Daniel Walsh

CIS203 A.I.

December 9, 2001


Really fast fruitflies:

A study of Artificial Intelligence in Gaming


            “I propose to consider the question, ‘Can Machines Think?’" (-Alan Turing)  With these simple words the discipline of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) was born some 50 years ago.  Since that time researchers from around the world have endeavored to create machines (in modern terms computers) that are capable of intelligent thought.  One of the domains within A.I. that has received considerable attention over the past 50 years is the area of game-playing and puzzle-solving.  This domain is often considered one of the most successful domains within the field of A.I. due to its many impressive milestones.  Among these milestones are a chess program capable of playing at grandmaster level and an Othello program that can defeat the best human players in the world.  However, by looking closely at the methods used to develop these programs we can see that this domain has contributed very little to the field of A.I. in terms of scientific knowledge.  In fact, one of the only things that research in this domain has proven is that computational power can mimic intelligence on a game board. 

            The game of chess seems to be the most logical place to start a discussion about game-playing A.I..  After all, the first game programs written were chess programs, and much of modern game research has focused on chess. However, before we look into how most chess programs work it might be helpful to have some knowledge of the game's history. 

            According to most chess playing experts, chess was invented in the 6th century AD in India.  Sam Sloan, a linguist and a ranked chess player who has extensively researched the origins of chess, contests this assessment.  Sloan insists that chess was originally developed in China sometime during the 2nd century BC.  Regardless of its exact origins, it is generally accepted that after chess' origination, it spread throughout the world and took on new variations of play.  The variation of chess that is most often played by Western Europeans and Americans evolved in Europe throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.  (Sloan)

            The rules of modern European chess, though harder than some, are not difficult to learn and can be picked up by most people in a single session of play.  Playing the game well, on the other hand, is not such an easy task.  Mastering the game of chess requires a tremendous amount of talent and a lifetime of devotion.  In fact, many are of the opinion that the ability to master chess is an achievement no less significant than winning a Nobel Prize.  It is for this reason that research into designing a chess playing program was started.  Researchers believed that if they could design a program that could play chess, then they would have succeeded in their efforts to create Artificial Intelligence.

            Thus, in the early 1950's Alan Turing wrote the first modern chess program.  The program, which Turing had to simulate by hand due to a lack of resources, lost to a weak human opponent.  Following Turing’s work were a series of chess programs each apparently more successful then the previous one.  Due to the success of some of these programs, tournaments were started so that computer programmers could pit their chess programs against one and other.  A few of the big names in these tournaments were Cray Blitz, which ran on a Cray supercomputer, and HITECH, which boasted 64 specialized VLSI chips.  The efforts of all of these various programs culminated in 1987 when the chess machine ChipTest played and defeated a human grandmaster.  This defeat aroused enough interest that chess giant Garry Kasparov agreed to play a two game exhibition match against the machine in 1989.  Kasparov won both matches.  ChipTest went on to evolve first into DEEP THOUGHT and then later into DEEP BLUE.  All three machines utilized a collection of specialized "chess" chips that were based on VLSI technology.  In 1997 Kasparov agreed to play Deep Blue in a 6 game exhibition match.  The final score of that match resulted in 1 win for Kasparov, and 2 wins for DEEP BLUE, with the remainder of the matches ending in draw.  (IBM, Schaeffer)

            With DEEPBLUE's victory over world chess champion Garry Kasparov it seemed that the domain of games research had achieved a tremendous milestone.  After all, if chess requires intelligence to play and humans are capable of creating machines that play chess as well as the best human players, then humans must be capable of creating intelligent machines.  If computers played chess the same way that humans do, then this hypothesis could be accurate.  However, the way in which a computer plays chess and the way in which a human plays chess are very different.

            Let us first examine how a computer plays chess and then compare this method with that used by human players.  Without exception all of today’s most successful chess programs use some kind of search algorithm as their foundation for choosing moves.  To understand exactly how these search algorithms work, it might be helpful to pretend that we were a computer for a moment. 

