CIS2166 - Mathematical Concepts in Computing II

Spring 2025

Section 701

Lecture Schedule






Course Goals and Learning Objectives

Homework: Late homework will receive no credit. You will be allowed to drop your lowest three homework grades.

Class attendance: Class attendance is expected and may be recorded from time to time. Absences for legitimate professional activities and illnesses are acceptable only if prior notice is given to the instructor by e-mail or phone. Scheduling conflicts with your work, extra-curricular activities, or any other such activities is not a valid excuse. Although attendance is not a specific part of the course evaluation it has a direct effect on class participation. If you are not in class you cannot participate. Class participation means that you attend class regularly and have completed your assigned readings. It means that you ask relevant questions and make informed comments in class. Class participation will contribute to the final grade.

Quizzes: Each week there will be one 20-25 minute quiz based on the homework assignment for the previous week. There will be no makeup quizzes; however, you will be allowed to drop your lowest three quiz grades. Each quiz will be worth 20pts. You may bring one letter size page filled with your own handwritten notes to each quiz.

Exams: If you miss a midterm for an emergency [as agreed ahead of time with the instructor], there will be no makeup exam: the other exams will become proportionally more important. If you miss any exam without prior agreement, and without definitive proof as to the reasons, you will get a zero. If you miss the final and do not make alternative arrangements before grades are turned in you will be graded F. You may bring one letter size page filled with your own handwritten notes to each exam.

Homework and Quiz Schedule: Due dates for homework will be posted. Graded homework will be returned and discussed during the recitation. The quiz on Friday is testing the material covered during the previous week. Thus, it coincides in the scope with the homework that was due before the previous Friday.

Honor Code


Any student who has a need for accommodations based on the impact of a documented disability or medical condition should contact Disability Resources and Services (DRS) in 100 Ritter Annex (; 215-204-1280) to request accommodations and learn more about the resources available to you. If you have a DRS accommodation letter to share with me, or you would like to discuss your accommodations, please contact me as soon as practical. I will work with you and with DRS to coordinate reasonable accommodations for all students with documented disabilities. All discussions related to your accommodations will be confidential.