CIS1068 TEN MINUTE TEST #2 February 2, 2010 (5) 1. (a) What is something like '\u2073'? (b) Why the backslash character is written '\\'? (10) 2. Indicate for each of the following assignments if it is or not legal short x = 12; int y = x; double z = 'X'; float w = 32.14; char c = true; int v = z; long a = c; boolean b = 2 <= 3; (5) 3. Evaluate the following expression showing all intermediate steps 12 < 5 * 4 % 7 /5 || 2 < 7 && 1 < 2 (10) 4. Implement the method convert that, given the temperature in Celsius returns the corresponding Farenheit