            If we were a computer that was programmed to play chess, via a search algorithm, the first thing that we would do is write down all 20 of the possible opening moves that we could make.  Then we would assign values to each of these moves based on a mathematical function that we knew.  After we had done that, underneath each one of our possible opening moves, we would write down all of the moves that our opponent could take given that move.  Again we would assign a value to each of these moves based on our function.  This would leave us with 20 lists.  Each list would consist of one of our moves at the top and all of our opponent’s moves that could result from that move underneath.  Next, underneath each of our opponents moves we would write down all of the possible moves that we could take given their move, and again we would assign them values.  This process would continue until we no longer had the resources to write down any more moves (i.e. we ran out of memory or processing power).  At this point we would look at all of the sequences of moves we could take and find the sequence that leaves us with the highest assigned value.  We would then choose the first move of this sequence and play it.  After playing our first move we would then erase all of the lists and sub-lists that are no longer possible because we have already chosen our first move.  We would then start writing down moves again, this time going deeper into the game. 

            Although this is an oversimplification of how a computer plays chess, the idea is still the same.  Basically the computer repeats the same thing over and over again until the game ends.  That doesn't seem very smart.  So how is it that this algorithm beat Garry Kasparov in chess?  Hardware.  Simply put, what makes this algorithm effective is not the algorithm's design, but instead the speed with which it is executed.  The DEEPBLUE chess machine has 480 specially designed "chess" chips that are capable of considering an estimated 40,000 moves per second.  When all of these chips are combined together DEEP BLUE is capable of considering roughly 200 million chess positions a second.  It was through this phenomenal amount of calculations that DEEP BLUE was able to defeat Garry Kasparov.  (Ginsberg, Schaeffer)

            In fact, if we compare the number of chess positions that DEEP BLUE can consider, roughly 200 million per second, with the number of chess positions that Kasparov can consider, 2 per second, it seems a wonder that Kasparov won at all.  How is it possibly that Kasparov looked at so few positions, compared to DEEP BLUE, and still managed to win?  The answer lies within the way humans play chess. 

            As Mathew Ginsberg a research associate at the University of Oregon writes, "Considering the far greater computational capacity of computers, how is it that humans can win at all? The answer is that although we look at a relative handful of successor positions, we look at the right handful."  He goes on to further identify how we look at the "right" positions by saying,


We identify the best positions to consider by a process known as pattern matching. It is how we immediately identify the four-legged platform in a room as a table or the images in a police mug shot as those of the same person despite the different orientations of the front and profile views. An expert chess player compares a given chess position to the tremendous number of such positions that he has seen over the course of his career, using lessons learned from analyzing those other positions to identify good moves in the current game.  (Ginsberg)


            Supporting Ginsberg's assessment that humans process the game of chess in a parallel fashion, Donald Michie, Professor Emeritus of the University of Edinburgh writes,


Leading chess players tightly focus their searches-they tend to look at only a few branches in the tree of possibilities, and only a few moves ahead. Grandmasters famously compensate for this by using pattern recognition to form judgments about the broad line that future play might take. An admirer once asked the grandmaster Richard Réti how many moves he looked ahead. "One," he replied, "the right one." Réti was exaggerating, of course. But it is true that a grandmaster does not ordinarily examine more than about thirty positions in the tree, and rarely more than fifty. In some cases, however, Deep Blue examines 50 billion or more. (Michie)


            In addition to searching for patterns on the chess board humans also consider the strategic merit of their moves, thus further reducing the number of positions they consider.  For example, John McCarthy a noted Stanford professor of computer science writes of, "how a tree of depth 20 can be reduced to a four node tree by ignoring distinctions between black’s moves that are tactically similar and regarding moving the white king along a certain path as a single action as long as black keeps his king in a certain region."  Here again we see the human ability to distill knowledge into simpler form, or to put it simply the ability to think.  (McCarthy)

            It is this ability to think that allows human game players to compete with machine game players.  As McCarthy writes, "Chess programs compensate for the lack of this intellectual mechanism by doing thousands or, in the case of Deep Blue, many millions of times as much computation."  (McCarthy)

            It should be obvious, however, that simply throwing greater computational power at a problem does not make it go away.  In the domain of game-playing, this point can be seen when one considers the game of Go.  As with chess it might be helpful to have some knowledge of the history of Go before we go into the details of the game.

