Lecture Set 6 – Simple Types, Math Functions, and Expressions


Required Reading – Chapter 7 (Sections 7.1 – 7.3)

          A lot of this is review, so the reading should go pretty quickly.

Study the examples shown in the text and in this document to test your understanding of the reading.



A.  Numeric Data Types


      There are two types of numeric data that can be represented in memory


      1.  Integer


a)     The corresponding C data type is "int"


b)     Integers can represent whole numbers that do NOT have a fractional component such as 1, -10, 35, 450, etc.


            c)   Integers variables should be used where the numeric value will not

                  have a fractional component such as in counting, etc.


      2.  Real


a)     The corresponding C data type is called floating point and can be designated

      as either “float” or "double"


            b)   Floats or doubles can represent numbers that have a fractional component

                   such as 1.01, 10.1654, -35.7, 450.333, etc.


            Note that the fractional component can be zero such as 3.0


            c)   Floating point (float or double) variables should be used wherever a numeric value can have a fractional component such as in mathematical operations involving division, etc.



B.   Physical representation of numeric data in memory

        (See also the document on the Binary Number System)


 1.  All data in a computer is represented as a series of zeros and ones (binary numbers).


              a) Each individual zero or one is called a "bit" and represents "on" (1) or "off" (0)


              b) This is a "binary" numbering system because each "number" or bit

                 can represent two (binary) states: 0 or 1


  c) In the "decimal" numbering system each "number" can represent ten (decimal) states: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9


              d)  8 "bits" or a series of 8 zeros and ones grouped together is called  a "byte"


              e) "Bytes" are used to represent the various data types in memory


            1) char is represented in 1 byte or 8 bits

            2) int is usually represented in 4 bytes or 32 bits

            3) double is usually represented in 8 bytes or 64 bits


The following table tells a large part of the story concerning the internal representation of data in the computer.  We will refer back to this table often during the remaining discussion in this Lecture Set.


                        Table of Special C Constants



C.  Logical representation of numeric data in memory


  1. Integer Format


a)   There is little in the C standard about the size of an integer (or of a short int or long int).  The standard does require the short ints be no bigger (in bits or bytes) than ints and that ints be no bigger than long ints.   Usually, 4 Bytes or 32 bits of memory are used for storing an int, although some C implementions may use as few as 2 bytes (16 bits) or as many as 8 bytes (64 bits). 


            b)   Represented directly as a binary number (32 bits)


            Binary Number Representation             Integer  Binary Arithmetic

            -----------------------------------------             ---------  ------------------------

            00000000000000000000000000000000             0

            00000000000000000000000100000001         257   2^0  + 2^8

            00000000000000000001100000100100       6180   2^2  + 2^5 + 2^11 + 2^12

            00000000000001000000000000000000   262144   2^18


            c)   The sign of a number (negative or positive) is determined by the "sign bit" which is either "on" (1) which means a negative number  or "off" (0) which means a positive number


            Binary Number Representation            Integer  Binary Arithmetic

            -----------------------------------------           ----------  ------------------------

            00000000000000000000000000000000             0

            10000000000000000000000100000001        -257   2^0  + 2^8

            00000000000000000001100000100100       6180   2^2  + 2^5 + 2^11 + 2^12

            10000000000001000000000000000000  -262144   2^18


                         the sign bit


Note that type int is only an approximate representation of what we know of (mathematically) as the set of integers.


Why is this?  Is there some sort of limit of the values of integers that we can store in the computer?


Let’s look at the Table we saw earlier.



  1. Float or double format


a.      There is little in the C standard about the size of float or double precision data other than type float cannot contain more bits or bytes than type double.   Usually, 4 Bytes or 32 bits of memory are used for storing a type float variable, while 32 or 64 bits are used to store type double data. 


b.      The representation is not as accurate as the representation of integers and representational error becomes a factor.


c.      Despite differences in the number of bits used to represent them, the floating point representations of type float and type double data  are very much the same.  For this reason, the next part of our discussion focuses on the 32 bit representation of floating point data. 


d.      Represented in two parts known as the mantissa (“fractional part” of sorts) and the characteristic (much like an exponent).


