01: /**
02:    A list iterator allows access of a position in a linked list.    
03:    This interface contains a subset of the methods of the 
04:    standard java.util.ListIterator interface. The methods for
05:    backward traversal are not included.
06: */
07: public interface ListIterator
08: {  
09:    /**
10:       Moves the iterator past the next element.
11:       @return the traversed element
12:    */
13:    Object next();
15:    /**
16:       Tests if there is an element after the iterator 
17:       position.
18:       @return true if there is an element after the iterator 
19:       position
20:    */
21:    boolean hasNext();
23:    /**
24:       Adds an element before the iterator position
25:       and moves the iterator past the inserted element.
26:       @param element the element to add
27:    */
28:    void add(Object element);
30:    /**
31:       Removes the last traversed element. This method may
32:       only be called after a call to the next() method.
33:    */
34:    void remove();
36:    /**
37:       Sets the last traversed element to a different 
38:       value. 
39:       @param element the element to set
40:    */
41:    void set(Object element);
42: }