Read Chapter 7 in Kurose-Ross's book and chapter 8 in Tanenbaum-VanSteen.

Security Threats can occur to data, hardware, software, and communication links. Examples of security threats are interruptions (with loss of data, denial of service), interceptions, modifications, fabrications. Of course we aim for Secure Systems, with properties such as:

We will focus on the first four properties.

In considering security we need to distinguish what are the security policies supported and what are the security mechanisms used to carry out the policies.

Some of the mechanisms involve:

Examples of higher level mechanisms are:


  • SENDER -->message-->ENCRYPT-->encrypted-->DECRYPT-->message-->RECEIVER

  • message = plaintext

  • encrypted = cyphertext

  • C = E(M), E: encryption algorithm, M: Message, C: Encrypted form of message
    M = D(C), D: decryption algorithm
    Since good en/decryption algorithm are hard to find, and can be stolen, people find it best to use keys in the algorithm, so that if a key is stolen, one can choose another key, without having to invent, implement, distribute a new algorithm. So the algorithm is public (not private) and the key is private (for now). When using keys, it is usual to write the encoding/decoding as follows:
    C = E(M, Ke), M = D(C, Kd) Ke: encryption key, Kd: decryption key

  • One-way function: a function that is easy to compute but difficult to invert: F(X) is easy to compute with result Y, but given Y is very difficult to determine X such that F(X) is Y.

  • Trap-door function: a one-way function that, if we know a specific piece of information, can be inverted easily. That is the case when we have the decryption key to decode an encrypted message.

  • Secure channel is a communication channel that is not accessible to potential adversaries. An insecure channel is one that is accessible to adversaries.

  • The key can be private (also called secret) or public. If private only one program knows it. If public, any program can obtain it, usually from an appropriate service. The longer the key, the safer it is. Suppose that I use a key that is just one bit. It is either 0 or 1; it will not take a malicious listener long before the key is guessed! Also, the more encrypted text is seen, the easier is to break the code because of the statistical properties of the text being encrypted.

  • An encryption/decription schema is symmetric if the same key is used for encryption and for decryption. [To be precise, en/decryption is symmetric if there is a well defined known function for converting between the encryption and decryption key.] It is asymmetric otherwise. Usually symmetric algorithms are much faster than asymmetric algorithms. Often one uses hybrid cryptography: one uses asymmetric cryptography to obtain a key for symmetric cryptography; this key, called a session key, remains valid only for one limited-time communication session. Assume that we are using symmetric encryption. Then if any two of n principals want to communicate in secrecy, we will need O(n*n) secret keys with a gigantic problem for exchanging such keys securely. If instead we use public key cryptography, as we will see, O(n) secret keys will suffice.

  • Data Encryption Standard (DES) - secret key, symmetric. Uses 64 bit keys (56 of information plus parity bits). It encrypts/decrypts data in chunks that are 64 bit long. Other sizes often used in DES are 128 (112 of information) and 192 (168 of information). As the size of the key grows, the difficulty of breaking the code grows, exponentially. You may want to read about how the C library helps you deal with DES encryption (and passwords). An alternative to DES is IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm - 128 bit keys, 64 bit encryption blocks) which is used in PGP. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES - 128, or 192, or 256 bit keys) is the replacement for DES. [In 2003 the DoD committee on National Security Systems issued a memorandum approving the use of AES for all levels of classified information. That would imply that AES is considered unbreakeable or at least unbreakable by anybody with less resources than NSA.] [DES has found new life as Triple DES: 3 DES keys are used, k1, k2, k3. The data is encrypted first with k1, the result encrypted with k2, the result encrypted with k3. At the decrypting end the steps are inverted in the inverse order, first k3, then k2, then k1.]

  • Block Cyphers: Both DES and RSA are block cyphers, that is the message is broken into chunks, or blocks, that are individually encrypted. This gives rise to a problem: an attacker may infer something about the code by looking at the individual blocks that may be repeated in different messages or in the same message. For this reason Cypher Block Chaining was introduced.