·        The mantissa is usually a binary fraction that is normalized – that is it has a value between

0.5 and  1.0 for positive numbers

          -      0.5 and -1.0 for negative numbers


       The mantissa represents the "fractional" portion of a floating point number.


       For example:  .1011012 = .67312510


·        The characteristic is an integer value representing a power that is raised to that the mantissa is multiplied by 2 to represent the real number.  The characteristic is always positive and is stored in excess notation (usually, with an 8-bit characteristic, we use excess 128 notation).


·        Thus a number with a base 2 (binary) floating point representation might look like this:


                                                real number = mantissa2 * (2 ^ exponent2)


·        The sign of a number (negative or positive) is determined by the "sign bit" which is either "on" (1) which means a negative number or "off" (0) which means a positive number


Example 1:


010001012   *   .110011 ...2 = 2133-128 x (1/2 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/64) 10

                                            = 32 x .67312510 = 21.5410


011111012   *  .110011 … 2 = 2125-128 x .79687510 = 2-3 x .79687510 = .0996 …10


         e.  Numerical inaccuracies


  -- Representational Error: Most real numbers cannot be represented accurately in computer memory as floating point (type float or double) binary numbers


Example 2: We already saw in class that the simple real value .10 (one thin dime) connect be accurately represented as a float or a double precision value due to representational error (see Example 1).


Example 3: The fraction 1/3 is a repeating fraction which means that the fractional portion repeats infinitely:


                                        1/3 = 0.333333333...repeats infinitely


1/3 is represented in memory to as many significant digits as can be held in a float or a double value but the number can never be accurately represented as the fraction 1/3 because the decimal fraction repeats infinitely.  Note that adding 1/3 together 3 times should be equal to 1 but because of representational error it may not be!  Certainly, if you added it to itself a few thousand times, the representational error would show up, much the same as it did when we added .10 to itself 10,000 times.


Because of representational error, you should be very careful when comparing float or double type data, as the results of calculations using these data are not as accurate as you might think. 



D. Run-time Errors


Run-time errors cause the program to fail or "crash."  Some examples of such run-time errors related to numeric data are shown next.


1. Arithmetic overflow – occurs when a number is too large to be represented in memory


2. Arithmetic underflow - occurs when a number is too small to be represented in memory


Programs often crashes when a numeric value can not be stored in memory.  Such errors are considered to be fatal run-time errors.   Division by zero can cause such as error.



E.  Conversion of Numeric Data


      1.  Numerical data types can be converted back and forth


--   int can be converted to double or float

--  double can be converted to float and vice versa (although double-to-float may cause some loss of accuracy)

--   double or float can be converted to int (but fractional values will be truncated)

--   int can be converted to char

--   char can be converted to int


      2.  Conversion can be implicit (automatic) or explicit (manual)


·        Implicit (automatic) conversion


                  Mixed expressions


§         Expressions that contain both integer and double values are called mixed expressions


§         In order to evaluate an expression all of the values MUST be of the same type


      The compiler will ensure that lower level data types are always promoted to higher level types (int converted to float or double, float to double, etc) 


                  Integer values can be converted to double values with no loss of information:


Viewed in external representation, such a conversion is equivalent to adding ".0" to the integer value to create the float or double value.  The original integer value is not changed, but a copy with the .0 added is made.


                     Integer Value     Double Value

                     -------------              ------------

                                10                   10.0

                             -1025           -1025.0

                                56                   56.0


                  Converting double or float values to ints usually results in the  loss of information.

The fractional part of the float or double value is truncated to create the integer value. The converted value may be different from the original as a result of this truncation.

                     Double Value        Integer Value         Lost Information?    Values Changed?

                     ------------------        -----------------          ----------------------      ---------------------

   10.1000    10                   0.1000          Yes

     56.0005  56                   0.0005          Yes

                          6.0000    6                   0.0000           No




                  1) 5 / 2


                     Both values are integers so NO conversion takes place,

                     the expression is evaluated and the result is an integer



                     5 / 2 is evaluated which is equal to 2


                     Remember that the result is also an integer so there is

                     NO fractional portion that can be represented!


