Oral Presentation Guidelines
This page the guidelines for your oral paper presentation.
- Each presentation covers one research paper.
- Each presentation is a powerpoint presentation.
- Duration: 15 mins + 5 min for questions.
Preparation Steps
- Choose the paper.
- Read your assigned paper carefully and consider reading it at least a couple of times.
- Check a few of the references.
- Contact the instructor ahead of time with questions about the content of your slides.
Typical Presentation Organization
- Identify the main ideas and structure your presentation around these ideas. Do not try to include everything.
- Have a clear statement of the problem being solved (1 slide).
- Have a clear motivation of the problem (why is it important to solve it, where it is applicable if successfully solved.) (1 slide).
- Give a clear context of the problem (e.g., is the problem new?, is the problem old, but unsolved?, is it part of a bigger problem?) (1 slide).
- Give a high-level view of the solution. (2 slides)
- Give key details about the solution/algorithm. (2 or 3 slides)
- Present the key experimental results. Do not show slide after slide after slide with graphs. (2 slides)
- Criticize the work, include the strong points as well as the weak points. Do NOT focus on the experiments, unless they are really innovative. We care about ideas, problems, solutions. For example, you can identify the assumptions (too weak or two strong) (2 slide).
- Give your opinion about the paper (e.g., did it inspire you do solve a different problem using the same or similar technigue? does the problem/solution change considerably if some of the assumptions are dropped/included?)(1 slide)
- Conclusions. (1 slide)
Grading scheme
- 10% clarity of problem description.
- 10% clarity of problem motivation.
- 10% clarity of problem context.
- 20% clarity of high-level points.
- 20% clarity of details.
- 10% identifying the key experimental evaluation.
- 10% constructive criticism of the paper; identifying new ideas/applications inspired by the paper.
- 10% Q&A (give concise answers).