Phase 1: DBMS installation, DB schema creation and working dataset.


  1. Install a DBMS on your own computer. The preferred choice is MySQL.
  2. Create a database for the project, call it PubWorld.
  3. Add the needed tables along with the integrity constraints (e.g., a publication must have at list one author) to PubWorld.
  4. Select THREE (3) conference-year from Doodle (e.g., one possible selection is ICDE 2011, ICDE 2012, ICDE 2013). An email will be sent to you with the instructions. I suggest that you choose three different years from the same conference. It simplifies the scraping process as they tend to have the same HTMK formatting. The HTML data encryption is different across conferences.
  5. Choose a programming language that you feel most comfortable with. Java/JavaScript or Visual Studio are the most frequently used. Install and IDE on your computer, e.g., NetBeans for java.
  6. Get familiar with the database middleware: e.g., JDBC for Java and ADO.NET for VS.


  • Send in via Doodle your choice of datasets.
  • Create a brief report. The report will be updated after each phase and uploaded in blackboard. The report must be brief and contain:
    1. a screen capture that shows the DBMS running on your computer. Include in the figure the database PubWorld and its tables. Expand each table so that its fields are visible..
    2. the script you used to create the DB.
    Start early!