Spring Semester 2002


1. Independent Study on Video transmission

August Visco                visco9@hotmail.com


Summer Semester 1 in 2002


2. Independent Study on performance of audio and video communication over IP published paper

Kishore Kulkarni          kkulkarn@temple.edu


Summer Semester 2 in 2002


3. CIS751 Master Project: New techniques for video compression

Harish Ramachandra     harish@ASTRO.TEMPLE.EDU



Fall Semester 2002


4. CIS751 Master Project: Streaming of video from a IP camera

Siddalinga Byalakere-Jayan                  siddu@temple.edu


5. CIS751 Master Project: Video Analysis

Nilesh Ghubade            nileshg@temple.edu


6.CIS 598 Independent Study on Streaming of video and audio over IP

Heshan Lin                   dylanlin2000@yahoo.com


7. CIS 598 Independent Study on Shape Matching

Xinzhen Wang              xinzhenw@temple.edu


8. Independent Study on Digital Media (see also ACM Talk given on Dec. 10, 2002)

June Bicknese (Hey-Jung Cho)              heyjung@temple.edu




Spring Semester 2003


9. CIS751 Master Project: Video and audio transmission over IP

Tao Jin             thomasjt@temple.edu


10. CIS751 Master Project: Video Analysis and Mining

Vivek Parameswaram               vivekkp@temple.edu

 11. CIS599   Independent Study on Data Segmentation

Venugopal Rajagopal  vrajagop@temple.edu


12. CIS599  Independent Study on Shape Based Object Recognition in Videos

Xinzhen Wang   xinzhenw@temple.edu


13. CIS599  Independent Study: Analysis of Surveillance Videos published paper

Nilesh Ghubade  nileshg@temple.edu



Summer Semester 2 in 2003


14. Independent Study: Object tracking in videos

Vivek Parameswaram  vivekkp@temple.edu



Fall Semester 2003


15. CIS751 Master Project: Video Analysis

Roland Miezianko  rmiezian@temple.edu  


16. CIS598   Independent Study on Video Segmentation

Venugopal Rajagopal   vrajagop@temple.edu


17. CIS598   Independent Study on Video Analysis

Qiang Wang   qwang@lucas.cis.temple.edu


18. CIS751 Master Project: Shape Similarity Based on Distance Views

Xinzhen Wang   xinzhenw@temple.edu


19. CIS598   Independent Study on Bandwidth Estimation Techniques for Real-Time Multimedia Transmission

Kishore Kulkarni            kkulkarn@temple.edu


20.CIS751 Master Project on Peer-to-Peer Distributed Multimedia Streaming

Sameer Raste     sameer@temple.edu


Spring Semester 2004


21. CIS599   Independent Study on Motion Detection in Videos

Roland Miezianko  rmiezian@temple.edu 


22. CIS599   Independent Study on Optical Flow

Wan Wang    wangwan@temple.edu


23. CIS599   Independent Study on Object tracking in videos

Nandini Easwar    nandini@temple.edu


24. CIS599   Independent Study on Image and Video Similarity

Venugopal Rajagopal  vrajagop@temple.edu


25. CIS999   Dissertation Research

Jaiwant Mulik   jmulik@temple.edu


Summer Semester 1 2004


26. CIS598   Independent Study on Reliability of Motion Features in Videos

Roland Miezianko  rmiezian@temple.edu

27. CIS598   Independent Study on Real Time System Software for DVD Products
(ST Microelectornics, www.st.com)

Jogen Shah    jogen@temple.edu


Summer Semester 2 2004


28. CIS751 Master Project: Retrieval in Image Databases,  link to software

Siva Kumar    psiva_kumar@yahoo.com


29. CIS598 Independent Study on Development of Information Systems (http://www.intelli-media.com)

Nandini Easwar   nandini@temple.edu

30. CIS598   Independent Study on Database Development in Oracle and .net

Kishore Kulkarni     kkulkarn@temple.edu

31. Independent Study on Firewalls and security on the Internet

Archana Gupta   archie@temple.edu

32. CIS999 Ph.D. project

Jaiwant Mulik   jmulik@temple.edu