Phase 2: Create a Bibliographic Database.


  1. Design a relational database to collected data. Use any tool to design it, say Microsoft Visio.
  2. Generate the database in your DBMS. Recall PKs, FKs, and other constraints.
  3. Modify your crawler so that it inserts data into your database.


  • Give the schema of your database in a diagram (e.g., UML, ER). At this point of the project, there is no wrong schema. We will revisit it.
  • Give the CREATE TABLE statements for AUTHORS and PUBLICATIONS.
  • Give the following statisitcs about your data: number of authors, number of publications, min, max and avg h-index, the top-5 institutions by the number of authors, the top-5 institutions by the avg h-index.
  • Start early!
    Collaborate! Compare and discuss your approaches. The end product is expected to be an individual effort!