- What's printed by the following program?
public class WhatsPrinted1 {
public static void whatsPrinted(int A[]) {
for (int i=1; i<A.length; i++) {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int A[] = {12,3,8,9,7,11};
- What's printed by the following program?
public class WhatsPrinted2 {
public static void whatHappens(int A[]) {
int []B = new int[A.length];
for (int i=0; i<A.length; i++) {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int A[] = {10,20,30};
- What's printed by the following program?
public class WhatsPrinted3 {
public static int[] whatHappens(int A[]) {
int []B = new int[A.length];
for (int i=0; i<A.length; i++) {
return B;
public static void main(String args[]) {
int A[] = {10,20,30};
- What's printed by the following program?
public class WhatsPrinted4 {
public static int[] whatHappens(int A[]) {
int C[]=new int[A.length];
for (int i=0; i<A.length; i++) {
return C;
public static void main(String args[]) {
int A[]={10,20,30};
int B[]=whatHappens(A);
if (A==B) {
} else {
System.out.println("not equal");
- Write a method which is passed the name of a text file. The method returns the number of characters found in the file. You are not required to handle FileNotFoundException.
- Write a method which is passed the name of a text file. The method returns the number of words found in the file. You are not required to handle FileNotFoundException.
- Write a method which is passed the name of a text file. The method returns the length of the longest word found in the file. You are not required to handle FileNotFoundException.
- Write a method which is passed the name of a text file which contains grades in a course that's in the following format:
Stan 99 87 100
Dipper 100 100 97 100
Mabel 100 100
Seuss 72 85 65
the method returns the average of the student with the highest semester average.
- Write a method which is passed the name of a text file. The method returns the number of blank lines contained in the file. You are not required to handle FileNotFoundException.
- Write a method which is passed A[], which is an array of int, and an int passingScore. The method returns the number of items in A[] which are greater than or equal to passingScore.
- Write a method which is passed an array of int A[]. The method returns true if A[] is the same backwards and forwards.
- Write a method same( ), which is passed two arrays of int. The method returns true if the two arrays contain exactly the same contents.
- Write a method called copy, which is passed A[], which is an array of int. The method returns a new array consisting of exactly the same items in A[].
- Write a method called copy, which is passed A[], which is an array of int, and an integer n. The method returns a new array consisting of the first n items in A[].
- Write a method called slice, which is passed A[], which is an array of int, an integer i and an integer j. The method returns a new array consisting of all of the items in A from A[i] to A[j] inclusive.
- Write a method called copy, which is passed A[], which is an array of int, and an integer n. The method returns a new array consisting of all of the items in A[] which are greater or equal to n.
- Write a method which is passed an array of int and returns true if the array is sorted in ascending order.
- Write a method called generateTriangleNumbers(). This method will take in an integer x and will return an array of integers containing the first x triangle numbers. The nth triangle number is the sum of 1 + 2 + 3 + 4...(n − 1) + n.
- generateTriangleNumbers(3) returns the array {1,3,6}
- generateTriangleNumber(1) returns the array {1}
- generateTriangleNumbers(7) returns the array {1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28}
- Write a method which is passed a String and returns the String in reverse.
- Write a method which is passed an array of String and modifies it
so that all the Strings in the array are reversed. For example, if we
pass the array: {"apple", "banana", "racecar", "abc"}
the method transforms it to:
{"elppa", "ananab", "racecar", "cba"}
- Write a method which is passed a two-dimensional array of int and prints it row by row. Do not assume that each row has the same number of columns.
- Write a method which is passed a two-dimensional array of int and prints it column by column. You may assume that each row has the same number of columns
- Implement the method:
/* sets every value in A[][] to initVal */
public static void initialize(int A[][], int initVal)
- Implement the method:
/* returns the largest element in A */
public static int largestItem(int A[][])
- Implement the method:
/* returns the sum of the row in A that has the largest
* sum. */
public static int largestRow(int A[][])
- Implement the method:
/* Returns column i of A as an array. For example, if */
/* A[][] is: */
/* |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| */
/* | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | */
/* |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| */
/* | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | */
/* |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| */
/* | 110 | 120 | 130 | 140 | 150 | */
/* |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| */
/* and i is 1, the method returns the array */
/* */
/* |----+----+-----| */
/* | 20 | 70 | 120 | */
/* |----+----+-----| */
/* */
/* You may assume that every row has */
/* the same number of columns. */
public static int[] getCol(int A[][], int i)
- Implement the method:
/* returns the sum of the column in A that has the largest
* sum. You may assume that each row has the same number
* of columns. */
public static int largestCol(int A[][])
- Write a method which is passed a String which returns true if the String contains a double letter or false otherwise.
- Write a method which is passed a String. It returns the index of the last Roman Numeral (recall that the Roman Numerals are {'I', 'V', 'X', 'L', 'C', 'D', 'M'}) found in the String or -1 if no Roman Numeral is found in the String.
- Write a method which is passed a String s and returns a String that's exactly the same as s, but with no vowels.
- Write a method which is passed a String s and returns a new String that's the same as s, but with the first letter of each word capitalized. There is a static method in the Character class toUpperCase that is passed a char c. If c is a lower-case letter, it returns its upper case equivalent. If it's not a lower-case letter, it returns c.
- Write a method called acronym, which is passed a String s and returns a new String consisting of the first letter of each word in s. For example, if s refers to the String "United Parcel Service", the method returns the String "UPS".
- Write a method appendIfMissing which is passed a String s and a String e (for ending). If s doesn't already end with e, the method returns a new String which consists of the contents of s concatenated with e. It returns s otherwise. For example, if s refers to the String "lightningbug" and e refers to the String "bug", the method returns "lightningbug". If s refers to the String "Airplane II", and e refers to the String ": the Sequel", the method returns "Airplane II: the Sequel".
- What's the difference between static and non-static methods?
- Create a Rectangle class. Rectangles have a location,
which is the x,y coordinate of its lower left-hand side. They also
have a length and width. Include a constructor, accessor and mutator
methods, a getArea() method,
and equals().
- Create a Flash Card class. Flash Cards have a Question and an
Answer, each of which are Strings. Your class should include a
constructor, toString()
and equals() methods. Write
a main() method that creates an array of
three Flash Cards, and prints each of them.
- Create an address class. Addresses have a street number, a
street, a city, state, and zip code. Your class should include a
constructor, toString()
and equals() methods.
- Create a LineSegment class. A line
segment should contain two Points. Add a constructor and toString
methods. add a getSlope() method.
- Add a getSlope() method to our LineSegment class.