Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) have been developed to cope with the high performance requirements of graphical and animation tasks. They have different architecture than Central Processing Units (CPUs), stressing floating point operations, fine grained concurrency, and high data rate memories (at the price of high latency). They have usually taken the form of co-processors of the CPU.

Recently it has been recognized that GPUs can carry out at high speed data parallel operations and more in general it has become possible to carry out General-Purpose computing on Graphic Processing Units (GPGPU or GP2). Usually GPUs are dedicated to graphic tasks like pixel shading, or a mixture of graphic and computing tasks, now have appeared GPUs that just do computing. In this discussion we will focus on the GPUs by NVIDIA and the C extension, Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) used to program them. Since there are over 100M NVIDIA cards in use, your computer may have one so that you can experiment with CUDA.

The following chart describes the processing of a CUDA program:


  1. In the CPU we first move data from the DRAM of the CPU (host memory) to the DRAM of the GPU (device memory). These operations are synchronous by default (i.e. the call does not return until the data has been fully transfered), but an asynchronous mode is possible.
  2. Then we send to the GPU commands that the GPU will execute. This operation is asynchronous: control returns as soon as the commands are delivered to the GPU.
  3. In the GPU we execute the commands that have been received
  4. In the CPU we retrieve the data computed by the GPU [from device memory to host memory]. Again this transfer is synchronous by default. The CPU needs to know that the commands have been completed before retrieving the results. This can be done with the call cudaThreadSynchronize or cutilCheckMsg. The former checks that all thread activity on device has ended, the latter checks if the device computation has resulted in errors.

A GPU ( a GPU is what we mean by "device", and a system might have multiple devices) will consist of a number, say 30, of multiprocessors (MP or SM, for Streaming Multiprocessor), each with a number, say 8, of cores or Streaming Processors (SP). Thus we have a total of say 240 SP. An SP has hardware to hold the state of 3 batches of threads (a batch is called a warp) each usually with 32 threads. The SM follows a Single Instruction Multiple Threads (SIMT) policy, i.e a single instruction is executed by all the threads in a Warp. The SM scheduler manages warps and will execute a SIMT instruction as soon as a warp is ready and resources are available. Thus we have 30 SM * 8 SP * 3 Warps * 32 threads = 23020 potentially ready threads of these of which up to 30 SM * 32 threads in warp = 960 could be executing in physical concurrency [but there are delays due to the memory]. If threads in a warp do not all execute the same instruction [perhaps because a conditional has a different result in different threads of the warp] then the warp will be partitioned and the partitions will be executed in turn i.e. at one time all the executing threads of a warp must be executing the same instruction. A warp contains threads with consecutive, increasing thread ID.
The reader accustomed to P-threads or any thread encountered when discussing concurrency in a traditional operating systems course will be amazed about the threads discussed in CUDA, which are extremely light weight. So light that we are told that the creation of 32 threads takes place in 1 clock cycle, that thread scheduling takes no clock cycles! Each core has the hardware as registers and local memory to preserve the status of each of its threads, that is why there is no overhead for context switching. By the way, the speed of these processors, so as to reduce the power consumption and heat, is kept at around 1.5Ghz.

A CUDA program consists of code that will be executed on the host and code that will be executed in the device(s). The device code is launched by the host and is organized as a grid which is a one or two dimensional array of Blocks which in turn are one, two, or three dimensional arrays of threads with at most 512 threads in total per block. A device can execute a single grid at a time. A block will be executed on a single SM, and an SM may hold multiple blocks executing concurrently if resources allow. Each thread executes a C function that is called a kernel. All the threads of a grid execute the same kernel. A kernel is just a plain C function, with the qualifier "__global__" and a few restrictions. Among them:

Variables that in a kernel are declared without qualifiers, the automatic variables, are allocated in device registers of which there are over a thousand per thread or, if they do not all fit there, in local memory, which is really allocated within the global memory. Variables declared with the "__shared__" qualifier are allocated in a memory shared between the threads of a block, they are not accessible from other blocks. This shared memory is coexistent with the block where the kernel is executing, thus is very fast. The amount of shared memory to be used by a kernel can be specified when the kernel is called. Shared memory is divided in 16 banks, each 1KB. Read requests to distinct banks by threads of a warp can be done simultaneously. The same for write requests. Thus it is important to have threads use at one time different banks. This is made easier by the fact that the banks do not consist of consecutive addresses, instead successive 4-byte words are in consecutive banks. If thread i reads word i in an array properly aligned and thread i+1 reads word i+1 the two reads are done at the same time, but if instead both thread i and thread i+1 read word i+1 then they will require two distinct read operations. [Here I have said that there are 16 banks but there are 32 threads in a warp, thus a read done by the 32 threads to all distinct banks will be done in two clocks, reading in each clock 16 banks]. Performance of memory is also strongly affected by the alignment of the data being accessed.
Variables with the "__global__" qualifier are allocated in the global DRAM memory of the GPU. This memory can be various GBs. It is visible to grids. This global device DRAM has very high data rate [102 GB/s, using a 512 bit wide interface. 512 bits = 64 bytes = 16 * 4 byte = the data we can read in a clock from the 16 banks] but with high latency [600 clocks - to see how large this is, a simple add is 4 clocks, i.e. one read costs like 150 adds]. The local and shared memories are instead with an access time of a few clocks. Storage in the global region must be explicitly allocated and deallocated [cudaMalloc() and cudaFree()]. Data must explicitly be moved between host (i.e. main) memory and device memory [memcopy()]. Memcopies are synchronous. Control returns to CPU once the copy is complete and the copy starts once all previous CUDA calls have completed. While access to device memory is with high data rate (we saw earlier that it is up to 102GB/s), transfers between host and device memory are slower, in theory 8GB/s, in practice 3GB/s.
There is also a small global memory for constants. Kernel variables with the qualifier "__constant__" are allocated in this area. And there is a small global memory memory, texture memory, intended for graphics, but also usable in computations.