            Most historians believe that the game of Go originated in China some 3,000 to 4,000 years ago.  Like chess, Go traveled after its creation, and eventually made its way to Japan some 1,200 years ago.  In Japan, Go developed a huge following among the warrior class of samurai.  (McAdams)

            The rules of modern Go are believed to be the same as those of ancient Go.  There are two sides, black and white, and each takes turns putting stones on a 19 X 19 board.  When an opponents stones surround a stone or group of stones the surrounded stone(s) are removed from the game.  Other than that there are few other rules.  As with chess, however, the game of Go is easy to learn and hard to master.  In fact, the game is so difficult to master, that children in Japan who show promise in the game are schooled full-time by a professional Go master.  This kind of intensity is also seen in the training which Olympic athletes undergo.  Another noteworthy example of the game's complexity comes from the fact that Chairman Mao of China forced his generals to play Go in order to sharpen their minds towards strategy.  (McAdams)

            The first known Go programs were developed in the 1970's and since then little progress has been made.  As it stands now most Go programs are rated somewhere around the middle amateur level.  Though this rating is sometimes disputed by Go playing experts, who suggest it is much lower.  Why is there such a discrepancy between the level to which chess programs can perform and the level to which Go programs can perform?  The answer lies within the methods used to create a Go playing program. 

            When designing a Go playing program, "brute-force" searching is about as effective as "trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum." (Schmich) This is due to the enormous amount of possible moves that one can take at any single point during the game.  In chess there are usually around 35 moves that one can make at any given time.  In Go there are usually around 200 different moves that one can make.  If we look back at our analogy of how computers play chess we can see the problem quite clearly.  The first thing that we would do is right down all of the starting moves that we could possibly make.  In chess that number summed to 20 different moves.  In Go the number of opening moves sums to 361, quite a few more.  As New York Times writer George Johnson so effectively points out, "a Go computer as fast as Deep Blue (which analyzed some 200 million chess positions per second) would take a year and a half to mull over a single move."  (Johnson)  The problem of searching Go is so large, in fact, that even if we had computers that were far superior to all modern machines we still would not be able to utilize searching algorithms to play Go.  As Mathew Ginsberg notes, "Even with the most powerful computer imaginable--say, one performing perhaps 10^17 operations per second (one operation in the amount of time it takes light to traverse the space of a hydrogen atom)--you still would not be able to make a dent in solving a game such as Go, for which there are some 10^170 possible positions." (Ginsberg) Furthermore, even if we were able to search such a massive amount of data it could not be so easily analyzed as it was with chess.  In our chess playing analogy we simply computed a mathematical formula for the value of each move, whereas in Go, there is no simple formula for determining the value of specific move.  Johnson illustrates well in his writing,


... a chess-playing computer tries to choose the move that will leave it in the strongest position. It determines this by using fairly simple formulas called evaluation functions. Each piece can be assigned a number indicating its rank (pawns are worth 1, knights and bishops 3, rooks 5, queens 9). This figure can be multiplied by another number indicating the strength of the piece's position on the board. Other formulas quantify concepts like "king safety," or how wellprotected that piece is. These rules, called heuristics, are hardly infallible, but they give the computer a rough sense of the state of the game and a basis on which to make its decisions. (Johnson)


He goes on to write that,


Go does not succumb to such simple analysis. There is no single piece, like a king, whose loss decides the game. Even counting the amount of territory each   player has captured is not very revealing. With the placement of a single stone, a seeming underdog might surround the grand structure his opponent has been assiduously building and turn it -- jujitsu-like -- into his own (Johnson).


            Given that Go exhibits all of these attributes, the question that arises is:  "How is it that humans play Go?"  The answer to that question is the same as it was for chess: pattern-recognition.  Human Go experts recognize patterns of stones on the Go board and determine whether those stones are "alive" (incapable of capture), "dead" (those fated to be captured), or undecided.  Here again we see that it is the human ability to understand information, not just process it, which makes us intelligent and allows us to play games.  As McCarthy writes, "The research of Go programs is still in its infancy, but we shall see that to bring Go programs to a level comparable with current chess programs, investigations of a totally different kind than used in computer chess are needed." (McCarthy)

