The Protl and Sessn structures are the fundamental objects in the system. Most fields in the Protl and Sessn structures are not directly read or written by the programmer; those that are available to the programmer are so indicated in the comments.
typedef struct protl {char *name; /* the protocol name, e.g., ``ethdrv'' */
char *instName; /* the instance name, e.g., ``SE0'' */
char *fullName; /* the name given in graph.comp, e.g., ``ethdrv/SE0'' */
char *state; /* readable/writable */
Binding binding; /* readable/writable */
int id;
int *traceVar; /* readable */
/* pointers to protocols configured below this one */
int numdown; /* readable - total number in down list */
int downlistsz; /* size of downlist */
struct protl *down[8]; /* first 8 in down list */
struct protl **downlist; /* overflow from down array */
/* interface functions */
XOpenFunc open;
XOpenEnableFunc openenable;
XOpenDisableFunc opendisable;
XOpenDisableAllFunc opendisableall;
XOpenDoneFunc opendone;
XCloseDoneFunc closedone;
XDemuxFunc demux;
XCallDemuxFunc calldemux;
XControlProtlFunc controlprotl;
} *Protl;
typedef struct sessn {char *state; /* readable/writable */
Binding binding; /* readable/writable */
int rcnt;
unsigned char idle;
/* pointers to open sessions below this one */
int numdown; /* readable - total number in down list */
int downlistsz; /* size of downlist */
struct sessn *down[8]; /* first 8 in down list */
struct sessn **downlist; /* overflow from down array */
/* interface functions */
XCloseFunc close;
XPopFunc pop;
XCallPopFunc callpop;
XPushFunc push;
XCallFunc call;
XControlSessnFunc controlsessn;
XGetParticipantsFunc getparticipants;
XDuplicateFunc duplicate;
/* pointers to protocols associated with this session */
struct protl *myprotl; /* session is an instance of this protocol */
struct protl *up; /* session was created by this protocol */
struct protl *hlpType; /* session was created on behalf of this protocol */
} *Sessn;
If you think of the x-kernel as implementing protocol and session graphs, then each Protl represents a node in the protocol graph and each Sessn represents a node in the session graph. A protocol's down vector represents protocol graph edges; it contains pointers to the Protls that are below the protocol in the graph. The same is true for a session's down vector. The fields myprotl and up in the Sessn structure link a session to the protocols that own and created it, respectively.
For historical reasons, there are some fields in the actual Protl and Sessn structures that aren't shown in this document. These fields should not be used, as they will eventually be removed.
Protocol writers use Enable objects to remember xOpenEnable calls. Typically, a protocol saves a pointer to an Enable object in its passive map, using mapBind. An Enable object has a field for reference counting. Calls to xOpenEnable with identical participants (the calls are redundant with respect to session creation) must be reference counted in order to properly handle xOpenDisable calls.
typedef struct xenable {Protl hlp; /* upper protocol */
Protl hlpType; /* upper protocol */
Binding binding; /* from mapBind */
int rcnt; /* use count */
Most routines have a return value type of XkReturn, which is either XK_SUCCESS or XK_FAILURE. Routines that return type Protl or Sessn have a failure value of ERR_PROTL or ERR_SESSN, respectively. Some message handling routines use type XkHandle (see Section 2.2.13). Severe error conditions will result in console error messages and the termination of the x-kernel .
The following function typedefs are used in the Protl and Sessn structures.
typedef struct sessn *(*XOpenFunc)(Protl, Protl, Protl, Part *);typedef XkReturn (*XOpenEnableFunc)(Protl, Protl, Protl, Part *);
typedef XkReturn (*XOpenDisableFunc)(Protl, Protl, Protl, Part *);
typedef XkReturn (*XOpenDisableAllFunc)(Protl, Protl);
typedef XkReturn (*XOpenDoneFunc)(Protl, Protl, Sessn, Protl);
typedef XkReturn (*XCloseDoneFunc)(Sessn);
typedef XkReturn (*XDemuxFunc)(Protl, Sessn, Msg *);
typedef XkReturn (*XCallDemuxFunc)(Protl, Sessn, Msg *, Msg *);
typedef int (*XControlProtlFunc)(Protl, int, char *, int);
typedef XkReturn (*XCloseFunc)(Sessn);
typedef XkReturn (*XPopFunc)(Sessn, Sessn, Msg *, void *);
typedef XkReturn (*XCallPopFunc)(Sessn, Sessn, Msg *, void *, Msg *);
typedef XkHandle (*XPushFunc)(Sessn, Msg *);
typedef XkReturn (*XCallFunc)(Sessn, Msg *, Msg *);
typedef int (*XControlSessnFunc)(Sessn, int, char *, int);
typedef Part *(*XGetParticipantsFunc)(Sessn);
typedef XkReturn (*XDuplicateFunc)(Sessn);