Phase 6: Fun with the data: give interesting stats from data.
In this phase of the project, you will develop another user interface to your software. The interface can be either a Web interface or a desktop one. The interface will present some aggregated information obtained from your database. For example, you may show the distribution of papers in each conference by country or by affiliation. Or, the correlation between PC members' affiliation and the affiliation of the authors of the accepted papers (negative or positive). Be creative!
- Specify clearly your data aggregation/analysis task.
- Choose a graph plotting library (e.g., Google Chart at, JavaFX at or JFree at
- Make it convincing so as to prove that your charts are created and displayed on the fly.
- Integrate it with the rest of your software. For example, use menus or create another intro interface that allows the user to select between the interfaces in your software.
- Update your report and include: (i) the description of the chosen task and (ii) show screen shots proving that you implemented the interface.
Start early!