Program Committee Member














15th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology (LACCEI), 2017
37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2017
1st IEEE ICNP Workshop on Hot Topics in Internet-of-Things (Hot-IoT), 2016
24th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 2016
International Conference on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing (ICC), 2016
IEEE Computer Society, the 2016 IEEE CS Fellows Evaluation Committee
IEEE Communication Society, Member of Nominations and Elections Committee
36th IEEE Int'l Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2016
34th IEEE Int'l Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2014
21st Int'l Conference on Network Protocolss (ICNP), 2013
10th Int'l Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc Sensor Systems (MASS), 2013
10th Int'l Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Network (SECON)
, 2013
9th IEEE Int'l Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), 2013