are open book, though no electrical devices (laptop, cellphone, etc.) are allowed.
- Homework: 30%
Policies and Rules
- Attendance to all lectures is required. Late arrival or early leaving are not allowed except in special situations.
- No eating, talking, sleeping during the lectures.
- Temple has established a blanket policy on the use of generative AI tools. You can use them when doing homework, but they should be acknowledged and their results carefully checked.
- The Student Success Center services include the Writing Center, the PASS program, Academic Coaching, STEM tutoring, the Conversation Partners program, and more.
- Students should be familiar with the Student Conduct Code of the university.
- Temple University has a statement on the Student and Faculty Academic Rights and Responsibilities
Policy, such as: Freedom to teach and freedom to learn are
inseparable facets of academic freedom.
- Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a
documented disability, including special accommodations for access to
technology resources and electronic instructional materials required for the
course, should contact me privately to discuss the specific situation by the end of
the second week of classes or as soon as practical. If you have not done so
already, please contact Disability Resources and Services (DRS) at 215-204-1280
in 100 Ritter Annex to learn more about the resources available to you. We will
work with DRS to coordinate reasonable accommodations for all students with
documented disabilities.