CIS1068 FIVE MINUTE TEST #7 April 6, 2010 (5) 1. We are given the following sorted array {1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9} and we are looking for 8 using binary search. Indicate the positions that will be looked at, in the right order. (10) 2. You are given the declaration int[][] a = {{1,2,3},{4,5},{9,8,7,6}}; 1) What is a.length? 2) What is a[0].length? 3) What is a[2][1]? 4) What is a[a.length-1][2]? 5) What is a[1][2]? (5) 3. What is a checked exception? (15) 4. Implement the method public static Fraction adder(Fraction[] a) that returns the sum of the fractions in a. Remember that in a homework we had implemented a method to sum two fractions.