DBMS Comparative Study.

In this phase of the project you will compare two DBMSes.


  1. Install another DBMS besides the one you already used in the previous phases.
  2. Study 1: Repeat Phase 2, but with the following addition: as you download new publications create a list of new authors. You will need to do some parsing to extract author names. Draw an author from the list an repeat the steps in the previous phase. This can continue for a long time in general. You will stop when you will have in your database 100,000 records.
  3. You do these steps for 2 different DBMSes. You measure the amount of time it took each of them.
  4. Study 2: Start from scrath: empty the DBs or back thenm up. Add an index on the author name. Repeat Study 1. Report the times again..
  5. Study 3: Start from scratch. Add indexes of both author name and publication title. Report times.
  6. .
  7. Study 4: Start from scratch. No indexes in this study. Repeat Study 1, but do inserts in batches of 100 records. You need to read about batch inserts in JDBC. Report times.
  8. .
  9. Compare and explain the obtained times in each Study.
  10. Deliverables

    1. Update your report and include detail description of your Studies. Ideally you should have a summary table with all the times.
    Start early!
    Collaborate! Compare and discuss your approaches. The end product is expected to be an individual effort!