  • Diffie-Hellman (1976) introduced the concept of public keys. [Apparently, in 1973 Clifford Cocks in England came up with the same concept and apparently in 1970 somebody at NSA did too.] If two interlocutors want to talk we will have a Sender and a Receiver. The Sender will find out from a "reliable source" the public key used by Receiver and encode the message with that key. Only the intended receiver will know the private key and decode the message. [To answer the Receiver will use the public key of the Sender.]

  • Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) (1978)
    	D = E, i.e. same algorithm for encryption and decryption
    	Ke is public, so we call it Kp
    	Kd is secret, so we call it Ks
    	Choose two primes p and q, let N = p*q
    	We will be able to send only messages whose numeric code is < N
    	Choose an integer e relatively prime to (p-1)*(q-1) = Z.
    	Find the smallest integer d such that
    		(d*e)mod Z = 1
    	[thus d is the modular inverse of e].
    	Then the public key Kp is [e,N] and the private key Ks is [d,N].
    		C = M   mod N   //This says that the message M must be smaller
                                    //than N. If longer, break it up into 
    				//chunks smaller than N and encrypt them 
    		M = C   mod N
            Apparently, given N and e, it is computationally hard to compute d,
            if N is sufficiently large [al least 512 bits]. p and q must each
    	be more than 200 bits.
    	Example: p = 13, q = 17, N = 13*17 = 221, Z = (p-1)(q-1) = 192
    		 e = 5
    		 d = 77
    		 The number of bits we can encrypt is 7 since
    		 2^7 = 128 < N = 221.
    		 So if we want to send a message longer than
    		 7 bits we will decompose it in 7 bit fragments
    		 and encrypt them individually. 

    The RSA algorithm is not good for protecting large messages since with it encryption/decryption are fairly slow - more that 1000 slower than DES. But it can be used to transmit essential information, such as secret keys and passwords. [Apparently on a 175Mhz Alpha RSA encrypts 1kbps, while 56-bit DES encodes over 30Mbps.] In RSA it is normal to use 512-bit and 1024-bit keys.

    Secrecy: Principal A wants to send a secret message M to principal B. [It is usual in the security area to use names like Alice and Bob for the principals involved in the interaction.] Let Kp(B) be the public key of B, Ks(B) the secret key of B. A will send E(M, Kp(B)). B is the only one with Ks(B), thus it is the only one who can read the message.
                    A  -->  E(M, Kp(B))  -->  B
  • The Key distribution problem for public and private keys is dealt with through a Public Key Infrastructure and the use of digital certificates.

  • One-Time Pad: There is a an encryption method that is unbreakable, but very inconvenient. Suppose that we know that we need to send from A to B a message of n bits. We give before hand to both A and B a pad string s of n bits randomly generated. Then A will encrypt his message M as M^s, where ^ means exclusive or. And B will decrypt the encrypted message E with E^s. The trick is that, take a message bit x and a pad bit y, we have

    x^y^y = x = y^y^x

    Try it for any of the values of x and y and you will see it is true. The one-time pad is called one-time for a good reason. Suppose that I use it on two messages, so PAD ^ MESSAGE1 and PAD ^ MESSAGE2. If I do the exclusive or of these two encrypted messages PAD is eliminated and I get MESSAGE1 ^ MESSAGE2. If I know either I can derive the other, and in any case now decrypting becomeseasier because we may have good idea on possible messages thus the search is reduced.

  • Cypher Block Chaining (CBC): Each message is started with an extra block, say, the current daytime, which makes the block unique. This plaintext block is not encrypted and sent as is. For all successive plaintext block, before encryption we will XOR it with the encrypted block of the preceding (except first) plaintext block. At the receiver after the first cypher block, for all other cypher blocks, after decryption, we will XOR them with the preceding undecrypted cypher block. Note that block-chaining makes it harder to break a code, but in the case of errors, not just the block where the error occurred gets messed up, but also the blocks that follow.

  • Stream Cyphers: For the transmission of phone conversations, for efficiency reasons, instead of block cyphers are used cyphers that encrypt messages incrementally one symbol (may be one bit) at a time. A frequently used technique is to xor (like in one-time pad) the streamed data with an appropriately generated binary stream (usually a sequence of random numbers starting with an initial seed agreed to by sender and receiver0.

