GLOBAL VARIABLES: mutex, db : semaphore := 1; readcount : integer := 0; READER: p(mutex); readcount++; if (readcount is 1) then p(db); v(mutex); CRITICAL REGION where we read p(mutex); readcount--; if (readcount is 0) then v(db); v(mutex); WRITER: p(db); CRITICAL REGION where we write v(db);Notice that in this solution on the semaphore db we will have at most one reader (all other readers will wait on mutex). But once a reader gets in, all waiting readers can (but not necessarily do) get in ahead of waiting writers.
Here we see a solution where:
GLOBAL VARIABLES: mutex : semaphore := 1; readsleep, writesleep : semaphore := 0; readcount, readwait, writewait : integer := 0; READER: p(mutex); if (writewait > 0) {readwait++; v(mutex); p(readsleep);} else {readcount++; v(mutex);} CRITICAL REGION where we read p(mutex); readcount--; if (readcount is 0 and writewait>0) {writewait--; v(writesleep);} else v(mutex); WRITER: p(mutex); if (readcount>0) {writewait++; v(mutex); p(writesleep);} CRITICAL REGION where we write if (readwait>0) while (readwait>0) {readwait--; readcount++; v(readsleep);} else v(mutex);Notice that for some mutex we do the p operation in a reader and the corresponding v operation in a writer, or viceversa.
And here is a paraphrase of the "classic" solution from [1]. In this solution Writers are given absolute priority over Readers.
GLOBAL VARIABLES: mutex1 : semaphore := 1; mutex2 : semaphore := 1; mutex3 : semaphore := 1; db : semaphore := 1; r : semaphore := 1; readcount, writecount : integer := 0; READER: p(mutex3); p(r); p(mutex1); readcount++; if (readcount is 1) then p(db); v(mutex1) v(r); v(mutex3); CRITICAL REGION where we read p(mutex1); readcount--; if (readcount is 0) then v(db); v(mutex1); WRITER: p(mutex2); writecount++; if (writecount is 1) then p(r); v(mutex2); p(db); CRITICAL REGION where we write v(db); p(mutex2); writecount--; if (writecount is 0) then v(r); v(mutex2);
In this solution:
The three solutions we have seen differ only in the way they schedule readers and writers. This kind of scheduling established by the use of synchronization commands (here p and v on semaphores) is called intermediate scheduling as distinct from the microscheduling taking place at the ready queue and in the semaphores themselves, and from the macroscheduling taking place at the level of jobs.