                  2) 5.0 / 2


                     The value 5.0 is a double and the value 2 is an integer

                     so the expression is a "mixed expression", the value 2

                     is converted to the double value 2.0, the expression is

                     evaluated and the result is a double value:


                     5.0 / 2


                     2 is converted to 2.0


                     5.0 / 2.0 is evaluated which is equal to 2.5


                     Remember that the result is also a double so there IS

                     a fractional portion that can be represented!



·        Assignment statements


--   The expression on the right hand side of the '=' sign, is evaluated first and the resulting value is assigned to the variable on the left hand side of the '=' sign


--   As described for mixed expressions (above) The resulting value is automatically converted to the proper type before the assignment takes place






                  int x;

                  double y;


                  1) x = 5 / 2;


                     5 / 2 is evaluated which is equal to 2


                     No conversion is necessary since 2 is an integer value and

                     the variable x is an integer variable


                     2 is assigned to the variable x


                  2) x = 5.0 / 2;


                     5.0 / 2 is evaluated which is equal to 2.5


                     2.5 is converted to 2 since the variable x is an integer variable


                     2 is assigned to the variable x


                  3) x = 5.0 / 2.0;


                     5.0 / 2.0 is evaluated which is equal to 2.5


                     2.5 is converted to 2 since the variable x is an integer variable


                     2 is assigned to the variable x


                  4) y = 5.0 / 2.0;


                     5.0 / 2.0 is evaluated which is equal to 2.5


No conversion is necessary since 2.5 is a double value and the variable y is a double variable


                     2.5 is assigned to the variable y


                  5) y = 5.0 / 2;


                     5.0 / 2 is evaluated which is equal to 2.5


No conversion is necessary since 2.5 is a double value and the variable y is a double variable 2.5 is assigned to the variable y


                  6) y = 5 / 2;


                     5 / 2 is evaluated which is equal to 2


                     2 is converted to 2.0 since the variable y is a double



                     2.0 is assigned to the variable y


·        Explicit (manual) conversion


Values can be explicitly converted from one type to another by using "Type Casting" operators:


--    int can be converted to double or float

--   double can be converted to float and vice versa (although double-to-float may cause some loss of accuracy)

--   double or float can be converted to int (but fractional values will be truncated)

--   int can be converted to char

--   char can be converted to int


To use type casting operators we place the new type in parenthesis before the variable, value, function or expression


--  (int)    - convert the value to an integer value

--  (double) - convert the value to a double value

--  (char)   - convert the value to a char value


                   Explicit type casting supercedes any automatic type casting




               char w;

               int x;

               double y;


               a) y = (int) 5.0 / (int) 2.0;


                  5.0 is type cast as an integer and is converted to 5

                  2.0 is type cast as an integer and is converted to 2


                  5 / 2 is evaluated which is equal to 2


                  2 is converted to 2.0 since the variable y is a double



                  2.0 is assigned to the variable y


               b) y = (double) 5 / (double) 2;


                  5 is type cast as a double and is converted to 5.0

                  2 is type cast as a double and is converted to 2.0


                  5.0 / 2.0 is evaluated which is equal to 2.5


                  No conversion is necessary since 2.5 is a double value and

                  the variable y is a double variable


                  2.5 is assigned to the variable y


               c) x = (int) 'A';


                  'A' is type cast as an integer and is converted to the ASCII

                  code 65


                  No conversion is necessary since 65 is an integer value and

                  the variable x is an integer variable


                  65 is assigned to the variable x


               d) w = (char) 65;


                  65 is type cast as a character and is converted to the ASCII

                  character 'A'


                  No conversion is necessary since 'A' is a character value and

                  the variable w is a character variable


                  'A' is assigned to the variable w



F.   The Character Data Type


a.      Every character we use has a unique numeric value associated with it called an ASCII  (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) code.  The character collating sequence is the ordering of characters according to the codes number associated with the character.  Thus we see that:


A < B < C < … < Z        a < b < c <  …. < z     0 < 1 < 2 < … < 9


                        +  <  /  <  0 < A < a


                Code  Character      Code  Character      Code  Character      Code  Character

                 ------  -------------      -------  -------------      -------  -------------      -------  -------------