    An example of stream cypher is RC4, due to Rivest, one of the authors of RSA. It uses a 256 byte key R (there is a way to generate such a key from ordinary smaller keys if desired) to generate a sequence of bytes that will be Xor-ed with the plaintext stream to generate the cypher stream. The algorithm goes as follows:

        unsigned char nextPadByte() {
            static int p = 0; 
    	static int q = 0;
    	p = (p+1)%256;
    	q = (q+R[p])%256;
    	unsigned char temp = R[p]; R[p] = R[q]; R[q] = temp;
    	return R[R[p]+R[q]%256];
    which generates successive bytes of the one-time pad for as long as it is needed. RC4 is used for instance in SSL and WEP.

  • Steganography: On a totally different plane, a secret message may be superimposed on a visible message. For example, in an image where color is encoded as a 24bit number using RGB coding (one byte per color), we may use one bit from each color to send a message. The change in the picture would be not easily detectable, and we could transmit a secret message. [In a picture with 100,000 pixels, we would have 300,000 bits, i.e. 7,500 bytes available for our secret message.] We could get even less detectable changes by pre-agreeing on a random generated sequence (say, with given seed), computing from it a probabily, and then changing only the bytes for which the probability is above a chosen threshold. Of course we could also hide a message in transmitted music or voice. But in this case the available data rate for the hidden channel will be smaller. Note that sound and images are often transmitted using lossy compression/uncompression schemes. The hidden communication may use forward error correction to get around this problem.
    Another use of steganography is in watermarking. You record music or video using MPEG-3 or MPEG-4. You want to be able to determine if a given CD or DVD has been copied from your original. You insert in the record watermarks, extra data that does not change the quality of the record, but identifies it.
  • Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange protocol

    We want A and B to come up an agreed upon secret key without exchanging data that bad guys can use to determine the secret key. A choses a very large prime number p and A also chooses a very large number g which is a primitive root modulo p (i.e., for every number n equal 1, 2, .. p-1, there is a number k such that gkmod p is equal to n). They make public these numbers. Then A choses a large integer x and keeps it secret. Similarly B choses a large integer y and keeps it secret. Then they go thru the following steps: It is considered computationally hard (impossible) given g, p, and gx mod p to compute x (similarly for y).
    Now A computes (gymod p)x. It is equal to gxymod p. Now B computes (gxmod p)y. It is equal to gxymod p. Thus both A and B have the value gxymod p that is not known by anybody else. A and B can use this value as their secret key.

    For example p = 23, g = 5; x = 6; then A computes gxmod p = 56mod 23 = 8. B chooses y = 15 and computes gymod 23 = 515 mod 23 = 19. Then A computes 196mod 23 = 2 and B computes 815mod 23 = 2. A and B have reached the same result!
    Diffie-Hellman is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attack if the identities of the two principals are not authenticated.

    Shamir's Sharing a Secret Problem, and Solution

    Shamir of RSA fame proposed the following problem: n people share a secret D (say, the combination for opening a bank's vault). They do not trust each other so they want to be sure that D can be determined if at least k of them agree. Here is the suggested solution:


    User A writes a document M, wants to distribute it and be sure that A does not care who or how many principals(programs/people) read the message.

    Digest Function: a function that, given a document M generates a brief "fingerprint" or "message digest" or "hash value" or "thumbprint" that identifies this document uniquely with almost certainty.
    A digest function must be secure, so that we cannot from the digest determine the message that produced it, and must avoid "collisions": it must be computationally unfeasible, given a message, to find another message that generates the same digest.

    MD5 (Rivest, 1992): A digest function that generates a 128 bit fingerprint from its text argument. It is much quicker to compute than encrypting with DES [on a 175Mhz Alpha, MD5 digest is computed at over 80Mbps]. Now the most frequently used digest function is SHA-1, which is more secure than MD5 and generates a 160 bit fingerprint from its text argument. For simplicity we use MD5 to refer to a generic hash function.