Diagram of CUDA Memory hierarchy

Characteristics of CUDA memories

We have spent some time describing the architecture and performance of the GPU because it helps understand how CUDA is executed, and how to increase its performance. But the aim of CUDA is to reduce hardware dependency in parallel programming, less dependency on the specifics of the GPUs.

C functions can be declared with a qualifier:

The __host__ and __device__ qualifiers can be combined

Thread blocs within a grid execute independently. Any possible interleaving of blocks should be valid and is presumed to run to completion without pre-emption. Thread blocks are scheduled on SMs and executed as resources become available. More than one block may be assigned to an SM but a block may be assigned to only one SM.
Blocks have indices and threads within a block have indices. Indices are one dimensional, two dimensional, or three dimensional depending if blocks are 1, 2, or 3 dimensional. There are built-in variables: threadId [with fields threadid.x, threadid.y, threadid.z], blockId [with fields blockid.x, blockid.y], blockDim [specifies the dimensions of a block], gridDim [specifies dimensions of a grid].

When you have concurrency you have synchronization problems. The function void __syncthreads(); synchronizes all the threads in a thread-block. Once all threads in a block have reached this point, execution resumes normally. It is used to deal with race conflicts in use of shared memory. The execution of storage operations of a thread may be reordered by the processors. The call threadfence() can be used to make sure that all memory operations in a block that precede this call have completed before this call completes. There are atomic operations for variables in global memory (things like adds, etc., including CompareAndSwap). Semaphores or mutexes are not provided and are against the spirit of CUDA programming, though they can be user defined.
As we have seen cudaThreadSynchronize() is a barrier for threads within a device.

A host program could use multiple devices. Examples of calls used to this end are

     cudaGetDeviceCount( int* count ),
     cudaSetDevice( int device ),
     cudaGetDevice( int *current_device ),
     cudaGetDeviceProperties( cudaDeviceProp* prop, int device )
     cudaChooseDevice( int *device, cudaDeviceProp* prop ).
One CPU thread can control one GPU or multiple CPU threads can control that same GPU. Host calls to the devices are serialized.

At last, how does the host program call device program? with calls of the form

           foo<<<GridDim, BlockDim>>>(. . .)
where the funny notation specifies the dimensions of the grid and of the blocks [ a third optional parameter can be used to specify size of block shared memory]. If two successive calls to grids share some data, then they will be executed in sequence with implicit synchronization.
Grids are normally executed sequentially, though if sufficient resources are available, and data sharing is not a problem (or there is syncronization for it), they can execute concurrently.
Source files must be compiled with the CUDA compiler nvcc.

Here is a simple program used to sum two square arrays a and b into a third, c. That is c[i] is a[i] + b[i]. In a sequential program this would be done by something like

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {c[i] = a[i] + b[i];}
In CUDA the loop is unwound and each assignment done in a different thread since each will operate on different data.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

// Set grid size
 const int N = 1024;
 const int blocksize = 16;
 dim3 dimBlock( blocksize, blocksize );
 dim3 dimGrid( (N + dimBlock.x - 1)/dimBlock.x, (N + dimBlock.y - 1)/dimBlock.y );

 // compute kernel 
 void add_matrix( float* a, float *b, float *c, int N )
   int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
   int j = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; 
   int index = i + j*N;
   if ( i < N && j < N )
     c[index] = a[index] + b[index];

int main() {
  // CPU memory allocation
  const size_t size = N*N*sizeof(float);
  float *a = (float *)malloc(size);
  float *b = (float *)malloc(size);
  float *c = (float *)malloc(size);
  // initialize the a and b arrays
  for ( int i = 0; i < N*N; ++i ) {
     a[i] = 1.0f; b[i] = 3.5f; }
  // GPU memory allocation
  float *ad, *bd, *cd;
  cudaMalloc( (void**)&ad, size );
  cudaMalloc( (void**)&bd, size );
  cudaMalloc( (void**)&cd, size );
  // copy data to GPU
  cudaMemcpy( ad, a, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
  cudaMemcpy( bd, b, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
  // execute kernel
  add_matrix<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>( ad, bd, cd, N );
  // block until the device has completed
  // check if kernel execution generated an error
  cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
  if( cudaSuccess != err) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Cuda error: %s: %s.\n", msg, cudaGetErrorString( err) );
  // copy result back to CPU
  cudaMemcpy( c, cd, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );
  // verify the data returned to the host is correct
  int j, k;
  for (j = 0; j < numBlocks; j++) {
      for (k = 0; k < numThreadsPerBlock; k++) {
            assert(c[j * numThreadsPerBlock + k] = 4.5f);
  // clean up and return
  cudaFree( ad ); cudaFree( bd ); cudaFree( cd );
  free( a ); free( b ); free (c);
  return 0;

Then store in source file (say,
Compile with 