0        NUL         32     SPACE          64          @            96        `

1        SOH          33     !              65          A                  97        a

2        STX          34     "              66          B                  98        b

3        ETX          35     #              67          C                  99        c

4        EOT          36     $              68          D               100        d

5        ENQ          37     %              69          E               101        e

6        ACK          38     &              70          F               102        f

7        BEL          39     '              71          G               103        g

8        BS           40     (              72          H               104        h

9        TAB          41     )              73          I               105        i

10      LF           42     *              74          J               106        j

11        VT           43     +              75           K        107        k

12        FF           44      ,              76           L         108        l

13        CR           45      -              77           M         109        m

14        SO           46      .              78           N         110        n

15        SI           47      /              79           O         111        o

16        DLE          48      0              80           P         112        p

17        DC1          49      1              81           Q         113        q

18        DC2          50      2              82           R         114        r

19        DC3          51      3              83           S         115        s

20        DC4          52      4              84           T         116        t

21        NAK          53      5              85           U         117        u

22        SYN          54      6              86           V         118        v

23        ETB          55      7              87           W         119        w

24        CAN          56      8              88           X         120        x

25        EM           57      9              89           Y         121        y

26        SUB          58      :              90           Z         122        z

27        ESC          59      ;              91            [         123        {

28        FS           60      <              92            \         124        |

29        GS           61      =              93            ]         125        }

30        RS           62      >              94            ^         126        ~

31        US           63      ?              95            _         127        DEL


 b. The ASCII codes are ordered and can be compared to each other in the same  way that other numeric values can be compared to each other


         Character: '1' < '2' < '3' < '4'

         ASCII Code:  49 <  50 <  51 <  52


         Character: 'A' < 'B' < 'C' < 'D'

         ASCII Code:  65 <  66 <  67 <  68


         Character: 'a' < 'b' < 'c' < 'd'

         ASCII Code:  97 <  98 <  99 <  100


  c. The ordering of the ASCII codes from lowest to highest is called a collating sequence and allows character comparison for things like alphabetic ordering, etc.


3.   Logical representation of character data in memory


a.      1 Byte or 8 bits of memory required


b.      Represented directly as a binary number within the range of the ASCII codes from 0 to 127


         Binary Number        ASCII Code         Binary Arithmetic        Character

         --------------------         ----------------        ------------------------        -------------

         00000000                              0                  0                                        NUL

         00100000                            32                  2^5                                    SPACE

         01000100                            68                  2^6 + 2^2                          $



G. Enumerated Types


a.   An enumerated type allows you to associate a meaningful name with a constant numeric code called an enumeration constant.


b.   References to the meaningful name in the C code are translated by the

      compiler into references to the associated constant numeric code in

      much the same way that the pre-processor substitutes #define MACROs

      for their corresponding values before the program is compiled.


Example 1:


        enum day

{MONDAY   ,     // Automatic, assigned numeric code 0

            TUESDAY  ,     // Automatic, assigned numeric code 1

            WEDNESDAY,     // Automatic, assigned numeric code 2

            THURSDAY ,     // Automatic, assigned numeric code 3

            FRIDAY   ,     // Automatic, assigned numeric code 4

            SATURDAY ,     // Automatic, assigned numeric code 5

            SUNDAY         // Automatic, assigned numeric code 6



This definition of the enumerated type day simply enables us to associate the integers 0, 1, … , 6 with the names MONDAY, TUESDAY, … SUNDAY.


c.  Enumerated type declarations contain a list of unique meaningful names

     and, optionally, the associated constant numeric codes.


1)  The first meaningful name in the enumeration list is automatically

      assigned the constant numeric code 0, the next meaningful name is

      automatically assigned the constant numeric code 1, and so on unless

      explicit constant numeric codes are specified.


2)      If not all of the constant numeric codes are specified the unspecified constant numeric codes continue the progression from the last constant numeric code specified.


3)      The meaningful names in the enumeration list MUST be unique but the constant numeric codes do NOT have to be unique.


Example 2: Starting an enumerated list at a point other than 0

enum month

   {jan = 1, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep,

    oct = 10, nov, dec};


The identifiers (also called enumerators) jan … sep represent the integers 1 .. 9.  The identifiers oct, nov, dec represent 10, 11, and 12, respectively.  Note the explicit reference to the integer 10 in oct = 10 was not necessary here, but was done for illustration purposes.