    A sends:

    	M + E(MD5(M), Ks(A))    // Ks(A) = Secret key of A
    ['+' means concatenation, E(MD5(M), Ks(A)) is called the digital signature of the message. It is also often called a Message Authentication Code (MAC) if obtained using secret key cryptography.]
    R uses the identity of A to determine the public key of A.
    R uses this public key of A to decrypt the "digital signature" of M and obtain the hash value MD5(M).
    R uses the Digest Function to compute the hash value of M.
    If the two hash values are the same, all is well. Otherwise message was corrupted or not sent by A.
    	A  ----> M + E(MD5(M), Ks(A)) ---> B
    If in addition to authentication and integrity we also want secrecy then the message sent will be
    	A  ----> E(M + E(MD5(M), Ks(A)), Kp(B)) ---> B
    A weakness of the use of digital signatures is that it requires knowledge of the public key of the interlocutors. The danger is impersonation - if there is no reliable way of distributing public keys. The solution, as we will see later, is to use digital certificates and certificate authorities.

    We have observed that with a digital signature we also achieve non-repudiation since using public-key cryptography only the sender may have created such a signature. If we had used secret key cryptography that would be lost since now both the sender and the receiver could have created the signature.

    Using PGP to send a message

    Suppose that A wants to send message M to B using PGP. A obtains Kp(B) from some trusted public directory. PGP computes a 128 bit long random sequence K that will be used as IDEA session key. Then
        A --> RSA(K, Kp(B)) + IDEA(M, K) -->  B
    Now B decrypts K by using RSA and his private key, then uses IDEA with the session key K to decrypt M. Assuming that the public key being used for B is truly of B, then only B will be able to read, and fast, the message M. Of course this does nothing that authenticates A as sender of the message. Notice that we are sending a secret message only to B at the speed of IDEA (fast) and with the safety of RSA (high). It is one of those rare cases where we can get the best of two worlds - like a cheap ($12K) new Mercedes! Alternative codes fast/reliable could be used in place of IDEA/RSA to achieve the same effect.

    Attempts at Authentication

    Principal A wants to authenticate itself to other principals. Let Kp(A) be the public key of A, Ks(A) the secret key of A. A will append E(A_id, Ks(A)) to its messages. Any principal B that receives this information will use Kp(A) to decode the signature, if it succeeds and finds "A_id", it will "know" that only A could have sent the message. In the following we use "+" to express "concatenation".
    		A  -->  A_id + E(A_id, Ks(A))  -->  B
    Note that this authentication, as it stands, is dangerous: somebody could capture and save that message (A_id+E(A_id,Ks(A))), and then use it to impersonate A by playing back (playback attack) a previous authentication message. We can solve the problem as follows: when A wants to authenticate itself to B, it asks B to send first to A a string x which is likely being sent for the first time to A (choose x at random as a 100 digits number! such a number is usually called a nonce). Then A sends to B
    		A_id + E(A_id + x, Ks(A))
    now nobody can have memorized the authentication message and play it back.
    Note that also this authentication is dangerous if anybody, not just B, could have sent to A the nonce x. Because then C could impersonate A in interacting with B. It gets in the middle between A and B. Waits for A to make a request to B and intercepts the communication.
    		A  --> A_id --> C  -->  A_id  --> B       
    		A  <--  x  <--  C  <--  x  <-- B
    	 	A  --> E(A_id + x, Ks(A)) --> C  --> E(A_id + x, Ks(A)) --> B
    and now B believes that C is really A, while A just thinks the communication was lost. If the communication from now on is in plaintext then C will be able to talk with B impersonating A. We get back to this later. This is a form of man-in-the-middle. attack. Later we will see another form.

