Tic-Tac-Toe Game, with AI players -> created by Matthew Goldfarb Playing The Game: Run the TicTacToe.java file to begin play of the game. The game will begin automatically with the AI player being X and going first, and the Human being O playing second. It is a fairly simple game play, you enter 1-8 into the prompt and an O will be placed accordingly. After the game ends a promt asking if you wish to play again appears, 't' for yes and 'f' for no. Classes: TicTacToe.java -> The main function, will begin play of the game and print an instruction board showing coordinates of the spaces. AItictoe.java -> Creates an new AI player to play the game. This class also does all of the move calculations, 'learning' from past games to play a move. Humantictoe.java -> Creates a new Human player. It prompts user for any input needed and plays accordingly. Board.java -> Creates and maintains a Board, keeping track of all placed X's and O's, and displaying the result of a complete game. ConsoleIn.java -> Contains all the console related commands. Boolean, integer, and string prompts to list a few.