Example 3:

enum hour

   {t1am = 1, t2am, t3am, t4am, t5am, t6am, t7am, t8am, t9am,

    t10am, t11am, t12pmnoon,

    t1pm = 1, t2pm, t3pm, t4pm, t5pm, t6pm, t7pm, t8pm, t9pm,

    t10pm, t11pm, t12ammid



The times t1am … t12pmnoon are associated with the integers 1 … 12 respectively. The times t1pm … t12ammid are also associated with these same integers.


           Example 4:


The fifth meaningful name in the enumeration list is manually assigned a constant numeric code of 7, the next meaningful name is automatically assigned the constant numeric code 8 since it is not specified, etc.


        enum day

           {MONDAY    ,    // Automatic, assigned numeric code 0

            TUESDAY   ,    // Automatic, assigned numeric code 1

            WEDNESDAY ,    // Automatic, assigned numeric code 2

            THURSDAY  ,    // Automatic, assigned numeric code 3

            FRIDAY = 7,    // Manual   , assigned numeric code 7

            SATURDAY  ,    // Automatic, assigned numeric code 8

            SUNDAY         // Automatic, assigned numeric code 9




Example 5:


All constant numeric codes specified -- The first meaningful name in the enumeration list is manually assigned a constant numeric code of 1, the next meaningful name is manually assigned the constant numeric code 3, etc.


        enum day

           {MONDAY    = 1 ,   // Manual, assigned numeric code 1 

            TUESDAY   = 3 ,   // Manual, assigned numeric code 3

            WEDNESDAY = 5 ,   //Manual, assigned numeric code 5

            THURSDAY  = 7 ,   // Manual, assigned numeric code 7

            FRIDAY    = 9 ,   // Manual, assigned numeric code 9

            SATURDAY  = 11,   // Manual, assigned numeric code 11

            SUNDAY    = 12    // Manual, assigned numeric code 12



d.  General form of the enum declaration


enum [tag] { list } [variables];


where tag            - optional enumerated type template name

            list            - comma ',' separated list of unique meaningful names

                               and, optionally, associated constant numeric codes

            variables - optional comma ',' separated list of enumerators


Example 6:


enum classId

   {freshman =1  ,  // Manual, assigned numeric code 1 

    sophomore    ,  // Automatic, assigned numeric code 2

    junior       ,  // Automatic, assigned numeric code 3

    senior       ,  // Automatic, assigned numeric code 4

    graduate = 6    // Manual, assigned numeric code 6



        classId myClass;


switch (myClass)


case freshman:

case sophomore:

case junior:

case senior:

         printf(“I am an undergraduate student.”);


   case graduate:

              printf(“I am a graduate student.”);



              printf(“Error in student code.”);





H. Predefined Functions in math.h


1. abs


·        Returns the absolute value of a number


·        int function expecting a single int argument




abs (-10) is equal to  10

abs ( 10) is equal to  10


-abs (-10) is equal to -10

-abs ( 10) is equal to -10


abs (-1.45) is equal to 1 (argument is treated as integer)


 2.  sqrt


·        Returns the square root of a number


·        double function expecting a single double argument




     sqrt (25.0) is equal to 5.0

     sqrt (16.0) is equal to 4.0


 3.  pow


·        Returns argument 1 raised to the power of argument 2


·        double function expecting two double arguments




       pow (3.0, 2.0) is equal to 9.0 (3.0 raised to the power of 2.0)

       pow (2.0, 3.0) is equal to 8.0 (2.0 raised to the power of 3.0)

       pow (x, y) is the value of x raised to the power of y


   4.  floor






     floor ( 4.5) is equal to  4.0

     floor (-4.5) is equal to -5.0 (Note that -5.0 is less than -4.5)


   5.  ceil


·        Double function expecting a single double argument





ceil ( 3.789) is equal to 4

ceil ( 2.123) is equal to 3

ceil (-1.345) is equal to -1 


   6.  sin






     sin (1.570795) is equal to 1

     sin (3.14159)  is equal to 0


   7.  cos






     cos (1.570795) is equal to  0

     cos (3.14159)  is equal to –1



   8.  tan






     tan (0) is equal to 0

     tan (1) is equal to 0.01745506



I. Compound Operators





1.   The addition, subtraction, multiplication and division compound operators are binary operators that require two operands:


                            operand1 operator operand2;            x += 3.0;      x /= 4.4;


If x is 5.8 initially, then its value after the execution of the above two statements would be 2.2.