    Direct Authentication and Session Key exchange (using symmetric key)

    We want a client to authenticate its identity to the server and the server to authenticate its identity to the client. We assume that the true client and server share a secret password P from which plus userId an algorithm can compute a key K. We use the notation K(Client) and K(Server) to indicate the value of K as assumed respectively by the client and the server. We should have K = K(Client) = K(Server). [Instead of a protocol based on symmetric cryptography, we could have used a protocol based on asymmetryc cryptography.]
    1. The client sends to the server the message
    2. The server selects at random an integer x [it is random so that likely it was not used before] and sends to the client the message
    3. The client uses K(Client) to encode the message received, selects at random a number y, and sends to the server the message
      	E(x, K(client)) + y
    4. At this point, if x is retrieved, the server is certain of the identity of the client. Now the server sends to the client the message
      	E(y, K(server))
    5. The client uses K(Client) to decode the message. If y is retrieved, the client is certain of the identity of the server. Mutual authentication has been achieved.
    If desired at this point the server can send to the client the message
    	E(SK, K(server))
    where SK is the session key that the server and client can use to exchange information during this session. Note that only the specified client will be able to decode the session key. This session key will be valid only for a specified time interval. The fact that K is used only during the exchange that results in the sharing of the session key SK, makes it more difficult for an hostile party to guess K. Notice also that we have shown the case of the server giving to the client the session key. The viceversa, with the client selecting the session key and giving it to the server is also possible.

    As already observed, nonces like x and y are used so that an intruder cannot imitate an interlocutor by just remembering what that interlocutor returned in another occasion (play-back attack).

    Access to Protected Pages with HTTP

    Nonces are used to authenticate requestors of protected pages when using HTTP. Here are portions of such an authentication interaction. Portion of request from client:
    GET /protected/page.html HTTP/1.1
    Portion of response from server:
    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    WWW-Authenticate: Digest
    Portion of new request from client:
    GET /protected/page.html HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Digest
    where the response has been computed (MD5) from username, password, nonce, hostname, page id. This is a challenge-response authentication, no password is transmitted in plaintext or encoded.

    Passwords and Logging-In Locally

    Information about users and their passwords in Unix is usually in /etc/passwd where passwords are displayed in encrypted form. The various fields of this file can be retrieved with functions like getpwnam, getpwuid. The fact that the password file is public makes it subject to a dictionary attack. An attacker can retrieve the file and then encrypt all sorts of possible words and see if they match any of the users's encrypted passwords.
    To reduce the possibility of this attack a number of things are used. First of all, in the /etc/passwd file it is not stored the encrypted password. It is kept instead in the /etc/shadow file which is readable only by the root. A function for accessing (only for root) information from the /etc/shadow file is getspnam. [Of course, if the system is not physically protected, it may be rebooted and a new root established.]
    Another way to reduce attacks on passwords is the use of salt. We will only consider the use of salt with MD5 encryption. The function
    char *crypt(const char *key, const char *salt);
    is used to encrypt the password key with the specified salt. The value returned has the following form (we are using an MD5 salt):
    where $1$yhP7/vfz$ is the salt that was used in crypt. In it the first 3 characters ($1$) and last ($) indicate that we want MD5 encrypting. The value returned is saved in the shadow file. Notice that the value thus saved contains the salt for this user. By the way, the user can be prompted for a password using the getpass function. Suppose that we currently have in the variable oldpass the value shown above ($1$yhP7/vfz$nvK0nYESg852hEX2F6Sfm1), then we can retrieve and verify the user password with
    char *newpass = crypt(getpass(), oldpass);
    then if oldpass and newpass are equal, the user is who he says he is. Salt, when the user password is first encrypted, should be a random value. The use of a fixed value, say all zeros, would defeat its purpose. The salt is essentially a small nonce.

    Passwords and Logging-In Remotely

    If we are logging in remotely we do not want to transmit passwords on the wire. If I use telnet my password will travel as text on the line. Wicked people with things like ethereal will be able to pick it up with ease.
    There is first the problem of how the password is initially set up and shared. For this we can use either a separate secure channel, or we use the Diffie-Hellman scheme. If we assume that attackers can read what is being communicated, but not insert data themselves, then we can do as follows [we assume that B is really B]. (1) A obtains the public key of B (2) A sends to B its id (3) B sends to A a nonce x (4) A sends to B E(A+x+password, Kp(B)) where password is the password that A wants to establish with B.
    Once the password is stored at both A and B, A cannot log-in to B by just sending the encrypted password because that opens them to a playback attack. From now on we do not want to transmit the password either as plaintext or as cyphertext. We need to have a challenge-response protocol: the server sends a nonce to the client, the client creates a digest combining the id of the client, the password, and the nonce. Since the server has the same information as the client it can verify if the digest received from the client is correct.

