CIS 1068 Programming Assignment: Draw Me A Pretty Picture

Assignment Description

This assignment will provide you with practice using loops, nested loops, and if/else statements.

Program Description

You will write a Java class called AsciiArt that must be saved into a file called You should email this file to your TA. 'ASCII' stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, and is the original standard for converting binary numbers into English characters on the screen. If you're interested, see the Wikipedia ASCII article for more information.

In this assignment, your task is to draw me something pretty using ASCII art, subject to a few constraints that I list below. Please feel free to use your imagination as much (or as little) as you like. You can draw something creative and original, or stick to the kinds of shapes. One potentially fun way to do this is to produce stylized representations of well-known shapes, like the Statue of Liberty or Seattle's Space Needle. Some simple samples can be seen as the follows:

Here are the constraints on your program:

You should properly indent your code and use whitespace to make your program readable. Give meaningful names to variables in your code. Follow Java's naming and capitalization standards.

Include a comment at the beginning of your program with basic information and a description of the program.

Two samples of top level work are demonstrated:

1. The Linc (parking lot and stadium)

In celebration of the impending start of the NFL season, you may try to reproduce the ASCII Art shown below of Lincoln Stadium, home of the Philadelphia Eagles. You should still include a class constant for the SIZE; in my implementation, the SIZE value that produces the picture below is 4, and works for any size >= 2. You must include loops and nested loops to make this work correctly; you CANNOT simply include a separate println statement for each line of the drawing. Note: this is a fairly tricky figure to do right, See each number is divisible by 4 here: 4x4 spaces in each column  and 2x4 '*'! 

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|          _/..........\_          |
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2. The statue of liberity (can this be done with loops?)

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