Assignment 2
- 10% penalty for each day late, up to three days.
- This is an individual homework; no groups allowed.
This assignment is meant to give you practice with foundations of database systems: Storage and Indexing, Disks and Files, Tree Indexing, and Hash Indexing.
Problem 1
- What is sequential flooding of the buffer pool?
- Give an example of sequential flooding of the buffer pool.
Problem 2
Solve Exercise 8.11, page 303 in our text book, Database Management Systems, 3rd edition, by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke,
Problem 3
Consider a disk with the following specifications: sector size = 1024, 4000 tracks per surface, 100 sectors per track, 10 double-side platters, average seek time of 10 msec, and the disk platters rotate 7,200 rpm (revolutions per minute).
- What is the capacity of a track in KBs (an KB = 1024 bytes)?
- What is the capacity of each platter surface?
- What is the capacity of the disk?
- How many cylinders does the disk have?
- What is the maximum rotational delay?
- If an entire track of data can be transfer per revolution, what is the transfer rate?
Problem 4
Consider a B+-tree of order 2 (i.e., d = 2 and max. keys=4). Insert the following keys in order:
- 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90. Show the obtained B+-tree. Call this tree R.
- Insert the following set of keys in order in R: 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95, 100. Call this tree R1.
What is the first key added that causes the B+-tree R to grow to height 3? Show the tree R1.
- Show the tree R after deleting the following keys in order: 70, 90, and 10