    Direct exchanges of public keys: Man-in-the-Middle Attack

    Alice and Bob are friends and want to communicate with absolute secrecy. They agree to exchange, say by email, public keys while authenticating each other. At the time that the public keys are exchanged a malicious third-party, Mallory does the following:
      Alice --> Alice_id --> Mallory --> Alice_id --> Bob
                             Mallory <-- x <-- Bob
    			 Mallory --> E(x, Ks(Mallory)) --> Bob
                             Mallory <-- send me your public key <-- Bob
                             Mallory --> Public_key_of_Mallory --> Bob 
                                           Bob now thinks Mallory is Alice since
    				       it can decrypt E(x,Ks(Mallory))
      Alice   <--    x  <--  Mallory
      Alice --> E(x, Ks(Alice)) --> Mallory
      Alice <-- Send me your public key <--  Mallory
      Alice --> Public_key_of_Alice --> Mallory
              Now Alice has authenticated herself to Mallory.
      Alice  <-- Bob_id <-- Mallory
      Alice  --> y -->  Mallory
      Alice  <-- E(y, Ks(Mallory)) <-- Mallory
      Alice --> Send me your public key --> Mallory
      Alice <-- Public_key_of_Mallory <-- Mallory
        Alice now thinks that Mallory is bob since it
        can decrypt E(y,Ks(Mallory))
              When Bob sends data d to Alice it sends
    		E(d, Public_key_of_Mallory)
              Mallory decrypts and sends to Alice
    		E(d, Public_key_of_Alice)
              and similarly in the opposite direction.
    From this moment on everything exchanged by Alice and Bob gets interpreted by Mallory even if encrypted. Clearly the idea of exchanging naively public keys is no good. Some certified way of exchanging public keys is required, a public-key infrastructure.

    Authentication Server and Distribution of Session Key

    Here is an Authentication protocol (modified from a protocol by Needham - Schroeder, and related to Kerberos) used when there is an Authentication Authority S that generates session keys for interaction between two interlocutors A and B. It is carried out when a Client A wants to communicate with a server B. It is assumed that the authentication server and A share a secret key K(A) and the authentication server and B share a secret key K(B). Usually these secret keys are computed from userid, password pairs. [This protocol could be adopted in a Napster like system to achieve security in the interaction between peers.]
    1. A sends to S the cleartext message
      	A + B
      to mean that A wants to interact with B.
    2. S generates a timestamp T, a duration L (Lifetime), and a session key K and sends to A the message:
      	E(T + L + K + B, K(A)) + E(T + L + K + A, K(B))
    3. Now A uses its key K(A) to obtain the session key K, plus T and L; it then sends to B the message
      	E(T + L + K + A, K(B)) + E(A + T, K)
    4. B uses K(B) to determine T, L, K and A. The E(A + T, K) part is necessary to authenticate that the message is really from A (only A can have obtained the session key K, as demonstrated by the A+T value) and not from somebody that eavesdropped the conversion between S and A and obtained the E(T + L + K + A, K(B)) part. For this reason the E(A+T,K) part is called an authenticator. Now also B has the session key K, plus T and L, and knows that it can interact with A. It does so by sending to A the message
      	E(T+1, K)
      to indicate that B is ready. This authenticates B to A since only B has the session key K, as demonstrated by T+1.

    Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Authentication

    Public key cryptography has as weakness the problem of distributing safely public keys. There are ideas going by the name of Zero-Knowledge proofs, that may go around this problem, especially for problems of authentication.