            So now that we have identified the differences between man and machine, is there not some way in which to create chess programs that play like humans?  The final answer to that question is yet beyond the scope of modern research.  However, chess programs that were designed to mimic human play have been around since the beginning.  The problem is that they were not very successful in tournament play.  As McCarthy so aptly points out, "the fixation of most computer chess work on success in tournament play has come at scientific cost." (McCarthy) He further goes on to cite several attributes that a computer chess player must have in order to play on a more human level.  Some of these attributes were included in early chess playing programs, but were replaced by brute-force searching techniques.  The three attributes that he listed were: forward pruning of the search tree, comparing moves to those found in a parallel position and pruning them if they were originally unsuccessful, and partitioning of positions into sub-positions.  The first of these attributes, forward pruning of the search tree, refers to the process of selectively searching certain paths of play that seem promising, while removing/pruning others that are seen as less noteworthy.  This feature was initially present in most early chess programs but was scraped as computers became faster, and the program could search more area.  However, this feature is absolutely essential in Go where the number of possible moves is beyond calculation.  The second feature, comparing current positions with parallel previous positions, seems a blatantly obvious feature of human chess play.  Basically what it boils down to is reject a move based on past experience, something that humans do naturally.  However, as McCarthy writes "Present programs spend most of their time rejecting the same moves millions of times apiece." (McCarthy) The third attribute is also perhaps the most complicated.  It involves breaking down a problem into smaller sub-problems, which is one of the fundamental challenges of A.I. and one of the fundamental strengths of human intelligence.  McCarthy writes, "


Human chess players often partition a position into subpositions, for example the king's side and queen's side. We analyze the subpositions somewhat separately and then consider their interaction. Present chess programs only consider the position as a whole, and computer power makes up for the inefficiency. Computer Go programs are weak, because partitioning is absolutely necessary for Go. We still don't know how to make computers partition effectively. Imagine playing wide chess on an 8-by-32 board. Humans would play almost as well as on the normal board, because humans use partitioning on all problems, but programs based on present principles would be unable to search deeply. (McCarthy)


            McCarthy has no suggestions on how to solve this last problem, but at least it has been identified.

            In 1965 Alexander Kronrod said, "Chess is the Drosophila of Artificial Intelligence." (paper) By this statement he was making an analogy between the study of chess in A.I. and the study of fruit flies in genetics.  In this analogy he was implying the importance of the study of chess to A.I..  Now that we have examined the ins and the outs of computer chess, we can see this importance.  However, we can also see how research in this field was twisted into a bizarre man vs. machine sport that provided us with little usable scientific knowledge.  This twist is best interpreted by John McCarthy who writes, "...computer chess has developed much as genetics might have if the geneticists had concentrated their efforts starting in 1910 on breeding racing Drosophila.  We would have some science, but mainly we would have very fast fruit flies." (Schaeffer)



Works Cited



Ginsberg, Mathew L. "Computers, Games and the Real World." Scientific American Nov. 1998. 5 Dec. 2001 <http://www.sciam.com/specialissues/1198intelligence/1198ginsberg.html>.


IBM. Research Pages: Deep Blue. 5 Dec. 2001 <http://www.research.ibm.com/deepblue/meet/html/d.2.html>.


Johnson, George. "To Test a Powerful Computer,." The New York Times 29 July 1997.

5 Dec.2001 <http://www.ishipress.com/times-go.htm>.


McAdams, Mindy. Introduction to Go. 5 Dec. 2001 <http://www.well.com/~mmcadams/gointro.html>.


McCarthy, John. Abstract: What is AI. 5 Dec. 2001



- - -. AGA Computer Go. 5 Dec. 2001 <http://www.usgo.org/computer/>.





- - -. Review of Newborn Article. 5 Dec. 2001



Michie, Donald. "Slaughter on Seventh Avenue." New Scientist 7 June 1997. 5 Dec. 2001



Schaeffer, Jonathan. "A Gamut of Games." A.I. Magazine Fall 2001: 7-9.


Schmich, Mary. "Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young." Chicago Tribune

1 June 1997. 5 Dec. 2001



Sloan, Sam. The Origin of Chess. Sloan Publishers, 1985. 5 Dec. 2001 <http://www.shamema.com/origin.htm>. ISBN 0-9609190-1-5