Phase 5: User Interface.

In this phase of the project, you will implement a simple user interface (UI). The interface can be either a Web interface or a desktop one. The interface needs to allow a user to query for the following data: Author, PC member, Affiliation, and Conference. The set of records returned for each query will be displayed in a tabular format. The columns of the table must have appropriate header names legible to ordinary users.

Requirements for the UI

  1. It has one input text field for user's query.
  2. Author, PC member, and Affiliation are exclusive. One way to implement it is using radio buttons.
  3. If Author is selected, the user needs to supply the full name or a part of the name of an author (use LIKE in your query). You need to return all the papers published by the authors having the name supplied by the user. Information to be displayed: paper name, year, conference name, and conference location.
  4. If Affiliation is selected, return all papers published by the authors from the Affiliation supplied by the user. Information to be displayed: paper name, paper's authors, year, conference name, and conference location.
  5. If PC member is selected, return all PC members having the name supplied by the user. Information to be displayed: name, affiliation, and conference name.
  6. Conference is implemented as a chekbox plus a dropdown list. If the checkbox is checked then the user must supply a conference. Else, all conferences in the database are considered for the user query. The Conference field is used in conjunction with Author, PC member,and Affiliation. For example, if Conference is checked and SIGMOD 2008 is selected then a query for Author returns the papers of the author in SIGMOD 2008 alone. If Conference is not checked, then a query for Author returns the papers of the author in all three (3) conferences in your database. You proceed similarly for PC member and Affiliation.


  1. Update your report showing screen shots proving that the 3 kinds of queries are successfully implemented.
Start early!