    Here is an example of what we mean by zero knowledge proof. Suppose that Peggy wants to prove to Victor that she knows a magical incantation (say abracadabra) for opening a door but does not want Victor to learn that incantation. That is Peggy wants to prove to Victor that she has some knowledge without Victor learning that knowledge. We can assume the following arrangement:

    	|            | Peggy        |
    	|   +--------+----------+   |
            |   |                   |   |
            | A |                   | B |
            |   +-------------------+   |
            |                           |
            +-----------   -------------+
    Victor does not know if Peggy is in the A or B corridor. Victor chooses at random a corridor X (either A or B) and says to Peggy to come out thru corridor X. If Peggy actually does come out thru corridor X the Victor can assume with 50% probability that Peggy knows the incantation. If this game is played 20 times and each time Peggy comes out from the correct corridor, then Victor is certain that Peggy knows the incantation with 1/1000000 probability of error. Notice that Victor has no no further knowledge about the incantation.
    The idea of zero-knowledge proofs, originally introduced by Goldwasser, Micali, and Rackoff, was applied to the problem of authentication by Fiat and Shamir using number theory.

    More About Digital Certificates, Certificate Authorities, and SSL

    As already indicated, a digital certificate is associated with an internet interlocutor to make secure its interactions with other interlocutors. At a minimum a digital certificate will include: In addition it may contain also the owner's address, e-mail address, phone, etc. The certificate is encoded by the issuing certificate authority using its private key so that the content of the certificate cannot be tampered with without detection. Here is how the certificate works. The sender requests the certificate of the recipient from the CA. This certificate is encrypted with the CA's secret key and contains the recipients's public key and additional information. The sender decodes the certificate with the public key of the CA and encodes the message with the retrieved public key of the receiver. The standard for Digital Certificates is X.509. The public keys of a number of certification authorities are built in our web browsers so that the browser can appropriately process certificates.
    A message M can be sent as follows:
    	M + DigitalSignatureOfM + DigitalCertificateOfSender
    and, if the certification authority is reliable, we are guaranteed authentication and non-tampering. Thus digital certificates can be used in place of passwords to identify principals. If in addition to authentication and integrity we want secrecy, it is easy to do since the DigitalCertificateOfReceiver contains the Public_key_Of_Receiver. Thus we send
      E(M+DigitalSignatureOfM, Public_key_Of_Receiver) +

    A Certificate Authority, in addition to issuing certificates, will be concerned with renewing (i.e. extend the duration), and revoking (i.e. terminating the validity) existing certificates. A Certificate Authority cannot appear as a single server to which all users make appeal. Instead, as in the case of DSN (Distributed Name Service) one needs a distributed structure of communicating certificate authorities. At present there are a number of competing certificate authority services and a server used in e-commerce will have to keep certificates for the certification services it trusts. Front ends to certificate authorities are often called Registration Authorities.

    SSL, the Secure Socket Layer, acts as an intermediate layer between the application protocol, say HTTP, and the transport protocol, say TCP. SSL has two subprotocols. One specifies the format of the messages exchanged. The other specifies the handshakes taking place between clients and servers. The protocol allows the selection of the cryptographic algorithm used. It always requires authentication of the server. Authentication of the client is optional. [Server authentication is almost always crucial - think of client having to give to server its own visa card number - and it is done using certificate. Client authentication is rarer - necessary, for instance, if client asks for bank balance; not necessary if client asks for today's weather. In the case that the client gives a credit card number, the application using SSL will have other methods to make sure that the client is who it claims to be.]

    In their SSL interactions interlocutors use digital signatures, digital certificates, and rely on certificate authorities. They use random numbers (nonces) to eliminate the possibility of hostile interlocutors remembering old interactions. Communications between client and server are encrypted. Public key cryptography is used only during session setup: the client, usually a browser, selects a secret symmetric session key, encrypts it with the public key of the server, and sends it to the server. Afterwards client and server communicate with the selected secret session key.
    SSL has been modified into an Internet standard, the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, as expressed in RFC 2246

    A standard for e-commerce secure transactions is SET. It makes for interesting reading, which, in the case of the business description, is also easy.
    The library openssl lets us use cryptographic tools at various levels, defining our own protocols, or relying on SSL.