Assignment 5

Due date: Monday, December 11.
This assignment requires JAVA object oriented techniques. You will practice the following data structures: Sorting and CompareTo.

Problem description

For this assignment you will use your data from the previous assignment. You will sort the collection of hashtags collected by your softare.


  1. Implement the interface Compare.
  2. Provide two different implementations for CompareTo. For example, in one of them you sort the hastags ignoring upper case: #SECChampionship and #seccampionship will be identicall; while in another case you sort first by length and for two strings of the same length you use lexicographical ordering: #iubb will be ahead of #BrunoMars (because the former's length is smaller than the latter's length) and #BrunoBars will be ahead of #BrunoMars.
  3. Implement one of the quadratic sorting algorithms discussed in class.
  4. You have four settings: two sorting algorithms (Java-Sorting and Your Sorting) and 2 CompareTo implementations. Take the cross product. Run your impletation of the four settings on your dataset. Record the running times.
  5. Program input

  6. You need to have at least 1,000 hashtags. You can work in groups to create such a dataset. The Java implementation of the assignment is still an individual effort.
  7. Program output

  8. Provide an one-page brief report.
  9. The report must include: (1) mention the quadratic algorithm that you implemented, (2) a description of the two CompareTo methods, and (3) a table where you show the times of the 4 settings described above.
  10. Bonus points

  11. Use at least 10,000 hashtags.
  12. Implement another quadratic algorithm.
  13. Implement HeapSort.
  14. Update the report.