Some Final Exam Notes

Remember that the final exam will be held on Thursday, December 12 8 AM to 10 AM. It will be held in our regular classroom, and it must be taken in person.

You will be asked to provide your Temple ID number, a 9-digit number and your section number (1 - 5). Please have these handy, and do not forget to bring pencils and scrap paper.

You may bring one 8.5x11" note sheet with handwritten notes only, and you'll turn this in along with your exam. You will receive up to 2 bonus points if your note sheet contains your name and correct TUID and section number.

The exam is cumulative. Be sure to understand what was done in the two midterms. You should also be sure to know everything in the set of notes on methods and references. Any of the material from the first two midterms (and the practice problems posted for them) could be on the exam. The material not covered by the 2nd midterm that you should be sure to know is:

more classes

Here are a few more sample problems on classes. Many are just like ones from midterm 2, but with a little bit more detail.