There are some debugging aids built in to x-Sim . If you type
xsim -h
x-Sim will print the following help documentation:
Help for debugging xsim: xsim -xsimdbg E:<Event codes> S:<Simulator codes> T:<Test codes> where code strings are 2-letter, event specific codes Event codes: IQ show event queue inserts RQ show event queue removals SE show stub executions ES show evSchedule calls CI show clock interupt handler execution SQ show full queue in IQ and RQ FN use function names when listing AL equivalent to all Event codes Simulator codes: ED show ethd stuff L0 show very detailed simulator stuff L1 show detailed simulator stuff L2 show coarse simulator stuff PC show packet collision stuff AL equivalent to all Simulator codes Test codes: ET show ethtest stuff MG show megtest stuff TR show traffic stuff AL equivalent to all Test codes Examples: xsim -xsimdbg E:ESCIFN S:AL T:MG or xsim -xsimdbg E:ES,CI,FN S:AL T:MG