These operators are simply a SHORTHAND for the computation


         operand1 = operand1 operator operand2;    x = x + 3.0;      x = x / 4.4;


                    Operator                                             Meaning

                     ---------       --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

+=              Add the current value of operand1 to the value of operand2,

                store the result back in operand1

 -=              Subtract the value of operand2 from the current value of

                operand1, store the result back in operand1

*=              Multiply the current value of operand1 by the value of

                operand2, store the result back in operand1

/=              Divide the current value of operand1 by the value of

                operand2, store the result back in operand1


2.   The increment (increase) by 1 and decrement (decrease) by 1 compound operators   are unary operators that require one operand


      operator operandi                      i++                 counter--

      operand operator;                      counter++


                   These operators are also SHORTHAND for computations such as


          i = i + 1;       counter = counter –1;



                       Operator                                            Meaning

                        ----------       ---------------------------------------------------------------------

++             Increment (increase) the current value of the operand by 1,

                        store the result back in the operand

 --             Decrement (decrease) the current value of the operand by 1,

                        store the result back in the operand


      The timing of the change in value using the ++ or -- compound operators IN FRONT OF versus IN BACK OF the operand can be significantly different!


·        If you use the ++ or -- compound operators IN BACK OF the operand then 1) the current value of the operand will be used where ever it appears FIRST, and then 2) the operand will be updated.


·        If you use the ++ or -- compound operators IN FRONT OF the operand then 1) the current value of the operand will be updated FIRST and 2) the updated value used as the value of the operand


Let i be equal to 5.  Then            


  k = 3 + --i;  // the value 7 will be stored in k

               // the value of i will be 4

  k = 3 + i--;  // the value 8 will be stored in k

               // the value of i will be 4


                   This information is summarized in the following table.


                        Expression                                              Meaning

                        -------------       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

++operand       Increment (increase) the current value of the operand by 1

                             FIRST and then use the updated value of the operand

operand++       Use the current value of the operand FIRST and then

                             increment (increase) the value of the operand by 1

--operand         Decrement (decrease) the current value of the operand by 1

                             FIRST and then use the updated value of the operand

operand--        Use the current value of the operand FIRST and then

                             decrement (decrease) the value of the operand by 1


If the operand is not USED as part of an expression then the placement of the ++ or – compound operators is NOT significant because the timing of the change in value is NOT significant.  


Note that ++ or -- compound operators appearing with operands that are part

of assignments, expressions, conditions, etc. are considered to be USED and the timing of the change in value may be VERY significant.


The use of ++ or -- compound operators in stand-alone assignments are NOT considered to be USED and the timing of the change in value is NOT significant.


3.  Equivalent "long-hand" and "short-hand" assignment statements


·        Add 1 to the value of the variable x


      a)  x = x + 1;  // Long-hand assignment statement                  

      b)  x += 1;     // Binary Compound Operator += assignment

                 //    statement


      c)  ++x;        // Unary Compound Operator ++ assignment

                 //    statement

      d)  x++;        // Unary Compound Operator ++ assignment

                 //    statement


·        Add 5 to the value of the variable x


       a)  x = x + 5;  // Long-hand assignment statement         

       b)  x += 5;     // Binary Compound Operator += assignment

                  //    statement


·        Subtract 1 from the value of the variable x


       a)  x = x - 1;  // Long-hand assignment statement                  

       b)  x -= 1;     // Binary Compound Operator -= assignment

                  //    statement

       c)  --x;        // Unary Compound Operator -- assignment

                  // statement

       d)  x--;        // Unary Compound Operator – assignment

                  // statement



·        Multiply the value of the variable x by 5


       a)  x = x * 5;  // Long-hand assignment statement      

       b)  x *= 5;               // Binary Compound Operator *= assignment

                  // statement